Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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dark side cult

  1. Darth Strosius

    Major Faction A Moonlit Sermon: Alisteri Article 02

    As the moons of Dromund Kaas reach their apex in the sky... A group of freed slaves and outcasts gather near the outskirts of Kaas City... Amidst the sounds of the city behind them and the swamps ahead, Alisteri stands at the head of this gathering and speaks... It was a surprisingly cool...
  2. Darth Strosius

    Approved Lore  The Order of Wonosa

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create a power base for my character and potentially allow for cult stories within the Sith Order. Image Credit: The symbol has been cobbled together by myself. Canon: N/A Permissions: N/A Links: Kotsûshatul Itsu , Sith Code , The Sangnir , A Moonlit...
  3. Darth Solipsis

    Approved Lore  Heathen Priesthood of the Hidden Maw

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To flesh out the Heathen Priesthood who rule over the Brotherhood of the Maw. Image Credit: Above image: Here, artwork on Steam by oneappleinbox inspired by Tyranny video game. Faction Symbol: Artwork edited by Maweth for faction based on Chaos symbol from...
  4. D

    Paramilitant Coalition for Galactic Stability

    Corporation Name: Paramilitant Coalition for Galactic Stability Headquarters: Rhelg Locations: Ryloth, Barab I Operations: Large Scale Aggressive Negotiations Non-Consensual Civilian Relocation Rationale: Darth Imperia, a (relatively) freshly Knighted member of the Sith Order, is not a...
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