Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Reyn Skirata

    The Demon Moon

    The Darksome Heart of the Jungles of Dxun A gasp sounded, echoing through the surrounding darkness, as Reyn Skirata opened his eyes. He was alone, of that he was sure, and he pulled his helm off his head. It was dark, a darkness that weighed upon the soul, and he produced a small light from...
  2. Adzatsmam

    What Lies Beneath

    [member="Ballen-Ist"] The time had come to find the other item the Viae had told Adzatsmam of, so he gathered what he needed and headed to the planet. While living within the One Sith territory, it wasn't long to reach their designated location. Onderon, then, it's moon; Dxun. Adzatsmam took...
  3. Julian Viles Priest

    Operation: Moon Siege (Manda Ka'ra)

    Dxun, Onderon Manda Ka'ra Operation: Moon Siege Objectives: - Regain old Mandalorian Base - Clear out Renegade Mandos - Possible new objectives as the operation goes on The frigate, the Grim, came out of hyperspace just has it neared Onderon, a planet with Sith history so far...
  4. S

    Lonesome Gods

    Six years ago... The acrid smoke of the downed ship still lingered in his flaring nostrils as he sprinted through the jungle. The thick underbrush clogged his path with vines and bushes and massive leaves. A broken ankle could mean death here, but he did not slow his pace. What chased him was...
  5. Aela Talith

    Mother Wouldn't Approve, Oma Would

    [member="Maleah Talith"] Aela stood quietly in the Hangar of the Rising Tide. She was dressed in an odd way, she wore leather armor, her hair was In a tight braid, rope was lashed around her chest and more metal wire hung from her belt in a tight circle. Her lightsaber had been placed in a...
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