Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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darth voyance

  1. Darth Voyance

    1st Sith-Imperial Armada DreadFleet Omen [WIP]

    "Their Doom is nigh and we are its Omen" - Motto of the Dreadfleet Omen - THEME Operational Description Designation: Omen Type: Dreadfleet Abbreviation: DF1-O Branch: Sith-Imperial Armada Garrison HQ Base: N/A [Autonomous Free Fleet] Role: - Planetary Assault/Siege Warfare - World...
  2. Darth Voyance

    Please Delete

    Nevermind ... Re-organizing. Please delete thread.
  3. Darth Voyance

    Approved Starship  Soothsayer Heresiarch-Class Battlecruiser

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create a personal Meditation Sphere that can also be deployed into naval combat zones and provide maximum amplification of Darth Voyance’s (Pythia) Battle Meditation and Force Vision powers. Image Source: Click - EC Henry Canon Link: Canon Sith Meditation...
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