Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Delsin Shaw

    Approved Tech  Duelist Brand Belts and Sheaths

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: Create a set of belts and sheathes for swords, lightsabers, or other melee weaponry for sale. Image Source: Sword belt Design - LessRuth Canon Link: N/A Primary Source: N/A PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Shaun Irons/YIW&F Affiliation: Closed Market...
  2. Delsin Shaw

    Approved Tech  EDS-01 "Shaw's Double Brand"

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: Create a consealable form of a double bladed sword for sale. Image Source: After Earth Wiki - Cutlass Canon Link: ​Double-bladed Vibrosword Echani Ritual Brand Primary Source: N/A PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Shaun Irons/Yusanic IW&F Affiliation...
  3. Delsin Shaw

    Approved Tech  Vondiranach Brand Fiber Armor

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: Create an updated version of Echani Fiberarmor/Armorweave, and to bring to Chaos Canon a more indepth, and balanced form of Fiber Armor. Image Source: N/A Canon Link: ​Echani Fiber armor Primary Source: N/A PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Echani...
  4. Delsin Shaw

    Yusanic Ironworks and Forge

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Image Source: Lolth Symbol - Artstation Canon Link: N/A Primary Source: N/A WORKSHOP INFORMATION Workshop Name: Yusanic Ironworks and Forge Location: Eshan, Storefront Specialty: Weaponry/Armaments and Armor/Armored Clothing Tier: Tier II DESCRIPTION The Echani...
  5. Delsin Shaw

    Approved Tech  Echani Deathsong Dagger

    Image OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: Create a pair of Swords and Dagger combo for Shaun to use as his primary weapons. Image Source: Raven Armoury Canon Link: N/A Primary Source: ​Echani Vibrosword Vibrosword Songsteel Sword PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Shaun Irons...
  6. Delsin Shaw

    Approved Tech  Echani Song Swords

    Image OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: Create a pair of Swords and Dagger combo for Shaun to use as his primary weapons. Image Source: Raven Armoury Canon Link: N/A Primary Source: ​Echani Vibrosword Vibrosword Songsteel Sword PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Shaun Irons...
  7. Udom Nissani

    Approved Tech  Udom's Armored Bodysuit

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To provide a basic light armor suit for Udom Nissani Image Source: Canon Link: N/A Primary Source: Echani fiber armor PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Udom Nissani Affiliation: Udom Nissani Model: N/A...
  8. Amz

    We Still Hope

    Sabarene. The wounds that had been inflicted here were not yet entirely mended, and there was darkness lingering at the core of it all. In some ways, Sabarene reminded her of Thyrsus. Not the Thyrsus of this Galaxy’s age, but the one of her home. The one that’d been ravaged by Raien under the...
  9. Valae Heavenshield

    Siala Brennus

    NAME: Siala “Sia” Brennus FACTION: Echani Command RANK: Knight SPECIES: Echani AGE: Late 20’s SEX: Female HEIGHT: 5’10” WEIGHT: 135 lbs EYES: Silvery blue HAIR: White-blonde SKIN: Fair FORCE SENSITIVE: Yes...
  10. Cyprine Talon

    Cyprine Talon

    (( Social Information )) NAME: Cyprine Talon (of House Vail) NICKNAMES: Prin TITLES: N/A SPECIES: Echani SEXUALITY: Speciosexual MARITAL STATUS: Single BIRTH PLANET: Eshan LIVING SITUATION: Drifting CITIZENSHIP: Six Sisters Planets (( Affiliation & Force Information )) FACTION: Confederacy of...
  11. Ilias Nytrau

    Yuca Najwa-Keth

    Image source: erweniel Social Information Name: Yuca Najwa-Keth Alias(es): Yuca Viren Former Title(s): HRH Prince Yuca Viren, Duke of Derellium Current Title(s): N/A Birthplace: Thyrsus Homeworld: Chandaar Current Locale: TBD Sexuality: Heterosexual Gender: Masculine Marital Status: Single...
  12. Sol Ordana

    Sol Ordana

    SOL ORDANA (Above: Sol working with Kage operatives on the eve of a minor revolt on Quarzite) NAME: Sol Ordana (Triss'amew'iashi) FACTION: None RANK: Witch Initiate SPECIES: Hybrid (Echani/Chiss) AGE: 25 SEX: Female HEIGHT: 170 centimeters WEIGHT: 52 kilograms EYES: Greyish Light...
  13. Rin Talon

    Approved NPC  Sina "Srina" Talon

    Original OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To establish a clone within a group of clones created to protect Srina Talon. An NPC to be used by Rin or Srina Talon for RP progression. ​Image Credit: Here Role: Clone of Srina Talon and a tandem member of the Dark Acolytes by association.​ Links...
  14. Rin Talon

    Approved NPC  Vale "Srina" Talon

    Original OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To establish a clone within a group of clones created to protect Srina Talon. An NPC to be used by Rin or Srina Talon for RP progression. ​Image Credit: Here Role: Clone of Srina Talon and a tandem member of the Dark Acolytes by association.​ Links...
  15. Rin Talon

    Approved NPC  Nia "Srina" Talon

    Original OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To establish a clone within a group of clones created to protect Srina Talon. An NPC to be used by Rin or Srina Talon for RP progression. ​Image Credit: Here Role: Clone of Srina Talon and a tandem member of the Dark Acolytes by association.​ Links...
  16. Rin Talon

    Character  Rin "Srina" Talon

    RIN "SRINA" TALON NAME: I was born without a name. My name is hers, not my own. If I were to choose? It would be Rin. FACTION: I serve Srina Talon and any others she might serve or care for bi-proxy. RANK: I am Srina Talon's doppelganger, an apprentice to her and a tandem to the Sith...
  17. Chikako Liona

    Chikako Liona

    -Chikako Liona- Social information Name: Chikako Fredrika Liona Titles: -Princess Liona -Lady Liona -Representative Liona Age: 19 (starting age 16) Race: Echani Sec: Female Affiliation: CIS Force Rank: Witch Initiate Rank: Viceroy Relationship status: Single Sexuality: Heterosexual...
  18. Card Null


    Name:Rhaeon Starburn Faction: The Je'daii order Species: Human/Echani Nick Name:Kid Voice Sample:Voice Sex:Male Sexual orientation: Heterosexual Rank: Pilot Force Rank: Apprentice Age:19 Titles/Nicknames: "The Kid" Height:6'1 Weight:150lbs Eyes:Dark Brown with a glint of(silver)...
  19. Delsin Shaw

    Shaun Irons

    Sometimes I fall, but I don't Break || THE BASICS || Full name: Shauni Yusanis Michael Castanic Irons Preferred Name: Shaun Castanic Alias: Hunter Auberon Titles: ​Auberon the Gardener - The Family Species: Near Human Race: Echani/Energy Vampire Homeworld: Eshan Faction(s)...
  20. Ras'kala'han

    Trystis Ray

    TRYSTIS NAME: Trystis Ray; "Darth Talionis" FACTION: Sith Empire; GenoHaradan (Indirect Associate); Criminal Underworld RANK: Sith Crusader SPECIES: Echani AGE: 35 (Appears older due to Dark Side corruption) SEX: Male HEIGHT: 6' 2" WEIGHT: 170 lbs EYES: Red-Gold HAIR: Silver SKIN...
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