Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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eliphas dune

  1. Starlin Rand

    Private  The Weather Machine 2: Electric Boogaloo

    Kashyyyk was a verdant world with a rich (if relatively recent) Jedi tradition, thanks to the presence of the Silver Jedi on the planet. Starlin had parked his ship at the Silver Rest, but didn’t spend much time there before he headed out into the wilderness, bringing his gaggle of padawans...
  2. Jacen Nimdok

    Private  Many Merry Meetings

    Aboard the Bright Knight, Coruscant "No way," Starlin Rand muttered, turning away from the ship repairs he was working on to face an unexpected visitor. "No freaking way! Jacen Nimdok?" Jacen grinned at him. "The one and only." "You were like, this high only yesterday, dude!" Starlin held his...
  3. Starlin Rand

    Private  Getting the Band Together

    Aboard the Bright Knight, Coruscant Starlin stood in the lounge of his starship, tuning his guitar. Between training a new Padawan and dealing with the fallout of recent events, this was the first time in weeks he'd had enough free time to practice. His heightened stress was apparent by the...
  4. Thelma Goth

    Approved Tech  Eliphas Dune's Entire Wardrobe

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create a wardrobe for Eliphas Dune. Image Source: Gregorij Pomogisebe Canon Link: N/A Permissions: N/A Primary Source: N/A PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Thelma Goth Affiliation: Eliphas Dune Market Status: Closed-Market Model: N/A Modularity: No...
  5. Starlin Rand

    Private  Faster Than the Hound

    How to gift wrap a puppy Can I put a puppy in a box Is it bad to put a gift bow on a puppy How to get puppy to stop barking A weekend morning found Starlin searching the Holonet. In his lap was a boisterous Warghest pup. The runt of her litter, she didn’t seem aware of her own size as she...
  6. Miri Nimdok

    Private  Moving Day

    Stepping aboard the Bright Knight, a baby carrier in either hand, Miri looked around and sniffed the air. "It's cleaner than I expected," she muttered. Miri had resisted the idea of moving in with any of their relatives or friends right up until she brought the twins home from the hospital to...
  7. Starlin Rand

    Starlin's Complete List of Spells

    From the Book of Rhymes: Spell of Strength: "Ashla, grant me the strength of the Rancor; show me I can be strong without anger." Sonic/Light Spell: "When my enemies threaten, Ashla, let your glare deafen…" Spell of Sonic Flames: "Let my enemies waste their breath; Ashla, hide me from the...
  8. Thelma Goth

    Private  Embroidery

    The door to Eliphas' private quarters aboard the Bright Knight suddenly opened. In the doorway stood Thelma Goth, red-faced and flustered. Just under five feet tall, with very pale skin and long dark hair that covered her face (although that had less to do with her hair and more to do with her...
  9. Starlin Rand

    Starlin's Letters #2: Pride, Humility, and the Conduct of a Jedi

    Hey, kid. Last time I talked about the Force as a responsibility, and how you shouldn’t let it go to waste. Now I’m going to talk about all the ways this power we have can be abused. It may seem obvious—you shouldn’t use the Force to push people around, hurt them, control them, and so on...
  10. Starlin Rand

    Starlin's Letters #1: Passivity and Fear of the Dark Side

    Hey, kid. I know you’re... in a coma right now, but things are a little too quiet around here without you around. So I thought I would try something different. I’m going to write a few of these holo-letters for you, both to help sharpen your mind when you wake up, and to preserve my knowledge...
  11. Starlin Rand

    Private  Flight of the Jedi

    Somewhere deep in the Shadowlands, Kashyyyk "Aw yeah, that hit the spot," Starlin said, disposing of the remains of his lunch. He was sitting on a cliff overlooking a vast chamber built from the roots of a massive fallen tree. Somewhere in the dark valley below, a terentatek roared. It was...
  12. Kal

    Approved Starship  The Void-Drifter

    Unmodified Watcher-Seeker depicted above; the Void-Drifter looks considerably more patchwork. OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: A heavily modified starship for Eliphas Dune. Image Source: Infinite Fleet / The Dig Site by DOFRESH . Canon Link: N/A Permissions: N/A Primary Source: N/A...
  13. Lief

    Private  The Dancer's Reprise

    Surrounded by the upper scions of society, with lilting orchestic music drifting through the theater, Eliphas Dune could almost make himself believe that he was back home on Empress Teta, among his noble family once more. In the fantasy it bubbled up around him, as he watched the dancers...
  14. Starlin Rand

    Private  The Weather Machine

    “Since you said you didn’t know Shyriiwook, looks like we gotta slide in a quick Comprehend Speech lesson,” Starlin said. He and Eli were currently riding a pulley-operated lift down into the Shadowlands of Kashyyyk. Upon arriving on the Wookiee homeworld, they’d spent a brief amount of time at...
  15. Starlin Rand

    Private  Refuel

    In the adventure tales told of star-travelers, the storytellers usually neglect to mention how many times the heroes had to stop for fuel. If you were traveling along a major hyperspace route, odds were you could find a space station, or at the very least an efficient fuel depot. The farther...
  16. Alicio Organa

    Private  Behind Each Star

    SANCTUARY CITY, ALDERAAN ENDLESS STARS FESTIVAL The festival had been Alicio's idea. As a steward of Sanctuary City, Count Organa spent hours of every day meeting with the populace, listening to their woes, and thinking about how to alleviate them. The people of his city were predominantly...
  17. Jacen Nimdok

    Private  Astral Express

    Professor Nimdok sat aboard his freighter, absently spinning a pyramid-shaped holocron on the tip of his finger with the Force. A day or so had passed since Starlin, Eliphas, and Nimdok had rescued Inanna. The trio were still on Erakhis—Starlin had insisted, using rest and recovery as an excuse...
  18. Starlin Rand

    Private  Eternity in An Hour

    “You ever been to Erakhis before?” Starlin asked. He was sitting in the pilot seat of the Defender of Ossus, guiding the freighter into the atmosphere of the watery world. Eli was presumably somewhere nearby, though Starlin wasn’t above yelling at him from across the ship. With their current...
  19. Starlin Rand

    Private  Local Legends

    “Your request for a pardon has been accepted,” Morgun Jai said. Like their last meeting, the Jedi Master was the very picture of serenity, despite the sternness of his brow and the frown on his lips. “You may go in peace, your crimes having been forgiven.” Starlin breathed a sigh of relief...
  20. Starlin Rand

    Private  A Familiar Face

    Jedi Temple, Coruscant Starlin was an unlikely visitor to the Temple. Scratch that—Starlin was an extremely unlikely visitor to the Temple. He had lived on Coruscant all his life, and at one point early in his training he had been formally introduced to the NJO’s “Circle”, but his relationship...
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