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Broke Down Mountain
Location: Belkadon, Rakata Mountain
Tags: Millia Korraay
Mi'la grimaced as she felt the strain of gravity on her arms, attempting in vain to pull her down. She didn't give though, merely hanging onto the cliff face, as she took in several breaths, finding her flow in the...
Greetings! Lately I’ve had an itch for a story I’m looking to tell! I’ve always wanted to do a Purge style story. Meaning Kyrel here is always wanting to hunt down Jedi, hell anyone that is bad news to the Maw. Could be Imperial Knights anybody. What I’m looking for is facing off against a group...
Current outfit
Hilal had never been on Coruscant before.
She had never stepped foot into the Core Worlds having lived most of her life in the Outer Rim. Hilal had to admit it was a bit intimidating going to the capital of not only the Galactic Alliance, but the stinking Jedi as well. When...
I'm looking for a few threads to flesh out the weeks Arcturus lost partying his way down the Corellian Run. He will not be in his usual state of mind, this won't be Sith oriented roleplay, etc, though I suppose a couple of action packed moments could make it in. Mostly slice of life type things...
Location: Bastion | En-route to M'Bardi
Valery: Appearance
Outfit: Factory Link
Lightsabers: Link!
Tag: Kahlil Zambrano Rhemti Totriddiam
Valery stood in front of the projector on-board the Bastion, ready to start her briefing for the mission that her fiancé asked her to join. She knew Kahlil...
Hello! I'm a new person! IKR?
In case you're wondering, heard about the site from my brother who played at one point.
But enough about him, time for ME!
Been a long-time Star Wars fan since my uncle showed me the first movie when I was 6. My favorite movie out of all is probably Return of the...
On an unknown desert world, far away from the rest of the galaxy, far too unimportant to be listed on any galactic maps, a man stumbles away from the flaming wreckage of a cargo vessel. With a heaving breath, he stumbles to his feet, shielding his face from the heat carried by the hot winds with...
Link for the lazy:
This is not retroactive, disciplinary action will not be taken on anyone who recently logged into each one of their 17 subaccounts to love react a blog post. However, sir, you know who you are and you sit on a throne of LIES.
Gwyneira finished dressing, looking herself over in the mirror. Her dress was both gothic and gorgeous, and she had washed out the pink and red dyes in her hair, instead adding smaller streaks of crimson red. She was wearing eyeliner and black eye shadow, which further stood out against her pale...
In the newest stance for the aesthetic of SWRP: Chaos, I have decided to take a look into the [div] bb code that re-engineered how we can help design our posts here on the forum. While initially a wonderful design choice, it has become increasingly apparent that some people are abusing the codes...
I got a new puppy! Hades is the name. Which means I gotta focus on training him and such. I haven't been the most active as of late, but given the attention the puppy and the kiddo will need I'll be far more distracted. Just a heads up to those I'm currently threading with n' such!
//Coruscant Underworld
//Level 996
He had dreamed of falling again.
His screaming plummet ended with a sudden, uncomfortable jolt. Arken, blinking blearily, peeled his cheek free of its resting place and peered up. The Ithorian whose bony shoulder he’d been drooling on looked back at him...
Gal'Zhoren despised waiting.
In fact, Truthfully, he despised it almost as much as the pathetic weaklings he'd spent most of his life purging from existence. But, wait he must.
It had only been a few minutes or so since he had returned with the major and his team following the succesful...
My Minor Faction is a raider-based entity, which seeks targets for easy gain. It is ordinary to see a Raider Fleet hitting a planet to claim their resources and potentially slaves, either by ultimatum ransom, or by actual raid. So, I was thinking.. What if such MF clashes on a planet against...
The rain poured heavily unto the Graywall.
Cedric stood motionless amidst the torrent, stripped down to his pants and left to his own devices now that the day was drawing to a close. Bogan's Lament hummed quietly in his cybernetic hand, his other limb held outward toward seemingly nothing. His...
Hit me today that I've been doing way more drastic impulse writing. No thoughts behind it, just writing what sounds good in the moment. Not usually a bad thing, but been doing bigger things on a whim when it should be planned out.
Pausing to think had me realize it's to avoid pausing to think...
The Sheep had fled across the Black Sea and the Crow had given chase. Dark as the night, beak glowing as brimstone and feathers tattered by battle the Crow emerged from the icy oblivion of the Endless Void and into the ocean of stars that was the Skyriver Galaxy. Wallowing in the shadow of the...