Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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development thread

  1. Garza

    Space-Greeks Invention Convention

    Aboard the Kinta Satvas, A sharp clang of swords meeting one another was met with both Thalia and I bracing against one another. Testing her skills with the blade once more, I was teaching her to use a sword, rather than a lightsaber. Why? There were many differences between a sword, and a...
  2. M

    Fight or Flight

    "Corbin!" "Sir?" The pilot looked up from putting on his boots. He was getting outfitted for patrol duties for the day, just as he always did. One of the few non-bugs that lived on Surron now, there weren't a lot of people to do patrol work. Incidentally that meant he didn't get a lot of rest...
  3. knight_of_fire98

    {First Order} Broken Bones & Megaphones

    Location: Unidentified Research Center Music: Post: 1/30 In the depths of the research center stood a small old man. His skin was thin with age, betraying the strongly flowing purple veins that once hid safely beneath, invisible to the world. His...
  4. F

    First Order: A Mahanian Complex [Development]

    The Cosmic Balance Center of Healing Prosperia, Dosuun Chained still to her bed (figuratively) Admiral Fiolette Yvarro had gotten off holo with the former owner of Primo Victorian, Gralycia McBose. Questions lingered over an old contract for a battlecruiser, a contract that was shifted when...
  5. Evangeline Ovmar

    The God of War (First Order)

    It had taken a great deal of time and effort as well as a sizable chunk of the Research and Development budget, but it would all pay off today. At least, that's what Ovmar told herself as she quietly listened to the chatter going back and forth within the command deck she stood upon. She gazed...
  6. Gir Quee

    Combining the Digital with the Molecular

    Fairview, Hast Gir flicked the lightswitch on in the rearmost room of the basement, casting harsh white light across industrial benches and cabinets. The basement of Gir's villa had been outfitted with a workshop to allow the man to tinker with ideas and technologies on his own as a hobby...
  7. Clovis Torcularis

    Snug And Fit!

    I learned that to be a perfect wielder of the Force, one would need to seek some sort of balance in their lives. For me, it was crafting and constructing technological devices. My mask was one example, despite having some outside assistance. I like to pride myself on tinkering with objects...
  8. L

    Deep Space

    It was not often Draco made a trip to Rendili. In fact, he had only ever visited the world once, and then it was only to help the Wrath of the Dark Lord with a secretive mining project. Draco had never learned nor asked where the phrik ore had been sent, and he didn't rightly care. Taris was...
  9. L

    Space Mining

    In space, mining for minerals was a different process. Standard mining involved massive machines, excavators, processing lines, and of course miners and mining droids. In the depths of space, in a nebula, or in a gas giant, it was different. Not anything as straight forward as just applying the...
  10. Kira Vaal

    Point Zero

    The Millennium Falcon Demonsgate Kathol Sector //Start Script: Captain’s Log. Set day to one. That sounded official enough. For those of you not in the loop the Underground blew up last week. The catalyst was the world I’ve currently docked at. Demonsgate. A place that looks deeply...
  11. Kixi Rajki

    The Kinetic Hand

    It was just another day, another day and another battle. The war against the ferocious and unforgiving Xendaj. The Xendaj themselves were a large green reptilian type creature. Humanoid in shape, but were much stronger, and on average larger than the all human inhabitants of the worlds...
  12. Republic Engineering

    The Lioness and the Lamb

    Location: New Coral City - Firemane Industries and Technologies Headquarters System: Mon Calamari Local Time: 09:45 It all began with a dream. Astarii had spent many a night aboard her newly assigned Star Defender caught in the toxic embrace of her own mind. She was swallowed whole by the...
  13. Dominik Borra

    The Lucky find of Echol'ya [Star, Gray]

    Echol'ya, out of the way of anybody's territory, had just what Dominik needed. Besker. Small deposits, but it was needed. He needed the metal if he was going to go on with his agenda. He didn't know what it looked like while in cave walls or... where it even showed up. So he brought...
  14. Clovis Torcularis

    Digging In Bespin

    With my new mask completed and firmly attached to my beautiful face, it was time to spread my wings and begin working on my outfit; and eventually my lightsaber. But first it was time to fashion some unique clothing. My current state of wears were obsolete, or how I like to put it, makes me a...
  15. T

    What A Piece Of Ship! [Minacious-class Development Thread]

    OOC: Dosuun's ship construction industry had grown considerably ever since the First Order had revolutionized the planet into a perfect capital world that would serve them well as they expanded their conquest further throughout Wild Space, liberating many systems from the Resistance and...
  16. Clovis Torcularis

    "And One Ring To Rule Them All"

    It doesn't take much convincing when it comes to shiny trinkets or objects of value. Just a minor mention of such a thing and my mind begins to flood itself with the theory that I should be the sole owner of it. Which had happened when I overheard the mention of some ring that could be found on...
  17. Grudge The Grutt

    Mutant Works: The Leviathan

    Grudge The Grutt spent days running over his newly acquired samples of DNA and tissue after his meeting with [member="Ghorua the Shark"] met its end. It was fascinating, the enhanced herglic perhaps paving the way for Grudge's future experiment. Grudge wished for something aquatic this time...
  18. Sanya Val Lerium

    Girls making guns

    [member="Isis Varida"] The arms section of the company is still relatively new. The R and D people had been working under instruction to develop a new quad mounted rail gun system to work on star fighters and ground vehicle's. While they are yet to be fully tested Sanya had scheduled a field...
  19. G

    A long time ago in this galaxy... [General Terrus/Count Morcus/Aramus]

    Our story begins twenty years before the Battle of Yavin and nine hundred and eighty after the Ruusan Reformation during one of the most deviously planned conflicts in the galaxy, the Clone Wars. The war had been raging on for over two years with the third year being as brutal as the previous...
  20. cheshire_kitty

    Claiming Cortosis (Duro)

    Location: Duro, outside a mine. Cortosis, a highly sought after material was plentiful on Duro, just below the southern boarders of the One Sith's territory. It was material Konrad intended to claim for the One Sith military for its anti-lightsaber properties. The military mostly consisted of...
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