Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Darth Abyss

    Money is my Religion

    Nar Shaddaa As much as he disliked the fact, Abyss had to accept that the smuggler moon had become his home. It had nothing of the glory of the empire he once severed, nor had it anything in common with the way he had pictured his future. Still he wasn't one to fall for his pride, and not even...
  2. Darth Abyss

    A dose of Chaos (The Children of Korriban)

    Hello, So with everything that had happened around the silver jedi and korriban, I just couldn't resist to use this as an opportunity to make some noise and generate some chaos in silver jedi space (Well at least I hope I do lol). Feel free to jump in the thread and use the chaos that...
  3. Herr Vanderhing

    Approved Location  Valorum Asylum

    Name: Finis Valorum Institute for the criminally Insane A.K.A Valorum Asylum Image Source: Classification: Prison/ Psychiatric Hospital Location: Coruscant, near the Grand Medical Facility. There are...
  4. Riven Black

    The Crucible

    Region: Mid Rim Sector: Hutt Space System: Y'Toub System Moon: Nar Shaddaa Time: 14:55:36 Location: Duros Sector Night Time, Rain The rain was unrelenting, droplets of water slamming into the ground with a thundering clap. The puddles that began to form gave a home to the reflections of the...
  5. Aela Talith

    Days Gone By

    Eriadu Things were strange. Eriadu was much like how she had always imagined Coruscant as a child. Huge, expansive, a seemingly unending city that stretched for miles upon miles. The place was filled with billions of people, each living their own lives, each moving about in ignorance of what...
  6. Abelain Narv'uk

    Mercenaries, Smugglers, Criminals Needed!

    Good Greetings everyone, The One Sith are requesting the services of members of the criminal element for an up and coming Dominion upon the world of Bassadro. There are a variety of tasks necessary to complete, and that means that there are many roles that people might fill. All included...
  7. Alicia Drey

    Approved Location  Spice Mines of Kessel

    Spice Mines of Kessel OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create a location for future roleplay involving my character. Image Credit: [Link] Canon: [Link] Permissions: N/A. Links: Purple Rejects. SETTING INFORMATION Mine Name: Spice Mines of Kessel. Material: Spice. Location: Kessel...
  8. Anton Nadramie

    The Golden Harlet, The Raspy Raven

    Anton Nadramie was coming back from an expedition to look over a new set of mines he might be procuring. Nearby his personal slave Reverie followed. The green skinned Biituian was mostly human in shape, aside from green skin and bright orange-red hair. On her was draped a darker brown dress with...
  9. Dunames Lopez

    The Great Spice Run

    Spice, drugs, weapons, armor, other contraband such as slaves, held on some Outer Rim world... one might be wondering who is the target. The Hutt Cartel perhaps. Or some other entity. Evil vs. evil. I can supply transportation for smuggling from and to the target, providing cover for our...
  10. Eric Quill

    Approved Starship  Diablo Class Cruiser Affiliation: Hutt Cartel, Public Manufacturer: Quill Industries Model: Diablo-1 Class Cruiser, D.C.C. Modularity: N/A Production: Mass Produced Material: Durasteel, Quadanium Steel Classification: Heavy Cruiser Length: 650...
  11. Matthew Rei

    Epic Crime Drama

    So, I've made this new character based on the Daredevil Netflix series and I'm wondering if anyone of a shady criminal or law enforcement element would like to interact/fight/create backstory with my character in a gritty, urban setting. Any takers?
  12. Blitz

    The Poison Pawn

    Nar Shaddaa Red Light Sector The Galaxy was not what it used to be. In the grand scope of change, the affects of various events notable to nearly all sentient life had shaken the foundation of what most considered to be possible. Ripples would forever affect the collective life force of...
  13. Cadan Tazi

    The Jackals Are Recruiting (PM to join)

    Setting The cruel sun beat down, it's duel malevolent eyes unblinking, and the sky was it's co-conspirator with not even a wisp of cloud to soften the harsh rays. The fauna took shelter in the shadows of the rocks where the sand was not hot enough to roast them. Each step sunk into the searing...
  14. The Red of Sinner

    Interview With The Criminal Mind

    Jaster sat on a bench outside a coffee shop that was nearly deserted, and lit a cigarette. Taking a drag from the poisonous stick, he inhaled the smoke, filling his lungs up, then exhaled it with a buff of white smoke. He had landed himself on Tatooine, a desert planet of nasty ecosystem. Here...
  15. Blitz

    All in the Family

    Greetings. Blitz is looking for a few new additions to his little family. Spice, Credits, and Loyalty. You'll need to be intelligent, cunning, and carry a strong work ethic. You will be given a place in the family, answering to Big Brother Blitz. This is a sub-subsidiary of the...
  16. D

    Darrunga Kalsiljic

    Darrunga Kalsiljic NAME: Darrunga Kalsiljic FACTION: The Hutt Cartel RANK: [WIP] SPECIES: Hutt AGE: 407 GENDER: Hermaphrodite with masculine personality HEIGHT: 1.7 meters LENGTH: 3.8 meters WEIGHT: 1,325 kilograms EYES: Orange HAIR: None SKIN: Green backside and tan underbelly FORCE...
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