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Khar Delba
Castle Methushael
[member="Darth Carnifex"]
The concrete structure was all she had known. It was her world and she hadn’t even been allowed in the better part of it—only the medical wing for the most part. There was plenty of observation, plenty of tests and exams concerning her...
Location: Imperial Research Station Thanatos, Styx
Coordinates: 10, 0
Disquieting silence hung over the halls of the former Imperial Research Station, its halls haunted by memories and the remnants of those who had come at one time or another in search of Sith Secrets long scrubbed...
[[member="Darth Carnifex"]]
Slaver's Bazaar
The red lights inside the onion shaped lanterns flickered sending flashing and stuttering red reflections on the walls of Pythia's quarters. The lanterns rested on a low vanity table covered in sheets dyed in vivid colours. Ocean blues...
Having been with the Sith now for several months or a little more, Ra had found a spot within the assassins. While she had been in the Dominion, she was half of the leadership of Intelligence. Her half had dealt with assassinations, preventing them and other clandestine operations in addition to...
8 5 0 A B Y
The sound of wood striking against the floor signaled the aged form of one Tanomas Graf, cane in hand, striding comfortably into the Dark Lord's chambers accompanied by two Imperial sovereign protectors, both strong in their respective sides of the Force, who stopped...
Intent: To commemorate the binding of Irina and [member="Darth Carnifex"]'s souls and their entwined destinies.
Image Source: John Malcolm
Canon Link: N/A
Restricted Missions: N/A
Primary Source: (These provided inspiration for this submission as they contain...
Unnamed Swamp Temple
The Off-Worlders were foolish. They spent so much of their time on metal ships in the sky that they lost touch with the ground. They became numb to the heartbeat under their feet, deaf to the whisperings of nature, blind to the flow of the world around...
Hail to the King
Too long had the Sith lord sat idly by as the Sith clashed against their own, struggling to squirm in the mud while the true adversary grew and flourished in their absence. Internal conflicts were the ugly scars of Sith history, occurring even before the first Empire's...