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The Veinara Shroud
Unknown Galactic Position
The multiheaded figure of the Worm stood on the balcony of his palace; three meters tall while the double sun of the Ortuvessa System glinted off his many masks. His black cloak contrasted the much smaller crimson cloak of the...
The galaxy was an old place. Ancient. Everlasting, in the way Jared Starchaser saw it. The shift of power had continued as it always had, governments taken over, and lost, Force orders founded and lost to history. The galaxy had many beings in charge, many beings throwing their power around. He...
TAG: Narine Dearil
How was it that a planet with such rich history was still neutral?
Stepping out onto the volcanic landscape from the shuttle that had descended from the Fortuna that still hung in orbit, the Lady of Conquest breathed deeply.
"Glorious, isn't Samron?" she asked the...
Post Funeral Ceremony
En Route To Morellia
Attachment leads to jealousy.....
Not entirely....
But for those that could not handle it. Perhaps it was them that this rule was meant for. It had been long grueling few weeks past since the Jedi Master felt and learned of his Master's passing. The...
There was something about the rain that was freeing, lifting. The sound of raindrops on the concrete, the feeling of droplets of water running through your hair and down your face. A delicate hand lifted, palm held out as silvery eyes watched the drops splatter against her skin. Or at least...
How long had she been a prisoner to the darmanda? Least a few months, stardust had endured quite a bit of torture within those few months, her body ached and she had some new scars yet her lips remained shut and her spirit was still alive with that legendary fire it was known for. The...
Tags: Julius Sedaire
She had done things few ever dreamed. Allya had been the sword that helped to bring down an Empire. She had brought a Republic to its knees, all while protecting its people. As a teenager, she had even fought against a mighty union, and came out victorious in every battle...
Intent: To codify the Children of the Dark Lord
Image Credit: https://forums.khins...-trailer-5.html
Canon: Children of the Emperor
Links: Creation of the First Discovery of the Ancient Machinery
Organization Name: Children of the Dark Lord...
Intent: To provide a plot device weapon for Scherezade deWinter.
Image Source: Clickity
Canon Link: n/a
Primary Source: n/a
Manufacturer: Scherezade deWinter
Affiliation: Scherezade deWinter
Model: Not Applicable
Modularity: No
Bastion, Ravelin, Palace of the Dark Lord
Imperial Suite, Chambers of the Shadow Hand...
The Imperial Palace was a marvel to behold at first sight. A crowning achievement and a shining symbol of the glory of the New Sith Empire that stood over all of Bastion. It looked beautiful from a...
It hides in the darkness, eyes never resting, an slick smile crossing its face. it knows what makes you fear, it knows what your nightmares are. Pull your blankets up tight and don't ever peek, the darkness always there.
Old Coruscanti Childrens Tale.
Teenagers, always it had to be...
In darkness fear, in shadows nightmares, eternal in the ethereal mists of our tattered dreams i hide. Living nightmare, darkest night, sorrows grave given form. I crave of the terror of mortality, Ghast, ghoul, desiccated soul i stalked monsters and i found the greatest dwelling in my own soul.