Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. DM Player-Slayer

    Private  [Ask] Corruption in Coruscant : Level 3126 Part II

    OOc: Please dm me and ask if you wish to join and I will coordinate your character in. LOCATION: TAGS: Jasper Kai'el Tella Voland Shan Pavond OOC: You must ask to join. There is no post-order. First come first serve. Compete with one another or work together. The choice is yours and...
  2. DM Player-Slayer

    LFG  Corruption in Coruscant Plots

    I have several plot scenarios I would like to run as an interactive narrator. I would like to gauge interest from players on a few plot ideas: Corruption in Coruscant Plots are as follows: : THE RIGGED SABACC TOURNAMENT : THE STOLEN RELIC / THAT BELONGS IN A MUSEUM : THE GANG WAR / WARRIORS...
  3. DM Player-Slayer

    Public  [Ask] Corruption in Coruscant : Level 3126

    OOc: Please dm me and ask if you wish to join and I will coordinate your character in. LOCATION: Coruscant: Level 3126 TAGS: Tella Voland Under the canvas of Coruscant's endless cityscape, nestled in the labyrinthine underbelly of steel and neon, was Level 3126 - a place where sunlight...
  4. Chaos_Cat

    LFG  Corruption in Coruscant

    I'm going to start a small adventure thread for Tella Voland and my plot involves some corruption in Coruscant. Anyone who may like to join please let me know.
  5. Alex StormWolf

    Private  Knightfall

    The days blurred together into a chaotic kaleidoscope for Alex. He had no idea how long he had been wandering in a dazed state, still fighting the effects of the poisonous bite received from a Sith spawn while on a mission to Osseriton. Then there was the confused recollection of waking up in...
  6. Hawk Hinata

    Private  Love and Corruption: Shadows of the Past

    The plough tilled the hard soil in long neat furrows that ran parallel across the field. Hawk wiped the sweat from his brow with the shirt he had tied around his waist; then he stretched the muscles of his back and poured the last of the water in his canteen over his head. The hot yellow sun had...
  7. Hawk Hinata

    Private  Love and Corruption - The Library of Ashur

    The Library of Ashur materialised in a quiet region of the Outer Rim. Upon a dark pedestal, the Archivist plunged blue hands into a dark mass of liquid before him and manipulated it until a dozen dark orbs floated in a representation of the solar system the octahedral vessel now occupied. The...
  8. Grand Shepherd Burtch

    Approved Tech  DI.101 Corruption Tubolaser (AKA cholesterol gun)

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: Create a naval artillery weapon that exploits absorption type defensive systems, such as Xythan Force Shields, Solar panels, and Molecular shields, etc. Image Source: (X) Canon Link: Molecular shields Solar panels Xythan Force Shields Permissions: For...
  9. Glar Ulchtar

    Approved Location  Ybraxos Financial Services Building

    The exterior of the building (farthest on the left). OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To provide a location for a possible future RP and expand on the Glolmark Corporation’s lore. Image Credit: (Exterior), (Lobby), (Hallway), (Clientele Information Room), (Droid Storage Room), (Security...
  10. Ryv

    Sword and Shadow: Genesis

    Genesis Galactic City, Coruscant Level 4001 Hurried steps carried a lone figure through the gridded streets of Galactic City. A thick coat hung around his bulky frame. Those who looked the passerby's way found it challenging to make out any details beyond estimating height and weight. He...
  11. Voices of The Deep

    Approved Species  The Emnity

    "If you truly hunger oh hunter mine, then cry havoc! And let slip the hounds of war~" OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To design a sithspawn species created from the bodies and souls of other sentient creatures ​Image Credit: [X] [X] [X] [X] [X] [X] [X] Canon: N/A Links: N/A...
  12. Kahlil Noble

    You'll Never Believe It.

    Who could he turn to? The Silver Jedi had become the very thing he had ran from. Those who used violence to force others into submission. Justified their actions with secrets and 'We know better than you.' How could he trust a council that wouldn't tell him everything and treat him like a child...
  13. Vora Kaar

    Approved Tech  Aubsidius

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: Create a Forcesaber for Auberon to use. Image Source: Crossguard Saber - Edited by [member="Aten Ramses"], Canon Link: ​Crossguard Lightsaber Forcesaber Tem Madog Xesh(Tau) Primary Source: N/A PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Auberon Affiliation...
  14. Rhaegar Nemesis Dib

    Mining a Treasure (Izak Verd)

    Lohema The mining town was one of the smaller establishments on Ryloth, but no less influencial for it's size. The city was built around the mines, both ryll and precious metals. The ring of fortification was created to protect what was theirs in the days preceding the Confederacy. And old...
  15. Coratanni Cartel

    Dead Trees [SJO vs The Cabal]

    Kashyyyk - Shadowlands Kara Thawne Ugh. This place is disgusting. The thought ran through her mind as she sat perched atop a small supply crate, half a dozen of Coratanni's Synthetic Enforcers working diligently around her. The Human Replica Droids were about as stiff as you could get, no...
  16. punchsmith

    Dev Bexel, PI

    Dev Bexel, PI Cloud City Private Eye ALIGNMENT Independent SPECIES Corellian NICKNAMES Dev, Jak, Bexel, Loser BUILD Medium FORCE SENSITIVE Nope STRENGTH ▌▌▌▌▌▌ DEXTERITY ▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌ CONSTITUTION ▌▌▌▌▌▌▌ INTELLIGENCE ▌▌▌▌▌▌▌ WISDOM ▌▌▌▌▌▌ CHARISMA ▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌ AGE 35 GENDER Male HAIR...
  17. Kinsey Starchaser

    Riding in Speeders with Boys

    [member="Sage Bane"] Somewhere in the back of Kinsey's 18-year old mind a warning bell was going off. Don't get into speeders with strange men. Don't get into strange speeders with men. Something like that. But there was something about this guarlara trainer that made his words seem as sweet...
  18. Dekkan Fray

    Twenty Years Ago [Interest Check]

    While the Mos Eisley Cantina may have been the undisputed lair of scum and villainy, it paled in comparison to the corruption of the Senate. WHEN: 816 ABY WHERE: Coruscant WHO: A Terrorist Cell and the Senate WHY: To expose the Evil Twenty years ago, the Senate of Coruscant (among various...
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