Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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darien cordel

  1. D

    Faction  What Is A Soul? (Pantheon of Zaathru)

    The featureless sand dunes seemed to stretch on endlessly in all directions, save one. In the southeast, two silver spires rose from the dust, surrounded by several smaller towers. The sunlight looked strange against their metallic surfaces, gleaming but not reflective, almost as if the light...
  2. Darien Cordel

    Private  So Uncivilised

    Late Morning Ruins Close to Mercuitie Zaathru Darien had drilled with his swords religiously since childhood. Father had insisted. One could never be too careful he would say. Recent events were proof enough of that. In just a few weeks his life had gone from stale and sedate to utter chaos...
  3. Darien Cordel

    Private  You'll be my King and I'll be your Castle

    The foot of the Grand Ziggurat of Mercuitie Mercuitie Zaathru They had been bouncing up and down through the desert for several hours, Threyn had slept most of the way ... at least Darien hoped he had. Darien had been singing lullabies to him softly and sporadically. The prince had been through...
  4. Ishani Dinn

    Private  Gates of Mercuitie

    Before the meeting... Rhiannon arrived at the city of Mercuitie around midday. Disguised as a female Shaal, she was accompanied by her Apsara, who were dressed as servants. The group attracted some attention, though not enough to warrant a second glance from the average onlooker. Most seemed to...
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