Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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eloise dinn

  1. Eloise Dinn

    Private  Lord Dystra's Last Laugh

    Outside the window of the playroom, the sun was setting. Her parents had been gone for hours, and Eloise was fed up with waiting. It hadn’t taken this long for Star to be born—although this time, her mother was giving birth to more than one baby. Still, it was taking forever! The puzzle she had...
  2. Ishani Dinn

    Private  Training the Dinn Twins

    Thornwood Hall, Eliad "There." Eloise stood back, admiring the pillow fort she and her brother had constructed in the attic. Consisting of a bed sheet draped over the backs of two chairs, it was well-fortified with as many pillows, cushions, and stuffed animals as they could find. It was past...
  3. Eloise Dinn

    Private  Father's Workshop

    There was a knock on the door to Arcturus’ workshop. “Daddy?” came a familiar voice. “Mom said to bring you some breakfast.” On the other side of the door stood Eloise, still wearing her pajamas. She held a tray of food, fresh and hot judging by the steam rising from the plate. Arcturus Dinn
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