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Equipment: Respechel Armor, Curved Hilt Lightsaber, Scattergun (empty) , Enforcer pistol (empty)
They say that when attacks your home that you are supposed to only utilize a necessary amount of force to repel the assailant. But what the Eclipse Cult had done to Aeneis’ home could not be...
Howling Ruins
The fire burned brightly within the broken building. Ruins of an old city that had long been ruined. Hence their name. Left forgotten by many. A good place to hide out from the recent failures of the Eclipse religion. My sister in hiding as well, but far away from me...
Alright people. I am wanting to have some duels. Just some friendly ones. Or if we want to make some rivalry or whatever. it doesn't have to be story based, or it can be. I am fairly open to how we can set it up or where it can take place. Nor do I mind my character being portrayed as the "bad...
Cypher stood flanked by a fireteam of 10 droidekas. They had thier orders. Thry were to kill the Grand Marshal of the Confederacy by any means nesscary. And if they failed without at least having shot him one good time, he would have to take matters into his own hand. The man was irritable. He...
Typically, a padawan would not be approved these sorts of outsourced duels. But Vattas the Hutt was no typical padawan. By no means was he a spectacular prodigy, his crowning achievement being the conception of a new hybrid lightsaber style, but even then he would not claim himself a master of...
See timeline...
Location: Coronet City
Objective: Investigate Missing Jedi
Enemies: [member="Zhorbak Kubaza"]
The Confederation had been dealing with internal struggles, but she kept feeling like something was going unnoticed. Her attention had mostly been on face-to-face...
Osiren is a exceptionally skilled with vibroswords and martial arts, specifically Echani. I haven’t had a chance to fight yet, so looking to get some duel threads up and running.
The First Order ruled for years and sank its hooks into hundreds of worlds. One of those worlds was Endor, and one of those hooks was this research site. Known only by a number, the site focused on - what else? - weapons development. It caught the full force of a...
Jedha has all kinds of out-of-the-way corners. Malamut is outer-of-the-way than most of them. Formerly home to a piratical salvage crew, now it’s basically just an abandoned junkyard. It’s been selected as a site for a friendly training exercise, a simulated battle between...
Sancred is a large, remote moisture farm. Industrial-grade vaporators provide a steady income for whichever crime lord owns the town. Most recently it was Blagga the Hutt, but Lord Blagga fell on hard times and Tusken Raiders overran what remained. Now the only thing that...
Isonvil is a fuel drilling and refinery town, or was. When the Ssi-Ruuk annihilated the First Order, the local fuel market dried up and shipping contractors refused to risk the trip. But the abandoned town still holds a small fortune in refined fuel, plus a couple of wells...
Location: Drogheda
Weather: Warmish
Equipment: Tom's Owl Blades, Tom Taff's Personal Beskargam,
Tags: [member="Gherron Dragonsflame"] l [member="Ura Iolar"]
Tom stood in his old beskargam armour with some new swords he had made strapped to either side of his belt. The imbued Terenterak Leather...
Deep in Sith Empire territory, the government controls the HoloNet with an iron fist. But outside Imperial monitoring, a patchy, furtive network swaps unregulated data, raw footage, contraband, and things that thrive in the dark. Two of those things are the Darknet Cage Match, and the betting...
Deep in Sith Empire territory, the government controls the HoloNet with an iron fist. But outside Imperial monitoring, a patchy, furtive network swaps unregulated data, raw footage, contraband, and things that thrive in the dark. Two of those things are the Darknet Cage Match, and the betting...
Deep in Sith Empire territory, the government controls the HoloNet with an iron fist. But outside Imperial monitoring, a patchy, furtive network swaps unregulated data, raw footage, contraband, and things that thrive in the dark. Two of those things are the Darknet Cage Match, and the betting...
Deep in Sith Empire territory, the government controls the HoloNet with an iron fist. But outside Imperial monitoring, a patchy, furtive network swaps unregulated data, raw footage, contraband, and things that thrive in the dark. Two of those things are the Darknet Cage Match, and the betting...
Morning, folks. Welcome to bracket number two.
First bracket results are as follows. Like I mentioned, I called in an outside eye for fights where a longtime friend of mine was a participant. My thanks to [member="Captain Larraq"] for his help. I allowed each of us one choice to advance both...
Deep in Sith Empire territory, the government controls the HoloNet with an iron fist. But outside Imperial monitoring, a patchy, furtive network swaps unregulated data, raw footage, contraband, and things that thrive in the dark. Two of those things are the Darknet Cage Match, and the betting...
Deep in Sith Empire territory, the government controls the HoloNet with an iron fist. But outside Imperial monitoring, a patchy, furtive network swaps unregulated data, raw footage, contraband, and things that thrive in the dark. Two of those things are the Darknet Cage Match, and the betting...
Deep in Sith Empire territory, the government controls the HoloNet with an iron fist. But outside Imperial monitoring, a patchy, furtive network swaps unregulated data, raw footage, contraband, and things that thrive in the dark. Two of those things are the Darknet Cage Match, and the betting...