Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Darth Moskvin

    Character  Darth Moskvin (Revised - 2024)

    Darth Moskvin (Lady Death) Homeworld Dathomir Species Sangir Highblood : Epicanthix (Orginally) Age Unknown (19 At Transformation) Gender / Eye Color Female / Golden Hue Height / Weight / Hair Color 6'4" / 150 lbs. / Midnight Black w/ Weaved in Finger Bones Faction Dark Empire /...
  2. Naestra

    The Darkshard

    SPECIAL FEATURES Sentient: the weapon is possessed by the remnants of its creator’s spirit. Making it self aware and having a will of its own. STRENGTHS Immune to conventional means of destruction: this blade is alchemically enhanced, making it indestructible by normal means, requiring...
  3. D

    Character  Darth Crozius - WIP

    For I am the Wrath of the Unknown Name: Darth Crozius Rank: Sith Lord Affiliation: Sith WIP Story Arc One - Discovery Credit to Gerwald Lechner for the original template design
  4. The Amalgam

    Private  Death of Darth Phyre II

    OOC: Takes place after The Fall of Laertia Io but before that thread on the Sith yacht where The Parliament tried to kill The Worm Emperor in a fir of narcissistic mania. "But it should've been perfect. I mean, he had me, Nicky Santoro, his best friend watching his @#$. And he had Ginger, the...
  5. Darth Callidus

    Character  Darth Callidus | Inari Maze

    Name: Inari Maze Alias: Darth Callidus Age: Indeterminate Homeworld: Jutrand Allegiance: Sith Order | Indeterminate Inari was a child when the darkness came. Her parents worked for the holonet, so they were some of the first to take notice of the black out that spread across Jutrand and...
  6. Darth Nathrax

    Character  Takar Nezzikander aka Darth Nathrax

    Darth Nathrax "In the mouth of madness, down in the darkness!" Age: 35 Species: Nagai Gender: Male Height: 1.9 meters/6'2'' Weight: 86 kilos/190lbs Force Sensitive: yes, dark side PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION Nathrax is most notable for wearing a rather intimidating looking mask with his all black...
  7. Lina Ovmar

    Ready For Judge  The Ashes of Darth Strosius

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create a fun RP tool out of the ashes of Darth Strosius Image Source: Generated by MJ Canon Link: N/A Permissions: Granted by Darth Strosius Primary Source: N/A PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Lina Ovmar Affiliation: Lina Ovmar, Revna, Darth...
  8. Darth Ayra

    Approved Lore  The Sith Holocron of Darth Ayra the Afflicted

    The Sith Holocron of Darth Ayra the Afflicted OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To provide a mechanic in roleplaying to improve other people's characters and to facilitate an on-going storyline revolving the Rule of Two. Image Credit: [x] Canon: N/A. Permissions: N/A. Links: Darth Ayra...
  9. Darth Ayra

    The Sith Holocron of Darth Ayra the Afflicted

    The Sith Holocron of Darth Ayra the Afflicted SPECIAL FEATURES A repository of knowledge about the Dark side of the Force taught from the anecdotal experiences, beliefs and superstitions of the Dark Lord of the Sith: Darth Ayra the Afflicted. A lesson about the Rule of Two using the...
  10. Darth Howl

    Character  Darth Howl

    SIRIUS Age Teen Wolf Species Shistavanen Gender Male Homeworld Uvena Prime Force Sensitive Yes PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION <ANGRY WOLF NOISES> INVENTORY Lightsaber Gauntlets PERSONALITY AND BELIEFS Rip and tear. STRENGTHS Apex Predator Darkvision WEAKNESSES Fire Scary Sonic...
  11. Tales of the Diarchy

    Private  At the feet of the Master (Flashback) | Darth Reign & Darth Rellik

    Location: Taris The Manse of Lord Kakus, Sith lord in Exile. Tags: Darth Reign Darth Rellik The Sith Lord Darth Kakus, Sith in exile, awaited his children's arrival to the training rooms of the mansion. He had called them forth to impart a valuable lesson to his sons. The lesson for today...
  12. D

    Character  Darth Vako

    Darth Sapere Age 22 Species Human Gender Male Height 6’3” Weight 195lbs Force Sensitive Dark Side of the Force PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION Pale palor, chiseled jaw, bald head, toned muscles. INVENTORY Diarchy Acolyte Sith Robes Diarchy Leather Armor Diarchy Sith Apprentice Lightsaber...
  13. Her

    Private  The Priestesses' of Darth Ophidia

    The Priestesses' of Darth Ophidia Outer Rim Territories, Crait system. Tags: Hykátiis of Tsis'Raki "My mistress took on two apprentices. Surely she devised that the weaker one would be weeded out, perhaps by the other, leaving the more powerful to eventually supersede-- to betray her--...
  14. Darth Darknainous

    Character  The Rise of Darth Darknainous

    The Rise of Darth Darknainous In a galaxy steeped in conflict, where the balance of power shifted like the sands of Tatooine, there emerged a figure shrouded in darkness: Darth Darknainous. Once known as Kaelan Voss, a promising Jedi Knight, he succumbed to despair and hatred, forsaking the...
  15. Lady Nocturne

    Character  Darth Nocturne

    NAME: Darth Nocturne FACTION: The Diarchy RANK: Sith Lord SPECIES: Human AGE: 30 SEX: Female HEIGHT: 5’7” WEIGHT: 100 lbs EYES: Brown (yellow/red as a Sith) HAIR: Long dark brown hair, usually pulled into a braid SKIN: Tan Skin FORCE SENSITIVE: Yes...
  16. Darth Ayra

    Character  Darth Ayra the Afflicted

    Darth Ayra the Afflicted Biographical Information. Homeworld: Chandrila. Born: 822 ABY. Died: 851 ABY, Kalist VI. Descriptive Information. Species: Human. Gender: Female. Height: 5ft, 3in. Mass: 80 kilograms in armour. Hair colour: Brown and Dark. Eye colour: Grey, later yellow...
  17. CRS Dachuppity

    Character  Darth Rellik

    NAME: Diarch Rellik FACTION: The Diarchy RANK: Diarch SPECIES: Human AGE: 27 SEX: Male HEIGHT: 5'8 WEIGHT: 145lbs EYES: Light Sand yellow HAIR: Bald SKIN: Caucasian/White FORCE SENSITIVE: Yes STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES: Strengths: Master in form III Soresu. Melee...
  18. Diarch Reign

    Character  Diarch Reign

    Diarch Reign NAME: Diarch Reign FACTION: The Diarchy RANK: Sith Lord (Diarch) SPECIES: Human AGE: 30 SEX: Male HEIGHT: 6'1" WEIGHT: 210 lbs EYES: Green (yellow/red as a Sith) HAIR: Long dirty blonde hair often pulled in to a ponytail or bun SKIN: Fair...
  19. Darth Hemorpheus

    Character  Darth Hemorpheus

    Darth Hemorpheus Age 36 Species Human Gender Male Height 6’2” Weight 175lbs Force Sensitive Yes PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION Short Black Hair, Pale Skin, Hole through Esphogus, Needs Mask to breath. Originally he had to wear a major respirator and have a biomask on. Now he had a smaller...
  20. Darth Nexion

    Character  Darth Nexion

    Name: Darth Nexion Self proclaimed title: Nexion the Deathless Age: 48 Gender: Male Species: Human Force Sensitive: Yes Alignment: Dark Rank: Sith Lord Appearance: Nexion is a tall, lean, and ominous figure that stands at 6'2. He has medium length white hair which falls just past his...
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