Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Taeli Raaf

    Approved Tech  AI-PD "Sylphi" Point Defense System

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create a next-generation point defense system for Aurora Industries to use and sell Image Source: Canon Link: N/A Permissions: N/A Primary Source: Librae Point Defense Laser PRODUCTION...
  2. Matthew Locke

    Approved Tech  UnLocke | Personal Defense Weapon - X

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To Create a Personal Defense SMG for UnLocke Distributions Image Source(s): Here, and Here Canon Link: N/A Permissions: N/A Primary Source: N/A PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer(s): UnLocke Distributions Affiliation: UnLocke Distributions Model...
  3. The Monster

    Approved Tech  Deimos Heavy Point Defense Rapid Fire Laser Cannon

    ..........FREEBIRDS.. INDUSTRIES.......... OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To resubmit an old factory sub to comply within Factory Template standards, with minor improvements Image Source(s): Gallery Canon Link: None Permissions: None Primary Source: Original Sub PRODUCTION...
  4. Yularen Nova

    Military: The Corellian Defense Force {U/C}

    Corellian Defense Force: Breakdown The Corellian Defense Force was the primary defense arm of the Corellian Confederation, a collection of star systems within the Corellian Sector. As one of the larger sectors within the Galactic Alliance and one of its founding members, the Confederation has...
  5. Domino

    Approved NPC  Scintilla Defense Force (SDF)

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: A defensive force for the Scintilla. Image Credit: The Expanse Role: A policing and defensive force. Permissions: None Links: The Scintilla GENERAL INFORMATION Unit Name: Scintilla Defense Force Affiliation: Agents of Chaos Classification: Infantry...
  6. Darth Carnifex

    Approved NPC  The Perlemian Trade Route Defense Flotilla

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: Create a defensive fleet for TSE Image Credit: Click - Wookieepedia Click - Embrace The Deception @ Tumblr Role: Defensive Fleet Links: N/A GENERAL INFORMATION Fleet Name: Perlemian Trade Route Defense Flotilla Classification: Defense Fleet Allegiance: The...
  7. Darth Carnifex

    Approved NPC  The Hydian Way Defense Flotilla

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: Create a defensive fleet for TSE Image Credit: Click - Wookieepedia Click - IntoTheGarabageChute@tumblr Role: Defensive Fleet Links: N/A GENERAL INFORMATION Fleet Name: Hydian Way Defense Flotilla Classification: Defense Fleet Allegiance: The Sith Empire...
  8. Tarishee


    Intent: [Beholding a secret base in storage on this purple planet made a perfect plan for an empire unnoticed, being in the unknown region it'd be far to reach and an atmosphere earth like.] ​Image Credit: Game art- Alex Byrnes. Canon: [N/A] Links: [Game Art]...
  9. Eugen Aker

    KP-3 "Boram" Anti-Kinetic System

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create an effective defense system against extreme ballistic systems. Image Source: Canon Link: Restricted Missions: Primary Source: PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Kiribian Systems Armory Model: KP-3 Boram Affiliation: Closed-Market Modularity...
  10. Eugen Aker

    Kiribian Systems Armory

    Corporation Name: Kiribian Systems Armory, KSA for short. Company Type: Publically Operated Corporation Headquarters: Kiribi (This is the Chaos entry) Locations: Has satellite facilities on Eshan. Deneba Operations: Weapons Systems (Small Arms, Armor, Munitions, Drones, Small...
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