Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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darth pellax

  1. Teresa Pelles | Darth Pellax

    Approved Starship  Ascent-class Star Destroyer, The Drepane

    Intent: To create a roleplay environment that has importance to Darth Pellax Image Source: The Drepane - CS art (My own art) Canon Link: N/A Permissions: First United Astral Engineering Aurora Industries Primary Source: Allegiance Class Star destroyer Manufacturer: Shipyards of Malsheem...
  2. Teresa Pelles | Darth Pellax

    Private  The End Of A Bloodline: Patricide | Part 2

    Days of preparation had gone into surveillance working out how long the mark was away from his ship. Komi and the other five kids stood across from the entrance. To their surprise the other day they found that the ex-jedi walked the receptionist at their hotel to work and even stayed there in...
  3. Teresa Pelles | Darth Pellax

    Private  The End Of A Bloodline | | Part 1

    The small shuttle streaked across an inky black background with red trails following behind. The kid felt nervous being her first assignment and was unsure those she’d selected to help would run at the first chance. It was hard to tell what actually made her the most anxious, the prospects of...
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