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Pantheon of Vas'hal | Hall of Many
Amethyst waters lapped at the ivory steps that dipped into its depths and further where the swollen river hid the lower levels of the sacred structure.
The lost kingdom of the Infinite Darkness was on the precipice of ruin. While they had...
(( Social Information )):
NAME: Mira Alexandria Cavataio
ALIAS: Mira Hi’jia
NICKNAMES: Mistress Mira (by [member="La'Ca Cavataio"] )
TITLES: Optivus Res, Siren of the Void
SPECIES: Purified Force altered Near-Human (Dathomirian Human/Sith Pureblood)
SEXUALITY: Xenophile Pansexual
NAME: Saroya
FACTION: Unaligned/To be determined at a later date.
RANK: Death Witch (Former) | Prophet (Current)
SPECIES: Falleen
AGE: 37, although the species tends to live up to 250, so still a young adult by Fallen standards.
SEX: Female
HEIGHT: 1.9 m or 190 cm
WEIGHT: 69 kg
Dark Authority
Intent: Personal weapon for Furor
Image Source: Link
Canon Link: Crossguard Lightsaber, Lightsaber
Restricted Missions: If needed
Primary Source: N/A
Manufacturer: Unknown
Model: N/A
Affiliation: Furor
Modularity: Yes...
Intent: To expand on the lore of one of the moons of Nibelungen, as no description has been provided beyond the mention that they are inhabited and provide a world for the Shrouded Republic to inhabit
Image Credit: Planetmaker + Photoshop CS5
Canon: N/A
"The world's not a nice place, sometimes you got to fight...kill."
Name: Furor Dragoon
Nick-Name(s): N/A
Title(s): N/A
Age: 27
Rank: Padawan
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Faction: Sith Empire
Eye Color: Blue-Brown
Hair Color: Charcoal Black
Skin Color: Caucasian
Height: 5'10
Weight: 155 LBS...
I am mainly seeking someone to train this character in the Dark side, Mainly so then this character can wield more than a flame-thrower and some matches. I'd completely recommend for any Dark Side users who are interested in training this character to read the bio for him, as I 100% intend to...
Founded: 15th of August, 2017
Current Status: Minor Faction
Head of State: Lord of the Shroud [member="Kainan Wolfe"]
Faction Page: The Shrouded Republic
Description: Ession has fallen. The sun has set over the Dominion for the final time. But we endure. We remember. We live on.
From the fire...
"There will always be darkness to snuff out the light."
Basic Information:
Name: Jaredeth Darkmarsh
Gender: Male
Species: Valkyri/Unknown
Age: 26
Height: 6'3
Weight: 197
Hair Colour: Blonde
Eye Colour: Washed out blue
Skin Colour: Caucasian
Faction: N/A
Homeworld: Midvinter
Force Sensitive...
Birth Name: Vomi Sau
Faction: The First Order
Rank: Disciple of Ren
Species: Human
Age: Eighteen
Sex: Male
Height: 6'2"
Weight: 103kg
Eyes: Green
Hair: Black
Skin: Midtone Caucasian
Force Sensitive: Yes
+ Hardened; His father had trained...
There is a reckoning coming....
Look for the new campaign series tonight. Rogue Sith will face off against a target, which Jedi Faction will targeted for destruction first?
You'll find out.
The Rogue Sith will have one goal in mind.
Mass destruction and the end of Jedi lives.
Open to...
Taji is a painfully shy individual, and an introvert. He's Force Sensitive, and loves to work with machinery. Eventually I'd like him to become Neutral, or Lightsides but I'd also like him to taste the corruption of the Dark Side. This is why I am asking if anyone would like to be a Positive or...
| K L O N I N * I V * S A U D |
Name: Klonin Iv Saud | Valley Of Fire
Planet: Tython
Nexus Alignment: Dark
Nexus Effects:
(In tandem with the chosen alignment above, please describe the nature of the nexus and the effects it may render on local visitors or occupants.)
// Planet: Commenor
Location: Valley of the Storm
Time: 11:11:11
Weather: Heat Lightning, With Chance Of Rain | 32°F
Day | Night: Night //
The silent flash from the dark clouds above rendered Orion speechless. The display of white lightning ripping through the clouds was a sight to behold...
This is my second account on the server, my primary being Ronen Jerik.
I wish to find a Sith Master who can teach a dark, more emotional side of the sith, and get the most out of my already strange character.
Message or post if interested.
The Ashen Remnant
Dedicated to opposing the Ember of Vahl, and keeping out of the Sith empires, the Ashen Remnant is a small cult residing far in deep space. Deemed heretics by the Ember of Vahl for declaring the goddess as a mere saint and having many other saints that they pray to, the Ashen...
It was a cold night in Lessu as Zagara stepped back out onto the streets. The cold, but dry arid air of Ryloth blasted in her face once more - her red, leathery skin brushing it aside under the hood of her cloak. Behind her, another pub in ruins - another petty fight with...
Hello all,
I'm looking for someone to take in my character, Zagara Vao, as an apprentice. Summarily put, she's a Twi'lek with a rough upbringing. An unaware Force-Sensitive, raised by slavery to be brutal, frank, brooding and filled to the brim with disdain. She doesn't really have any sense of...