Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Junction Eternal Crusade: Next Steps (SGHW) | EE/AC Junction of Abraxas/Telos




The Maw's previous attack was eventually repulsed, albeit at a great loss. Ashlan Crusade and members of the Eternal Empire also suffered large losses when the enemy also used orbital bombardment on the southern front. Because of this, for example, The Mongrel The Mongrel could not be killed or captured that day by the allies, Keilara Kala'myr Keilara Kala'myr saved him in time. In any case, the Maw retired, and within the Eternal Crusade project, the two empires consolidated their power in Odessen, to which even NIO units would later join.

There was even a change of leadership during the attack at the time, and the ritualists were all killed before they could succeed. Among them the former emperor of the Shadow Empire. Curse, i.e. Darth Maledictio Darth Maledictio , betrayed his own men and then, after giving the order to kill them, appointed himself the new Shadow Emperor in the greatest secret and he entered into an alliance with the Maw and Darth Solipsis Darth Solipsis . Even the Shadow Empire has entered a new era. But returning to Odessen…

The Ashlan Crusade and the Eternal Empire were ready to take further steps in the war. All this with a joint intelligence / agent mission within the Maw borders and a joint military exercise at the border. As a deterrent, for the Maw, in space, with both sides involved, and the military exercise is led by Aximand Sicarus Aximand Sicarus and Isla Draellix-Kobitana Isla Draellix-Kobitana

Meanwhile, on the planet, on a now fully rebuilt and secure base, the leaders, lords, and barons of both empires are holding a logistical and war meeting on how and where to attack next. Last but not least, they had to work together to improve the collaboration in some way.



Objective 1: Try not to Laugh
The Eternal Empire and Ashlan Crusade decided to carry out a pre-emptive strike after the previous attack. Since they know almost nothing about Maw’s upcoming plans, it was time to try to steal his plans. Since the Blackwatch and Hellhound units of the Eternal Empire are very good in this field, they are the main line and the Ashlan Cruade's Jurors will join them as equivalent support. They will be the ones to infiltrate a military base on planet Iol to steal information, war plans from there.
Meanwhile, they are also accompanied by regular soldiers and Force USers from both sides to carry out a fake attack against another facility further away, as needed, facilitating the work of agents / spies and Jurors.

Interested characters: Agents / Spies (Blackwatch, Hellhounds, Jurors) (infiltration, intelligence), Ultranauts and Jedi (external diversion)
NB: PvE thread, so all Maw units here are NPCs. (Consulted and discussed with Logan (Solipsis))

Objective 2: Soldiers of Heaven
Although the fleets of the Empires can work well together and have seen the benefits of this on several occasions, the leaders of the two fleets have decided that it is always good to conduct joint operations. Last but not least, it can all be great for psychological warfare, and it can be seen how the enemy reacts to it. It was for this reason that both sides brought a larger fleet directly to the border of the two empires. GA has been notified earlier that this is not happening against them, so hopefully they will not intervene in this exercise.
Fighters, as well as the largest ships, will appear here, so a very large and imposing fleet begins the joint military exercise.

Interested characters: Fleeters, pilots, fleeting officers

Objective 3: Politics and Logistics
While the agents and spies reached the territory of the Maw and the fleet held military exercises in the space around the planet, the leaders of the empire held a political and logistical meeting on the Ashlan base. Here they discuss what the next goals might be, how and where they want to attack Maw together. Or how they want to avoid attacks or how to protect each other.

Interested characters: Strategists, warlords, diplomats, leaders, senior officers

Objective 4: Underworld and Pirates
Not only the Empires are threatened by the Maw, but also the underworld and pirates. Because of the Maw, more and more planets are trying to defend themselves more forcefully, warships appear in space, more and tighter control. In the southern regions the Frost Claw is gaining strength, in the north there is the Maw. So no one is in an easy position. And after the previous meeting, this time without the members of Claw, Arturo Braga Arturo Braga called a meeting in the home field. And this meeting will be at Batuu, where we will hopefully make some progress before the underworld situation in the Unknown Region becomes unmanageable, which would be an unpleasant end for everyone.

Interested characters: Unit 404, Black Sun, Bounty Hunters, Pirates, Smugglers, Underworld characters

Objective 5: BYOO
Bring your own story, there is an entire hex worth of stories to be told. Have fun in any way that you please!

