Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. P

    Comeuppance (Open)

    The stolen commlink's signal had led him to Nar Shaddaa. To say that Cedric was unbothered by the events that had transpired was entirely untrue, but he did well to keep his feelings about the matter to himself. Now was not the time to mourn dead comrades, nor was it the time to let his...
  2. S

    "I'd Just as Soon Kiss a Wookiee"

    Kwenn Space Station He checked the Sliid gun's mag one more time, then stuffed it into his shoulder holster. The disruptor sat in the holster on his right thigh. He tested the collapsible taser baton. It crackled to life, then crackled off. The seller had been right convinced that it would take...
  3. ryanw5385

    Lads... Only one can come out of the farmers house with his daughter

    Darth Imperium sat in the caverns of Tatooine, sending the signal of challenge to all near. His self-imposed exile must end now and he would like to remind the galaxy of his power. The Chiss Sith Lord pulled his hood down, revealing his black hair, blue skin and red eyes. Two people were...
  4. S

    Ouch Time

    ​[member="Dan Tray"] Nar Shaddaa Cantina in the lower levels There was a price for a Dan Tray, this man was a known criminal, force user , and smuggler. The six four, three hundred and ten pounds, armored, mountain of muscle,had entered the room, his arms bulging . His foe was wanted for...
  5. S

    Kicking the living feth out of me

    Im looking for a 1 on 1 duel where I compltely get demolished by an enemy, experiencing a near death situation. Anyone want to be that guy/gal ? My only real expectation is that I get the first hit successfully , and from there I will get fluffed up. I also do not want to lose any limbs until I...
  6. LT-137

    A Murder Most Foul...

    There was little that Khonsu could say about the world of Lipsec. While the system was of some historical importance, as its namesake was given over to a hyperlane that connected this disparate world to the greater universe, as it meant nothing to the mercenary. He cared little for the Imperial...
  7. Darth Bellum

    Your City Burns

    New Alderaa, the once shining capital of Alderaan, now reduced to a cityscape that was in the process of being razed to the ground in a bold offensive made by The Sith Empire that was directed at the Free Worlds Coalition's heart. Thousands of droids marched upon the capital in a mixed offensive...
  8. S

    Psst, hey, you wanna duel?

    Hello, all! Sera Sadow, here. Some of you may know me as the writer of Lethia Morow, Nisha Skaiyr, or Darth Imperia, while others - those who don't pay attention to relatively uninteresting and generally unimportant people - probably haven't ever heard of me. That's fine too! Either way, I'm...
  9. Card Null

    1 Million Credit Combat Tournament Round 2: Rhaeon Starburn vs Ar'ekk Daesharacor

    Iridonia Combat Tourament The screams coming from the crowd were entertaining for the young warrior he had fought his battles but never on a scale such as this. The world of iridonia ,mostly inhabited by the strong willed Zabrak species whose love for dueling rivaled his own . This would be a...
  10. Luther Lewis

    Flesh Versus Steel

    Sullivan Hunter, Attaché and representative to the First Order, was not one to suffer fools or laggards. He was a master at negotiating, having served the Order faithfully for twenty-five years. He was stout, short and balding. His face held a permanent scowl, his eyes locked in a squint...
  11. Ravenfire

    The CSA Training Duel

    Taking his armour off, wearing his normal clothes again felt weird, pulling the two sides of his sabre staff he sets the setting to training and joins them together, activating both one side sliver the other purple he waits for [member="Stardust Raxis"] to do the same standing the training ring.
  12. Beltran Rarr

    1M Credit Combat Tournament Round One (Beltran Rarr vs. Kei Raxis)

    Photo credit: AndreeWallin Phu, a world in the colonies region of the galaxy. Populated by members of the Bardottan race, it has become a world that thrives on games. Sports, pod racing, and essentially any game that requires some form of competition is more than a past-time here, it is a way...
  13. Velok the Younger

    Tournament: Iridonia (Muad Dib)

    The arena was a straightforward affair: sand underfoot, high walls around, a decent little crowd in the stands. Velok cracked his neck and hefted his spear. A traditional Whiphid lance was made of bone and stone, with a hand-knapped edge. Slim weights adhered to the spear at the butt and just...
  14. Armand Temi

    A Moon Full of Stars and Astral Cars

    Soundtrack: The Pyramid Song Location: Caradim, The Pyramid of Ascension On her last assignment Varas had been dressed as a maintenance engineer. However, the once-gangly and awkward Ren realized her undercover wardrobe was much more comfortable than the last disguise. The fabric was made of...
  15. ryanw5385

    A Fight is needed....

    Darth Imperium meditated in the deserts of Tatooine, absorbing the heat from the twin suns upon his blue skin. He felt empowered, the fiery nature of the suns aligned with the Sith Lord. Un-tamable, uncontrollable power. The fiery orbs represented power and passion, the things a Sith strives...
  16. Iturizu Yuvie

    A Surprising Spar

    Mission Log Number: 05 Location: Felucia Time: Unknown Yuvie finished starting up her mission data as she knelt a top of the many odd tree plants that dotted the, even to her, bizarre planet in the outer rim, a place of no real value for anyone besides the tourist sites, but a planet non-the...
  17. Xevek Nekonis

    Demons From the Night

    The face that stared back from within the water was both familiar and unfamiliar to the Iridonian that loomed above the gathered pool. Reaching up with a scarred, tattooed hand, he slowly brushed the rough skin of his fingers across the equally weather-torn skin that stretched across his skull...
  18. Ashin Varanin

    Someone's Halls Are Getting Decked (Imperium)

    JUNDLAND WASTES 35 CELSIUS "Breewheep." "You're right. Sorry I'm irritable. And thanks for carrying all my stuff." "Blatt." "You sure we're out of water?" "Toodle." "Feth's sake." Kells scrambled up a ridge and squinted. "Okay, I think I see the oasis. Apparently the source saw a glowing...
  19. ryanw5385

    Looking to duel either a Jedi Knight/Master or a fellow Sith Lord

    Just looking for a nice story to tell with blades and The Force.
  20. Abril

    Looking for Duel with Lightsider

    A small duel with a lightsider. Both take some harm. No limb losing. Lightsider has to talk down to Abril, read her mind, make her more troubled and eventually also lead her to the grey side. Also would be very happy if you could mention a faction I'm making (one that is dead but your character...
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