Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Madison Isle

    First Reply  Coruscanti In Fall

    I know what you're thinking. There are no trees on Coruscant silly. Ha. Well. You're wrong. There are plenty of trees on Coruscant. In fact, there are at least a dozen outside this hotel's window right now. And yes. They're all in fall colors. Red as a morning sunrise. Madison Isle sat alone...
  2. Tycho Vale

    First Reply  Umate Understanding

    Coruscant made him sick. Not in a literal sense, although there were definitely more unsavory elements on the planet than he cared to think about. It was a physical symptom of anxiety, his stomach flipping over and over like it was trying to generate electricity. For most of his life, Tycho had...
  3. Tycho Vale

    Private  Mecetti Money

    Tagging: Maldor Mecetti Politicians were a tricky sort. Tycho Vale found that to be doubly so when the politician in question was also a businessman. It seemed, however, that on Obulette, politics and business were inextricably intertwined. A nationalized economy seemed, to him, to be a...
  4. Anodyne Lyori

    Public  When in Coruscant...

    Nightclub, Uscru District, Coruscant - OPEN - Anodyne's induction as Ambassador of Jelucan had been chock-full of the stilted motions and procedures that came with any bureaucratic promotion. She'd seen it a hundred times back home, except on Jelucan she caught far more sideways glares and...
  5. Catronia Byrne

    Private  Snow day? On Coruscant?!

    Being part of the Service Corp rarely came with easy days. You were essentially on call round the clock to go anywhere and everywhere there were people in need. To that end Anthony Gray Sun was prepared at all times for his call to action. Though, there were those rare ones, those calls that...
  6. Fulcrum

    First Reply  Explosive Encounter

    Just another day. Of course, for Fulcrum, day meant night. In his experience, 3 AM was the optimal hour for getting things done-- chores, errands, legwork on his upcoming jobs, and more. Not that it really mattered in Coruscant's lower levels, far below the reach of the sunlight above. The...
  7. Amani Serys

    Private  Blissful Ignorance

    Coruscant Alicio Organa Energy at the Organa apartment was uncommonly still this evening. The holo was off, the jungle outside was just a distant hum behind the windows, and the kids were playing quietly. Only the occasional rummage of kitchen accoutrements disrupted an otherwise placid hour...
  8. Nathan Bloodscrawl

    Open Market  Atomic Decoratives

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Image Source: Canon Link: N/A Primary Source: N/A CORPORATION INFORMATION Corporation Name: Atomic Decoratives Headquarters: Coruscant Locations: Underworks Operations: Atomic...
  9. Aymeric Prendergast

    First Reply  Lump Sum

    LUMP SUM ~fit it all, fit it in the doldrums~ OUTFIT: x TAG: Open CORUSCANT SLUM, CORUSCANT, CORUSCA SECTOR, CORE WORLDS The acidic smell of rain pouring doen the lower levels of Coruscant never changes. The way the water splashes on the canopy, how the neon lights reflect on the...
  10. Maldor Mecetti

    Faction  Fortunate Son (Anyone at the Federal Assembly Building)

    Coruscant. Jewel of the Galaxy. And at the heart of that jewel? The Senate District. Here, the decisions which directed the entire Galactic Alliance were made. Here, the fate of the Galaxy was decided. And here, at long last, Maldor Mecetti had come to claim his rightful place as a...
  11. Zinder Tokarache

    Private  The Past Catches Up

    "] fa-play fa-pause Location: Coruscant, Military Bar Objective: Catch Up Equipment: Wearing Tags: Aiden Rennek He'd tried another message to Aiden, this time in bold letters asking him to come. A favored military bar, if only because they gave a discount when you flashed your credentials...
  12. Zinder Tokarache

    Private  When The Past Meets Present

    "] fa-play fa-pause Location: Coruscant, Military Complex Equipment: Sweat Pants, Tank Top Tags: Briana Sal-Soren Strands of dark hair covered face as he ran down the access road toward the base. The training hall not quite what he had wanted for thinking after sending the holomail through...
  13. T

    Private  Lightsaber Lost: A Coruscant Caper

    Shan Pavond In the dim-lit underworld of Coruscant, Trick moved stealthily through the neon-lit chaos. He eyed a young Mirialan Padawan, Shan, whose lightsaber hung from his belt like a glinting treasure. In a swift, near-silent move, Trick's vibro-knife sliced through the leather strap, and...
  14. Lossa Aureus

    Private  Power Cells and Sore Shoulders

    fa-play fa-pause Location: Coruscant, Training Facility - Blaster Range Equipment: Skinsuit, Rusty Green Jumpsuit, Left Bracer, Plastoid Shingaurds, Utility Boots, Mix and Match Harness, Left Ear Accessories: Bracelet, Echo Stone Weapons: Lossa's Lightsaber, Concealed Blaster, Modular Blaster...
  15. Niki Priddy

    Private  Learning to Live

    fa-play fa-pause Location: Coruscant, Hospital Ward Equipment: PGEM-FAAl, Tinfoil Hat Band, Absorbelt Accessories: Force Warning Pendant on Keyring, Dasmi's Pendant, Coal Nail Polish, Transition Prescription Glasses Augmentation: PGEM-SAP "Amber Eyes" Tags: Dominik Borra -A Time Prior- She...
  16. DM Player-Slayer

    Private  [Ask] Corruption in Coruscant : Level 3126 Part II

    OOc: Please dm me and ask if you wish to join and I will coordinate your character in. LOCATION: TAGS: Jasper Kai'el Tella Voland Shan Pavond OOC: You must ask to join. There is no post-order. First come first serve. Compete with one another or work together. The choice is yours and...
  17. Minerva Fhirdiad

    Private  What Is Honor?

    Coruscant, Jedi Temple Tag: Valery Noble Minerva Fhirdiad, fully clad in her armor, marched upon the wide path leading to the temple's entrance yards away. Each stride she made felt heavy yet Minerva pressed on. As a structure it was impressive she admitted, wondering how many times it had...
  18. Kassogtha Cthylla

    Private  The Ghost of Pages Past

    Loomi had been coming to Kass for lessons for quite some time without incident, until one day the Padawan arrived to find the library in shambles. Books had been knocked off the shelves and were left strewn about the floor. The pages were mostly intact, but in some cases every page had been...
  19. Plikh'ala'niu (Khalani)

    LFG  [Interest Check] hangout for GADF members on Coruscant maybe?

    Everyone from GADF is welcome, be it Army, Navy, or SIA!
  20. Rezaq Karr

    Public  People watching, bar room brawls, and other things to do on Coruscant...

    So this was Coruscant? Rezaq had seen overly urbanized planets before, and a part of him itched to investigate the lower levels to see what had been forgotten to time's touch in the eons since anyone went down below where sapients still decided to live....but he knew better. Even places like...
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