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E T E R N A L - E M P R E S S
Lady Ingrid L’lerim Ragal Terassi Vandiir
Eternal Empress of the Eternal Empire, Lord Commander of the Wardens of the Shroud, Archon of the Primyn Group
Empress of Terraris, Supreme Commander of the Terraris Command, Head of the House L’lerim, CEO of the HPI Consortium
Objective: Meeting
Location: Base, Odessen
Equipment: The Soulsabers (hidden) | Brynja coat | Hersir Imperial Uniform | Viper Mk. I Skinsuit | The Last Gift || Empyrean gland | OPBC-01m
Tags: Open
[ Stormtroopers ]
<"High Nelvaanian"> | ~ telepathic communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

Unfortunately, today was not the day she could go on an off-world mission, even though it was just the job that was ideal for her. Which she has been dealing with for many years. In the better time when she could have an agent and a spy, not an empress. She still missed those years. Maybe once, when she can hand over the throne to someone who is worthy of it. She knew it would probably be Eyjolf. Her son was with Tubrok, and he was already eleven years old, but very talented in military and ruling matters.

But she has not yet nominated him as the heir of the Eternal Empire. She wanted to be able to spend his young years relatively calmly, without being hunted down by more assassins because of his status as heir to the throne. Ingrid tried to protect her children if she could. The Empire is always the first for her, the family the second. And here the family was also in the interest of the Empire. She defended both at the same time.

She was in the central hall of the base, where there was a huge table suitable for holographic projection in the middle, surrounded by chairs. The table contained solid state hologram technology from the HPI. Above the table were projected the Iol, where the mission will be, and the space around the planet, where the exercise was taking place in the present moments. In addition, the boundary line of the Eternal Empire and the Maw were visible there. Everything could be perfectly tracked and they could talk about what and where they wanted to attack. If that's what happens in the conversation.

Ingrid was the first to arrive. The red-haired woman actually spent all night here and working here. She only left the room here until she went to take a shower and put on a new uniform. Otherwise, apart from that, she did not leave this room a day and a half ago. The food and coffee sent to her were also intact. The Empress didn’t need it, but she usually maintained the appearance, though it was well known that she often forgot to eat and drink. This was usual even when she was still human. Since then… she only ate when she had to or she was with Tubrok.

But returning to the present, she was still in the control room, watching the holographic datapad, as well as the holographic images above the table. She did what she always did …

She worked…


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Lady Eina L'lerim-Vandiir
The First and the Light of Ashla

Heiress and Princess of the Eternal Empire and Terraris; Angelic Mascot and Representative of the Ashlan Crusade
Eternal Empire's Ambassador to the Ashlan Crusade; Matriarch of the Valkyrja; Leader of Sanctuary and the Fjölkyngi Smiđr Guild
Objective: Steal information about the Maw's plans
Location: Haven, Iol
Equipment: Sverð Fyrstr (swords) | Ljósspjót (spear) | Skrúð Engill Fyrstr (armour) || Empyrean gland | OPBC-01m || Current appearance
Allies: Zalan Luca Zalan Luca | Xerra Altaris Xerra Altaris | Rhiza Dural Rhiza Dural | Open
Enemies: Onrai Onrai | open
[ The Valley of Deaeth ]
<"High Nelvaanian"> | ~ telepathic communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

Eina went with the team that carried out the infiltration and wanted to steal information. It wasn’t really a well-known fact that Valkyrja inherited these abilities from Ingrid, meaning she could have been at least as good an agent and assassin as her mother. Maybe only Ingrid and Geiseric Geiseric knew about her, no one else. But she chose a completely different path than what her mother did. And yes, she was happy with what happened. She may have suffered a lot in recent years, but she thought it was all worth it, because, because of these, she and Gei can be together and love each other.

She came on this mission because she felt she could help more here than during a military exercise or just a logistics meeting. If it had been ground warfare, she would probably have gone there; but in the present situation, she felt that she could do the most here. Eina expected to have diversion duties, but for safety's sake, the Valkyrja also brought an amulet with her to hide herself in the Force. Without it, she was too striking, because she was a vergence in the Force.

