Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Ayden Cater

    Corellian Engineering & Corellian Arms

    Image by viperaviator Corellian Engineering, one of the oldest starship manufacturers in the galaxy, continues to make strides in aerospace and deep space designs. One can hardly find a planet in the galaxy that does not have at least one CEC product on it. And while CEC felt the effects of...
  2. Chloe Blake


    || Image credit || Corporation Name: Whyren's Distillery Headquarters: Talus Locations: Production: Talus and Tralus and Corellian System. Distribution: Anywhere Arceneau Trade Company distributes, BrightStar Entertainment, Boloball League. Operations: Expansive barley farmlands throughout...
  3. Verz Horak

    An Unlucky Encounter

    Corellia Core Worlds City Of Treyna Verz sat in a bar in the seedier part of town, which wasn't unusual for him. He was waiting for a contact about a bounty mission. While he was drinking, he looked at any and all possible exits, just to be safe. Sometimes contacts wound up being people with...
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