Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Dolor Cordis

    Approved Tech  Devil Queen's Captain Helmet

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: A high tech based helmet to bring both functionality and intimidation. Image Source: HD WallpaperFlare Canon Link: Armor Permissions: Dolor Cordis Primary Source: Medium Armor PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Dolor Cordis made after being given her...
  2. Halketh

    Private  Speak of the Devil

    R A R I T Y THE LORD OF ICE HIS KEEP, NORTH OF ASOPORT, CARLAC -15 STANDARD DEGREES SNOWING Just after 13:00 local time... There was something to be said for the brave souls willing to stake it out on the icy world for the sake of progress and opportunity. Carlac had transformed from a...
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