She spent the trip with meditation, then the disguised ship exited the space around Iol and the orbit around the planet. From there, disguised dropships led the team down. The military base in the capital, Haven, was located in the administrative dome. So the dropships landed their troops next to this dome in a place where it was easy to get inside the dome through a long tunnel that agents had already provided to the troops now arriving during their reconnaissance.

Inside, there were only half bombed-out buildings in the neighbourhood, tall trees, no one in that place noticed they had arrived. And from here it wasn't too far from where they went. Or it was even quite close to the facility they wanted to attack in case diversion was needed. In this place, the open attack could only have acted as a siege because of the domes. This is why infiltration was necessary.

The location was north of the entry point inside the dome, and the other base was to the west. There were also countless Mawite patrols on the streets, so they also had to be avoided to reach the large tower building targeted by members of the Eternal Crusade. A total of two dropships have arrived, which will be waiting for the company outside the dome. And the soldiers are waiting at the point of inside arrival to give the team a free way out and, if necessary, they can quickly go to the other target building.

"Can we go?" she asked them.


Silhana Lolaes'ra
Lynne Tal’kira aka Lady Orchid; The Angel-faced killer
Bounty Hunter, Verd'ika, member of the Clan Cadera; Headmistress of the House Orchid and The Hounty Hunters' Guild
Objective: Protect Arturo
Location: Cantina, Batuu
Equipment: 2x PV-16 "Sunfury" Pulse Pistol | 2x Simple short sword | Light armour | Mandalorian vambrace || Stealth field generator || OPBC-01m
Tags: Arturo Braga Arturo Braga | Tovald Kahmen’’a Tovald Kahmen’’a | Cass Gemini Cass Gemini | Open
[ Mando music ]
"Galactic Basic" | <"Mandalorian"> | ~"Telepathic" communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

Another discussion with the underworld figures. I’m starting to feel like Arutro has a little bad effect on me. I mean, I’ve never been particularly connected to the underworld before, and now I can keep defending my boyfriend. I don’t complain because it meant we could spend more time together, which was always enjoyable. Although it would have been even more pleasant in a hotel room than in one of Batuu’s cantinas, where we are waiting for the others to arrive.

But at least now we were in home terrain, not in a part where we were guests. Here you could prepare for everything. That’s why I allowed myself to have my helmet on the table next to me for the time being, enjoying Arturo’s company and waiting for the other guests to arrive. From that, of course, I was still watching the place; I trusted Arturo's people too, but more eyes see more.

"When this is over, we should go on vacation… somewhere where no one bothers us and there are only two of us." I smiled at him.

I quickly drank my glass and took my helmet in my hand. I didn’t drink alcohol, I didn’t want to be under any influence, so there was only fruit juice in the glass. Then a glass of champagne or liquor when it’s over and we’re in a really safe place, but this was the future. Now I knew why I was here because he completely trusts me, it still filled me with pleasant feelings. It was good to know that we could count on each other on and off the battlefield.

"Which do you think is more dangerous? Claw or Maw? I mean, we know what Maw can do, we've seen it in countless worlds. Yes, they are dangerous, but Claw is still unknown. And I think of the underworld aspect rather than the normal war situation. If that makes sense…" I told him.

I was still waiting for his answer and I tried to talk further, but when the guests arrive, I will pick up my helmet as well.


Location: Administrative Dome, Haven - Iol
Call Sign: Rominaria Seven
Dialogue Legend: <"High Nelvaanian"> │ “Galactic Basic”
Tags: EE ( Eina L'lerim-Vandiir Eina L'lerim-Vandiir )

“This is Rominaria Seven, approaching the rendezvous. Keep an eye out for traps.”

The diminutive sniper moved with careful patience through the shadows, relying in part on her armor’s stealth systems to remain undetected, but also on her own skill. In the process, she kept out of the grass, sands, or anything else where her movement might disturb the environment in some way. With her probe droid recording enemy positions from above, MEIPOC fed the data back to her so that she could approach from unwatched areas, of which there were precious few.

At some point, she would have to break the teeth of the Final Dawn’s forces in order to achieve her objective.

