Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Hawk Hinata

    Public  A Cold Day on Ilum

    Hawk and the world around him seemed to move in slow motion as computer consoles erupted into flames, couplings became uncoupled, and gases began to vent into the cockpit. The battle had been a trap and their force too small once the trap had been sprung. He didn't know how many had managed to...
  2. Tathra Khaeus

    Private  Just Another Day

    Location: Lego With: Kelmor | Axe | Gauntlet | Armour | The legoan's chest tore open as the Axe cleaved through it, the man tumbling through the clearing to the edge of the hillside. The wound oozed gallons of blood, spraying across the trees, coating their branches with blood as the legoan's...
  3. Tulan Kor

    Faction  Range Day

    BASTION RANGE 673 It was about fifty Stormtroopers in the bleachers, plus a few COMPNOR assets and others. Tulan was at the front, with a rarely seen invention- a dry-erase board. He was in his fatigues, sans armor, and his rifle across his chest. He wrote three letters on the board. M...
  4. Jen

    Approved Tech  Mind-Coil Syringe - Drug

    Mind Coil Image Source: Star Wars the old republic gameplay. Intent: A new drug to sell to the addicted masses around the galaxy. Development Thread(s): Jennifer arranges the contract with Doctor Zendu...
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