Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Haon Hafey

    Bounty  BotM: Convoy over Bestine IV

    Bestine IV, Hyperlane Compliment Ships/Cargo Fleet: Screamer Fast Assault Battle Cruiser (Droid Compliment, Barely Combat Ready) Haunting Moon (Combat Ready) 2x Dirk-class Patrol Frigates (Combat Ready) Type-K Assault Corvette (Bare Compliment, Cargo) Tsukkian Escort Corvettes 5x (Carrying...
  2. OOM-3 "Captain"

    Public  Conspicuous Cargo Captures Contempt!

    Charted Course: 1. Meet contact at Junkfort Junction. 2. Follow Triellus Trade Route to Centares. 3. Collect "Legal Cargo" as Cover; resupply fuel. 4. Follow Perlimian Trade Route to Lantilles. 5. Move Cargo to Furthest Unhabituated Planet in Lantilles System. 6. Meet Contact, Exchange Cargo...
  3. OOM-3 "Captain"

    LFG  Guards Needed for Convoy!

    I'm looking to put together an RP centered around OOM-3's ship transferring cargo from point A to point B. The RP would be open, but the initial joiners would be split between two sides: those protecting the cargo and those looking to steal/destroy it. If you are interested, then just respond...
  4. Kirki Alcademon

    LFG  A Convoy from the Wild Space- Seeking Trade RP???

    So, my character Kirki, a noble, is leading a merchant convoy from her home system to the galactic east, seeking to make trade deals or even partners. So, I was thinking, would any of you guys out there be down to see Kirki by your planet or system and have some Roleplay around resource...
  5. Jaa Kilian

    Public  A Most Benign Package

    Location: Conference Room, The Brawler, Orbit of Bonadan. Equipment: SE-14r Light Repeating Blaster, Plain Officers Fatigues, Wrist Comm Link, Level 4 Code Cylinders. Objective: Protection and Escort of Mysterious Package to Bandomeer. Once upon a time, the triangular form of a Star Destroyer...
  6. Jaa Kilian

    LFG  Hiring Bounty Hunters, Mercenaries, Assassins, Body Guards, and Shady Individuals!

    I'm putting together a little Roleplay that requires two teams of people: attacking team and defending team. The objective is simple, the defending team will be protecting a package aboard my character's ship while the attacking team are attempting to secure it. Anyone can join and the actual...
  7. M

    Public  A Profit Decline of 0.02%

    Axxila, often described as the Coruscant of the outer rim territories. As an ecumenopolis, it has vast wealth and population in equal amounts. Though much of the city is hidden beneath the surface, part in thanks to a hostile climate and an attempt to protect the wealthy industrial basin, it...
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