In truth, Ivixa had little inclination towards the Ashlans, finding them to be rather pompous and arrogant, if such a word could aptly describe a nation of gold flags and bedecked Knights. Nevertheless, the Empire’s alliance with them was stronger than ever, to the point that the two nations freely shared intelligence and on a more limited basis, military secrets. However, one day, perhaps when the Maw was finally vanquished and peace restored to the Unknown Regions, she sensed that the alliance might collapse or become less convenient. For her part, Ivixa was already preparing for the possibility. While her authority within Blackwatch was limited, the tiny assassin used the power she had to filter the flow of information to the Ashlan Crusade, ensuring that the Empire’s secrets remained just that, even if there were others who might question the necessity of it.

Before long, Ivixa arrived at the rendezvous point, floating down from the top of a bombed building via armor’s Eleleth repulsors. There, the Asa’nyx took in the towering figure of the Saint of the Ashlan Crusade, her visage radiant, noble, and ethereal in nature, contrasting with her mother’s more shadowy, darkly pulchritudinous aspect. Glancing at her twin blades, one with a straight edge and the other jagged, Ivixa immediately knew that this was a being of power and majesty, similar to her mother in stature but vastly different in character.

She truly was a Living Saint.

“I’m ready.” The assassin softly, as she landed on the ground.

In spite of her reservations with the Ashlans, failure seemed almost impossible with this luminescent being on her side.




Location: Odessen system
Objective: participate in wargames
Tags: Aximand Sicarus Aximand Sicarus

Noble Crusader Battlecruiser - 9.5km
Lord Hoth - in reserve
Bane of Darkness

2 x Dragoon Class Battlecruiser 7.1km
Fist of Demici - in reserve
Geiseric's Blade

3 x Bastion Planetary Invasion Ship 6km
Harbinger of Light
Bogans Demise
Temple of Peace

5 x Templar Class Star Destroyer 9.25km
Wisdom of Tython
Spirit of Bosph
- in reserve
Liberator - in reserve

14 x Dominion Class Escort Frigate 4.73km (4 in reserve)
8 x Principality Class corvette 1.28km (2 in reserve)
8 x Warden Class anti-starfighter frigate 2km (2 in reserve)

Even split complements of
Pegasus Interceptor Starfighters
Phoenix Multirole Starfighter

Ashla's Mercy orbital insertion shield generators

Infantry available

Ashlan Marines
Sisters of Ashla

Grand Admiral Isla Draellix surveyed her hollow are the fleet arrayed in system, the Ashla's Might sat in the center of an armada of Ashlan warships. Far across the void was a similar sized fleet of the Eternal Navy, they were the foes today, lead by Aximand Sicarus Aximand Sicarus . Isla had been planning this exercise with him for a while and now it was time. The Galaxy was watching. The Imperials and Galactic Alliance had been informed of the maneuvers, and hopefully the Maw were watching too, this was a practice event for the Eternal Crusade, but a show for the Mawites.

Her primary objective was to push past the lines of the eternals and get her three Bastions on to the moon of Odessen where in practice, 75000 Sisters of Ashla would be able to rapidly deploy and seize territory. Only today this was a mock battle.

Isla walked with the two Captains of her giant flagship into the holosuite "SAINT, bring up full battle map, plot all current trajectories and overlay gravity wells."

"What are you thinking Admiral?" one of the captains enquired. An older man, one that had served many times under Isla and the senior of the two captains.

"This small satellite of the planet on their flank has an usually high gravity well. I think if we use hyperspace to deploy our reserve force here," and she traced her finger in a line that went around the nameless rock and toward the enemy. "we can spin the fleet round the rock to get some serious sublight speed and attach their rear arcs. If we can cut across the rear of their entire fleet, we can potentially do significant damage to their lines.

The only issue is here where the trajectory goes passes close to the planet's atmosphere. There isn't a lot of room for error there so we won't be able to take defensive action if things go bad. We need to pull these three ships forward about 100km or so to give us more space."

The two captains looked on and followed the path which was now annotated with calculations from SAINT. The plan looked achievable but would obviously have to adapt as the space battle unfolded.

"Admiral, if I may, these ships of ours if moved into..this… formation should provide a little bait to draw the eternal forward. Its a risk, but we are playing laser tag so if it fails…" "Going to have to stop you there, this exercise is to be treated as if Tu'teggacha Tu'teggacha himself is hunting us, we will not be using dumb high risk strategies that you wouldn't employ against him. However, in this case the risk is acceptable and I will approve that action" there was also the matter of honor against Sicarus, but that was none of their business.

