Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Aloy Vizsla

    Approved Tech  Red & Blue | Tan'yill's E-851 dueling particle pistols

    "Love Hurts" (Inscription atop the barrel) OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create the perfect life day gift for Tan'yill <3 Image Source: Here (With edits by yours truly) Canon Link: E-851 blaster pistol Permissions: Primary Source: E-851 blaster pistol PRODUCTION INFORMATION...
  2. Credius Nargath

    Approved Tech  Infinity Needle

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create a unique weapon for Ariela as per request Image Source: ´[X] Canon Link: [X] [X] [X] Permissions: N/A Primary Source: N/A PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Credius Nargath, Kredius, Nargath Holdings Affiliation: Ariela Model: N/A Modularity...
  3. Credius Nargath

    Approved Tech  ZMD-CX Romulus & Remus Superior Security Droids

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: Creating Image Source: Canon Link: - Primary Source: ZEUS Droid brain , ZMD-C1 Mercury PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Nargath Holdings Affiliation: Closed-Market Model: ZMD-CX Romulus and ZMD-CX Remus...
  4. Republic Engineering

    Approved Starship  The Wayward Spirit

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION [hr] Intent: To create a sweet, tricked out ride for Jared Starchaser and act as a test bed for future ORC starships. Image Source: Fantasy Flight Games | C-ROC Gozanti Cruiser Wookieepedia. Canon Link: C-ROC Gozanti Cruiser. Primary Source: Repurposed Canon...
  5. V

    Approved Planet  Helios Maximus

    Intent: To expand on the biggest planet in the Dohmus system, and further flesh out the system for roleplay and the lore of Chaos as a whole ​Image Credit: Link, Link, Link Canon: N/A Links: Dohmus System Planet Name: Helios Maximus Demonym: N/A Region: Outer Rim System Name: Dohmus System...
  6. Jay Ryko

    Speeder Contract

    Contract Offered By: Jay Ryko Type Of Contract Offered: 20,000 Type of Contract Desired: Workshop:Custom Order Contract Description: I am looking for an engineer to build me a custom speeder. I need this to be a marvel of engineering as far as it’s speed and acceleration. I want a speeder...
  7. J

    Approved Starship  Tal Ka'ra

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create a custom version of the Pau City Blockade Runner for Davin to use and call home Image Source: "QUBAG" by Chris Huf, found at https://www.artstati...m/artwork/Rrq5D Canon Link: None Primary Source: Pau City Blockade Runner PRODUCTION INFORMATION...
  8. Luther Lewis

    Approved Tech  Servus Delta

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: Create a unique droid for a player character. Image Source: Original artist: Pablo Olivera. Canon Link: N/A. Primary Source: N/A. PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Avery Designs. Affiliation: Varek Vao. Model...
  9. Saga Runfridh

    Approved Tech  Runeworks Aran Mk 1

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create a unique droid to serve as companion and back-up for Davin Skirata Image Source: Oscar Trejo Canon Link: KX series security droid Primary Source: Wookieepedia, all specific items linked under equipment PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Saga's...
  10. Quoron Cadera

    Approved Tech  orar kal (thunder blade)

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create a custom sword for Lisset Australis Image Source: (recolored by [member="Nibsani"] Taoase) (
  11. Quoron Cadera

    Approved Tech  Vorpan bev (Jade Fang)

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create a custom sword for Alkor Centaris Image Source: ( original (recolored by [member="Nibsani"] Australis ) Canon...
  12. John Locke

    Approved Tech  Fate's Dance

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create a personal combat outfit for Asaraa Vaashe Image Source: VGChartz Canon Link: N/A Restricted Missions: N/A Primary Source: Valkyrie System Duramesh Phrik Magnetic boots Mandalorian Melee Shield Retribution feedback shield...
  13. Bantha_chan


    Attesuus'geonin, displaying genetic anomalies such as dyschromia and hirutism. OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create an avian species capable of flight with their arms set apart from their wings. Image Credit: “Vigro” by Damon Hellandbrand, from...
  14. Quoron Cadera

    Approved Tech  Ciryc A'den (Cold Wraith)

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create a beskad for Vilas Munin Image Source: Canon Link: beskad Restricted Missions: N/A Primary Source: beskad PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Honorbound Armory Model: Ciryc...
  15. Quoron Cadera

    Approved Tech  Ge'tal-kad (crimson saber)

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To forge a custom sword for Kaden Mantis Image Source: Canon Link: N/A Restricted Missions: N/A Primary Source: Vibroblade...
  16. Quoron Cadera

    Honorbound Armory

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Image Source: N/A Canon Link: N/A Primary Source: N/A WORKSHOP INFORMATION Workshop Name: Honorbound armory Location: Mandalore Operations: Custom Beskar armor and Swords Tier: 2 DESCRIPTION A small smithing shop on Mandalore Honorbound armory is...
  17. Ingram Airsu

    Approved Tech  Master Eden's Lightsabers

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: Personal weapon for Master Eden Image Source: Click Here Canon Link: N/A Restricted Missions: N/A Primary Source: Double-bladed Lightsaber Jar'Kai (The technique that involves dual-wielding Lightsabers) PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Airsu "Eden"...
  18. Kael Rose

    Approved Tech  Gloria

    Out of Character Details: Image Source: The Unofficial DOOM Wiki Intent: To modify [member="Zark"]’s personal blaster to provide a more effective stun option Development Thread: N/A Product Information: Manufacturer: The Galactic Alliance, I’att Armament (Nationalized.), Rose Blasers and...
  19. Darren Torran

    Approved Tech  Darren Torran's Customised Armour

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To submit a customised set of First Order armour for my character, Darren Torran. Image Source: Canon Link: Restricted Missions: N/A Primary Source...
  20. Amun


    Name: Ialiv Region: Outer Rim System: Ialiv System Suns: Number: 1 Name: Purus Orbital Position: Second Planet Habitable Moons: Number: 1 Names: Reolea System Features: Two other planets: Kultorix, Fianus Two other moons: Iablov (belonging to Kultorix), and Jubra (belonging...
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