Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Delsin Shaw

    Character  Delsin Shaw

    || THE BASICS || Full name: Delsin Varis Shaw Preferred Name: Delsin Shaw Alias: N/A Titles: The Last Son Species: Near Human Race: Echani/Atoan Birthworld: Eshan Homeworld: Eshan Faction(s): The Sith Order Rank(s): Sith Acolyte Class: Lightsaber Duelist Swordsman Spellsword Master(s)...
  2. Everest Vale

    Approved NPC  Mariana Vale

    MARIANA VALE OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: A mother character for Everest Vale Image Credit: Bing AI Role: Everest Vale's mother, homemaker on Eshan Permissions: N/A Links: The Silver Strands of a New Beginning (referenced in various posts) | Letters To Mama #1 PHYSICAL INFORMATION...
  3. Lorian Aldaris

    Private  Greed, Honour, and the Arena

    "How much are we talking?" Lorian asked the man sitting across from him. The Rattataki was revolting, obese with an acrid stench, spice smeared underneath his nose and sauce dripping from his lips. His office was a temple to his former self, and the bronze monuments were to a once-strapping...
  4. Lorian Aldaris

    Character  Lorian Aldaris

    LORIAN ALDARIS Age 26 Years Old Species Echani Gender Male Height 1.91 metres Weight 94 kilograms Force Sensitive No PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION Lorian Aldaris was once a highly sophisticated individual, although he has changed due to circumstances. Elegance and class have been traded...
  5. Udren Zeln

    Character  Udren Zeln | The Acolyte

    THE ACOLYTE The Acolyte is an Echani that was discovered at a young age to be Force Sensitive. He was removed from his family, under the guise of a Jedi recruiter, though was never delivered to Coruscant or the Jedi temple. Since that day, the Acolyte's family never saw their child again, nor...
  6. Orwrex

    Character  Orwrex

    ORWREX Theme Imperial March (Horror Version) Full Name Ronan Thorne Alias(es) Orwrex the Cruel Nightblade Hidden Shadow Title(s) Knight of Ren Shadow Assassin Class(es) Knight of Ren Assassin Origin Jakku Age 30 Rank(s) Knight of Ren Faction(s) Dark Empire Knights of...
  7. Arla Rodarch

    Character  Arla, of Clan Rodarch

    Arla Susni Of Clan Rodarch Age 34 Standard Years Species Echani Gender Female Height 200 cms Weight 80 kgs Birth World Alula Home World Qena Force Sensitive Force Dead PERSONALITY AND BELIEFS Before her year of hell, Arla was a measured person, disciplined but also...
  8. Siyndacha Aerin

    Character  Siyndacha Karolle Aerin

    SIYNDACHA AERIN Theme compliance Aliases Siyn Lady Siyndacha Aerin The Snow Wraith Classes Imperial Knight Scholar Birthplace Eshan Homeworld Bastion Age Mid-Late Forties [900s ABY] Birthdate 856 ABY Personality Traits Diligent Exacting Perceptive Patient Shrewd Zealous...
  9. Tiare Malsuum

    Character  Savarr Chanto

    SAVARR CHANTO Info Faction: Independent Birthplace: Corellia Age: 37 GSY Species: Human-Echani hybrid Gender: Male Height: 1.71 Meters Weight: 70 kg Skin: Tanned Hair: White Eyes: Silver Force: Non-Sensitive Voice: Ian McShane as Al Swearengen Backstory Born to a Corellian father and an Echani...
  10. Arla Rodarch

    Approved NPC  (NSLR) Echani Moon Guard

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: Creating an Elite Guard and protective force Image Credit: Role: Secret Service Permissions: N/A Links: New Star League Remnants GENERAL INFORMATION Unit Name: The Moon Guards, Moonguard...
  11. Arla Rodarch

    Character  Arla Susni

    NAME: Arla Susni RANK: Commander SPECIES: Echani HOMEWORLD : Alula AGE: 33 SEX: Female HEIGHT: 6'7 WEIGHT: 175lbs EYES: Varicoloured (blue/purple) HAIR: Dark SKIN: Fair FORCE SENSITIVE: Yes STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES: Skilled Force User (defence, healing) Widely traveled and experienced...
  12. Vokeo Iga

    Character  Vokeo Iga

  13. Vyrien Paskal

    Character  Vyrien Paskal

    Update in progress...
  14. Siyndacha Aerin

    Character  Siyndacha Aerin

    SIYNDACHA AERIN Music untouchable Alias Siyn Lady Siyndacha Aerin of Eshan Class(es) Duelist Technomancer Birthplace Eshan Homeworld Bastion Age Early Twenties Personality Traits Ambitious Diligent Perceptive Zealous Education Traits Echani Upbringing Jedi Training Sith...
  15. A

    Character  Arette

    ARETTE Music War of Aggression Aliases N/A Class(es) Dark Side Marauder Birthplace Former Sith-Imperial Territories Age Twenty-Three Personality Traits Scarlet Epicurean Quicksilver Fighter Indomitable Resolve Rank(s) Knight (Self-Appointed) Faction(s) Sith Order...
  16. Vokeo Iga

      Force Ninja Background

    Looking to make this character a take on a Force Ninja. I have him as half Echani/half Kage. He was kidnapped as a baby by an assassin who had killed his family and then trained him as a Seyugi Dervish. He later finds out his master killed his family, and he kills his master and leaves, training...
  17. Kaljak Rakham

    Character  Isabrai Scardos

    ISABRAI SCARDOS Birthplace: Bastion Age: 19 GSY Species: Near-Human (Echani / Human) Gender: Female Height: 1.70 Meters Weight: 58 kg Hair: White Skin: Pale Caucasian Eyes: Silver (Natural); Yellow-orange (Dark Side) Force Sensitivity: Yes Voice: Kimberly Brooks as Jasper An unknown scholar once...
  18. Leon Nerrac

    Private  The Echani Noble and the Mandalorian Sith.

    The Count walked through the city, it's Stormtrooper Corp presence was minor, a couple of squadrons spread about following a path according to Leon's. There was a local military and law enforcement, but even though he welcomed combat he was aware he needed to take precautions. Besides their...
  19. Esmeralda Io

    Character  Esmeralda Io

    TITLE INFORMATION Name: Esmeralda Io Affiliation: Siren Corps │ House Io Rank: Siren Ultra │ Tier 2 Official BASIC INFORMATION Species: Echani Age: Young Adult Sex: Female Primary Allegiance: House Io Current Status: Active Birthworld: The Scintilla Living Status: Transient Deployment - Based...
  20. Vyrien Paskal

    Character  Vyrien Paskal

    IDENTITY -I| NAME |I- Vyrien Qorath Paskal -I| OTHER ALIASES |I- Vyr -I| CALLSIGN |I- Ghost -I| RANK |I- Lt. Commander (Ret.) -I| HOMEWORLD |I- Arkania -I| SEXUALITY |I- Bisexual -I| GENDER |I- Male -I| MARITAL STATUS |I- Single -I| FORCE SENSITIVE |I- Yes [In Denial] -I|...
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