Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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damsy callat

  1. Damsy Callat

    Private  Light Through Yonder Window Breaks

    Just outside of the site of Tuanul, Jakku // I know I let you down and it's all that I've been thinking about I get I messed it up like I was far too close to see Now I know that this is all that really matters to me \\ // A'Runda \\ : || There are zero readings in a kilometer radius, || ...
  2. Damsy Callat

    Private  Crazy Way to Catch Up

    Mao's Place, Uscru Entertainment District, Level 2685, Coruscant // Mallory Bash \\ Damsy showed up to the nightclub she had found in a quick search of local holonet recommendations with a nice shiner developing around her right eye. At least it seemed to be deterring the catcall-y sort of...
  3. Damsy Callat

    Duel  Don't Mind If I Do

    [ cont. Annihilation duel ] Mawite Dig, Korriban // “Robes” + Dread Blade \\ // Lonnie Kai \\ Two words grounded Damsy like an anchor in quicksand. Her gaze gravitated towards their source, finding a hooded face first. She could just make Zabrak features out of the shadows. The her...
  4. Damsy Callat

    Private  When the Sithspawn Come Home

    'The Reef', Sector 943, Coruscant // Build high the walls, build strong the beams A new life is waiting but danger's no stranger here \\ // Worrarg | The Doppelganger \\ Left foot to a rend in the bulkhead. Right hand around that pipe, but not too high. It's jagged any further up. That wire's...
  5. Damsy Callat

    Private  Bird, Set Free

    Unnamed mountain range, Artorias Worrarg It hadn't been hard to convince the safe haveners to let her check out their little, local problem. Except, by all accounts, it wasn't little. The Monster of the Mountains was huge, or so they said; so much so that it was a wonder it could hide behind...
  6. Damsy Callat

    Private  Bury My Heart on Dantooine

    Deep forest, Dantooine Aradia Pavanos Void. …Ashla. She barely remembered to correct herself. Looking at a downed starfighter - X-wing or TIE or gunship, or, or - never lost its edge. There was something about falling out of the sky that could not not twist up your gut, even if you hadn't...
  7. Damsy Callat

    Private  Wrong Turn at Hastings

    Below surface, Rychel’s moon Ressa 'Keo' Quane Damsy had lost her grip on Tapas hours ago, even before beginning to wander the permafrost lunar landscape. She was wearing precious little in the grand scheme of things – things being the weather – having left her jacket, scarf, and gloves back...
  8. Damsy Callat

    Private  Tabula Rasa

    Jedi Temple > Archives, Coruscant Veino Garn Not many people really knew Damsy. Still, she had become rather recognizable around the Temple since being allowed to wander it; there was only one Black 'padawan' toting a long face and a water dragon. Many knew the aforementioned face, though not...
  9. Damsy Callat

    Private  Lost@Sea

    Level xXx, Near Coruscant Underworld Jax Thio Damsy looked awful these days. If she had been a normal humanoid - that is, one not also sithspawn - one might've thought she hadn't gotten to sleep for the past, say, 48+ hours. That Dagon Kaze 's circadian schedule, or near complete lack thereof...
  10. Damsy Callat

    Private  The Search

    Level ~1997, Coruscanti Underworld Hours after The Chemist Dagon Kaze Pitter patter. The case files she had asked for laid open, paged through, but now neglected on the coffee table. She instinctively sucked in her stomach across the way - the narrow carpet sea. The soft notes slipped in...
  11. Damsy Callat

    Private  Rime of the Ancient Mariner

    The rough roll of Kaminoan waves had never made Damsy queasy. She felt each swell in the pit of her stomach like she had just mortally wounded herself - which, perhaps she had. She was quick to bury her attention downwards again, into the bits and bobs of things strew about the workbench. Allya...
  12. Damsy Callat

    Private  Overdue Migration

    C A T H A R S I S Location: Somewhere in the Sistra Mountains, Yavin 8 Form: Humanoid { wearing } Tag: Synann Young Damsy hadn't felt such an instinctual pull since, well, probably since leaving Kamino. Specifically, the last time she hunted for herself, if she had to guess. The memories of...
  13. Damsy Callat

    Private  Breaking Bad // Going Good

    I N V E S T I G A T E Location: Somewhere on Dathomir Wearing: ~ x ~ Tag: Darth Misios Dathomir was a hop, skip, and a rickety hyperspace jump away from the Yavin system by stolen civilian freighter. Damsy was still astounded it hadn’t ripped apart in transit. She had been fully prepared to...
  14. Damsy Callat

    Private  Déjà Vu

    A N T I C I P A T I O N Location: L'enfer station, Illyrian space Wearing: ~ x ~ Tag: Adron Malvern "This is Damsy Callat Vi'dreya, Akaa'kalyr of the House Verd Ma'ramikad. To whomever this may reach first if not the Vicelord - Alor Verd, my father - pause this recording and pass it into him...
  15. Damsy Callat

    Private  A Matter of Perspective

    H A T R E D Location: Ruins of Carnuss Gorgull, Gamorr Equipment: Beskar'gam (wo. helmet) / electrotrident (w. one broken prong) Tag: Ala The aura was thick and palatable, like smoke clouding around a clan bonfire. It tasted like the first bite of fresh-killed fanteel, flesh not yet salted...
  16. Damsy Callat

    Private  To Flock Together

    B E A S T M I S T R E S S Tag: Acantha Malvern Wearing: - x - Location: Drake Den, Netra'yaim; Krant She had been feeding the tuk'ata when she heard those unmistakable echoes. Untombing Drake Den was no small feat. The boulder which blocked what was still half of a majestic door; now with a...
  17. Damsy Callat

    Private  Beowulf & Grendel

    G R E N D E L Location: Dagobah, Outer Rim Wearing: Rags Tags: Haastal Verd | Darth Metus "When I was a child I truly loved: Unthinking love as calm and deep As the North Sea. But I have lived, And now I do not sleep." ...Syyyyyyyyrennnnni. Keziah pattered through the halls of Netra'yaim's...
  18. Damsy Callat

    Private  Made Man

    R U M O R - C H A S I N G Location: Wild Space station bar Form: Humanoid Wearing: ~ x ~ Toting: Kaminoan dartgun + saberdarts + electrotrident + generic sub-machine blaster Tag: Talohn Atar Damsy's fingertips danced across the prongs of her trident, collapsed shaft hanging upside down on her...
  19. Damsy Callat

    Private  Busted Flush

    ALIAS - RISHA UPASI Location: Coruscant > Uscru District > Outlander Club Form: Humanoid Wearing: ~ x ~ Equipment: Kaminoan dartgun + saberdarts + every credit to her name Tag: Shaw Vynos The life of a rambling woman was breakless. And even still, Damsy tried to track them down. Ironically...
  20. Damsy Callat

    Private  One Way Ticket

    S T A R B O U N D Tag: Mallory Bash Wearing: This A Confederate Defense Force pilot wouldn’t do. No, she had put out a holo-ad for some freelance captain. Preferably, they’d be Confederate-friendly, but Damsy would even take blissful neutrality at this point. She just wanted to burn as much...
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