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Genuine question, but as the founder of Chaos I do obviously and honestly got plenty of biases and ulterior motives for bringing it up, you will go crazy trying to figure them all out so just focus on the subject at hand.
Are they?
Or do you prefer the gambling machine that is an entity like...
I've got the vibe back for Iris. After a while of trying to write her and struggling to find where I wanted to take her story and attempting some one off things and changing subtle pieces here and there, I've got a pretty good basis of the story I want to tell with her. A Jedi stained by war and...
Tag: Rann Thress
Wearing: xXx
Location: Castle Vureshakkairn
Lifetimes flickered like the sun in autumn leaves; they were beautiful to watch but all too brief. Through each of them, she had remained eternal; that was the only way to describe her. Since the moment the Nightsister had emerged...
Hello there wonderful people!
Do YOU like attention?
Do you, by any chance. Like:
Being hunted down by a bounty hunter with only wits and no high-end gear to help her catch you?
Hunting alongside said bounty hunter, who has questionable mental stability.
Meeting broken people (guess who) at a...
So this was Coruscant? Rezaq had seen overly urbanized planets before, and a part of him itched to investigate the lower levels to see what had been forgotten to time's touch in the eons since anyone went down below where sapients still decided to live....but he knew better. Even places like...
Well this was probably the biggest run for Neebray Lines to date. There were some fifteen ships in the convoy, including Peko-peko, Cloud Breaker, Mynock, and Dewback. Of course it couldn't all be simple though. This was a run from Coruscant to Epic, and of course plenty of folks wanted some...
Coruscant - Black Jack Gym
Objective: Work out
Tag: Caden Evesa
The blood was already pulsing in her ear where the guy had hit her. Despite the protective headgear, boxing wasn't for the delicate. That suited Hotch fine of course. It was hard to be a flowery princess and be a cop. The guys...
Location: Coruscant. Club District
A man was running down the dark alley, gasping for breath. He took a quick right and stopped, panting and clutching his knees.
Behind him the sounds of the busy street drifted in the neon lit night air. He couldn’t hear any footsteps. Maybe they weren’t...
I’ve been in and out of rps for a bit, but I’m looking for someone that’s down to help play out this storyline with Amanda here. Just hit me up and we can work stuff out.
"Cross blades with your enemy and may the best champion prosper!"
Alright so after some discussion with other Sith a handful of us decided it would be fun to antagonize some civilians and provoke the wrath of Jedi Enforcers or general do-gooders. Padawans, Knights...
Looking to dive headfirst into some roleplay. Gatz is a former Jedi Youngling turned smuggler who spends most of his time ferrying spice from Nar Shaddaa into more civilized parts of the galaxy. He's no stranger to seedy jobs, and risking his neck for profit. He does, however, draw the line at...
Coruscant, early morning. He heard some bantha bacon sizzling from the kitchen and pushed himself up. The lower city, ironically, had some apartments and homes that were hidden gems because of how rarely people went down there. At least not those of...high standing. Sometimes there were those...
Hello. My name is [insert writer's name here].
As you can see I write this kindly Jedi Master, Ala Quin. I am going to be writing her on a longish running story set on a single planet. This planet will be subbed eventually, as will the inhabitants, locales, anomalies, flora, and fauna as time...
These are always some of my favorite threads to post up, mostly because there's always things I don't think about or see when I write my characters that can be changed to help make em better. And I like making my characters better. This time though it's gonna be specifically about Iris here. 2k...
It's a simple offer and I hope someone considers it. He's an Alpha-Class, so a bit colder than most other clones, a military man through and through. Really I'm just looking for people to pull him out of stasis, he'd be loyal to pretty much anyone, as long as he respects them. A bit warmer to...
Location: Coruscant
Outfit: Padawan Garb
Equipment: Lightsaber
Tags: Daisy Masudo
The rising sun creeping over the horizon woke Dreidi from her light slumber. The Padawan had been staying on Coruscant for a bit now, checking out the temple, meeting and connecting with other Jedi around but she...
Location: Chandrilia
"Boy!" Kaul's Dad pushed opened Kaul's door seeing his son's eyes glued to the Holocomputer. His feet up on his desk with chips spread across it, in front of the screen was the latest episode of Taffy the Astromech Droid. Kaul managed to pirate the entire season early, it...
Intent: To create an original fighting style unique to Caltin Vanagor and those to whom wished to learn.
Image Credit: [ Provide credit to the original artist of the images in your submission. Link to the web page where it can be found and state the name of the...