Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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eternal crusade

  1. Rickhardt Netherbane

    Public  Eternal Crusade: Taspir III

    Location: Taspir III Time: 0400 hours Galactic Standard time, 0543 local time. Primary Objective: Secure an area for the Twin gods. Secondary Objective: Locate Information on missing War Bands in the Nether... Stars moved slowly passed in the portholes as the large ship moved through space...
  2. Darth Imperius

    Approved NPC  Legionary Cohort - Eternal Legion of Zakuul

    ETERNAL LEGION OF ZAKUUL ✠ LEGIONARY COHORT ✠ "My honour is my life. My duty is my fate. My fear is to fail. My craft is death. My pledge is eternal service. I owe my service to the Imperator." OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To submit the standard clone trooper unit of the Eternal...
  3. Primarion Hiperius

    Character  Primarion Hyperius

    Alias Hegemon's Spear First Praetorian Class(es) General Warrior Smith Birthplace Invictus Antagonistes Age Adult Personality Traits Honest Loyal Dutiful Uncompromising Ruthless Education Traits Unrelenting Crusader Lifestyle Traits Weaponsmaster Guardian Forgemaster...
  4. Ingrid L'lerim

    Major Faction Panatha is Destroyed || Eternal Empire

    Panatha is destroyed. You can find the result thread's link at the bottom of this article, I'll not copy the result here, I hope you don't mind. But you can find the awards here (and later at least 3 Factory thread will coming too): For all participants: Eternal Empire + Allies...
  5. Ingrid L'lerim

    Annihilation  Twilight of the Gods || EE Annihilation of Panatha | Result

    Site Administrator: Valiens Nantaris The staff originally asked for a summary, evaluation and result similar to what they wrote for Tython. I hope they will forgive me for saying that it won't be exactly the same. Among other things, since there were no defenders during Annihilation and...

    Annihilation  Twilight of the Gods || EE Annihilation of Panatha

    The events take place about 2-3 weeks after Junction, giving all participants enough time to get here and reach the planet after the Eternal Empire's aid call. Site Administrator: Valiens Nantaris Eternal Empire Staff: Ingrid L'lerim, Taozi Fuyuan, Felmorante L'lerim, Rolin Doan Annihilation...
  7. Ingrid L'lerim

    Annihilation  Twilight of the Gods || EE Annihilation of Panatha OOC

    The events take place about 2-3 weeks after Junction, giving all participants enough time to get here and reach the planet after the Eternal Empire's aid call. Site Administrator: Valiens Nantaris Eternal Empire Staff: Ingrid L'lerim, Taozi Fuyuan, Felmorante L'lerim, Rolin Doan Annihilation...

    Junction  Last Hour | EE/AC/BotM/Empire Junction of Farboon/Thule/Altiria/Tammar (SGHW)

    Once again, Panatha finds itself as the focus of galactic attention. Five planets within the system have devolved into a state of open rebellion against the Eternal Empire, and rumours have arisen once again that the Sith have returned to their spiritual homeworld. It's not known exactly which...
  9. Ingrid L'lerim

    Junction  Last Hour - OOC thread | AC, EE, Empire, Maw

    Since this will be a larger Junction with four factions, it will also get an OOC thread to make it easier to find a dancing partner for the thread. And easier to figure out a narrative for yourself. You can already see the starting post below with the objectives. The thread will start on Friday...
  10. Ingrid L'lerim

    Major Faction Twilight of the Gods || EE Annihilation of Panatha Q&A

    What is the project codenamed "Twilight of the Gods"? Twilight of the Gods is definitely the Eternal Empire's biggest undertaking since the faction became a Major Faction. And we mostly built this story together with the Ashlan Crusade faction. In short, "Twilight of the Gods" means Annihilation...

    Junction  Eternal Crusade: Calm Before the Storm (SGHW) | EE/AC Junction of Javin+Bavva/Florn

    Among the horrors of war, it must not be forgotten that this part of the year symbolises renewal. And the Eternal Empire and Ashlan Crusade will jointly go to the Galactic Alliance to defend Tython, which the Maw was about to attack. In the pre-war period, especially in such an important battle...

    Junction  Eternal Crusade: Next Steps (SGHW) | EE/AC Junction of Abraxas/Telos

    The Maw's previous attack was eventually repulsed, albeit at a great loss. Ashlan Crusade and members of the Eternal Empire also suffered large losses when the enemy also used orbital bombardment on the southern front. Because of this, for example, The Mongrel could not be killed or captured...

    Junction  Eternal Crusade: Let the Sunshine In (SGHW) | EE/AC/Maw Junction of Odessen/Tion/Lequabis

    Odessen has only been important once in recorded history, specifically when the original Eternal Empire was defeated here by the Eternal Alliance. Outside of that, not much has happened in a place made up mostly of ocean, forests, mountainous regions, and sparsely populated areas - with hardly...
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