"Please inform the Admiral that the Ashlan fleet will attack within the allotted window as of now." from the time of this announcement, the Ashlans could begin the attack any time in the next six hours, the exact timing was at Islas discretion.




Location: Haven, Iol
Objective: Steal information
Tags: Eina L'lerim-Vandiir Eina L'lerim-Vandiir Ivixa Nera'kas Ivixa Nera'kas
Personal Equipment

Rhiza Dural hopped out of the Ashlan dropship onto the ground in Iol, she was using her force powers to improve her stealth and supress her force and she moved with feline grace. She had come here to hunt along side the Eternal Empire, the Ashlan Jurors were well suited to this sort of mission, they had the finesse to undertake investigations without causing too much fuss.

Or at least most of them did. Apparently not Rhiza, "She is irresponsible, reckless and does not behave worthy of Crusader or Jedi at all" those were the words of Eina L'lerim-Vandiir Eina L'lerim-Vandiir to the senior Jedi and her concerns were noted and handed to Rhiza. It stung, but Rhiza knew she wasn't a Jedi, she knew she wasn't worthy, yet.

When she saw Eina on the roster for this mission, the older Rhiza would have been thinking of some way to get revenge or silence her. But the new Rhiza saw this as an opportunity show her growth, the Valkryja had done her a favour with her honesty, she showed her clear flaws to focus on. Although she had argued to the Grand Marshall that being a little reckless could be an advantage, did he respect that, who knows. She wasn't yet trusted enough for her opinion to count.

She did at least hope that her actions on tracking down the corrupt priest helped her case, he had vanished again she hoped she had something to do with that, and her wicked smile returned.

"Lady Eina, it is a pleasure to see you again. May I thank you for honoring me with your concern in Malachor." polite, but formal.

She looked at the diminutive Ivixa Nera'kas Ivixa Nera'kas "I am Juror Rhiza of the crusade, I will guess you are a sharpshooter from that handsome looking weapon you are carrying."

As a Eina suggested they head onward, Rhiza nodded. "do you think we can get all the way in undetected? There is a lot of presences her, of varying strength."



  • Lancer Fighters: 0/0/1,200
  • Haxor Interceptors: 0/0/264
  • Hornet Bombers: 0/0/400


Objective: 2 - Soldiers of Heaven
Location: Odessen, Joint Fleet Maneuvers in Orbit
Tags: Isla Draellix-Kobitana Isla Draellix-Kobitana

In the not too distant past, the world of Odessen was the focal point of a surprise attack from Maw forces. While they were unsuccessful in pushing the allied forces of the Empire and Ashlan Crusade from the planet, their attack had exacted a heavy toll upon both Imperial and Crusade forces alike. What is more, far more forces than Aximand had hoped, were able to exfiltrate from their assault upon the planet. While the battle had resulted in a strategic victory for the allied forces, it had revealed to the Rear Admiral significant gaps in their combat preparedness. Even with the combined might of both the Ashlan and Eternal Fleets, they could not fully repulse the Final Dawn from their concentrated efforts to reach a position in high orbit over the planet.

It was because of this that Aximand had resolved to improve the readiness of his fleet by any means necessary. The fleet presence on that day was paltry at best, so Aximand made it a priority to mobilize larger concentrations of elements of his own personal battlegroup. Added upon that, he had issued a personal requisition for the deployment of the Ragnarök; the Eternal Fleet’s proverbial sledgehammer of a super star destroyer. Judging from the gathered forces of the Ashlan fleet adjoining his own fleet, it would seem as though the Crusade had undertaken similar measures.

During the following joint debriefings conducted between himself and Grand Admiral Draellix, both commanders had agreed upon the mobilization and execution of joint military exercises of their newly bolstered fleets. While the wargames would have the obvious effect of boosting the morale of the collective fleet, it would also do much to expose both factions to the tactics of the other, and therefore improve inter-fleet operational effectiveness. The cynic in him mused upon the security ramifications of exposing the Eternal Fleet’s tactical doctrines to the Ashlan Crusade, particularly as he observed the imposing visage of the Ashlan’s Might from the viewport of his flagship’s CIC blister.

Not so long ago, he had considered the Ashlan Crusade a rival in almost every way to the Empire - an overzealous conclave of crusaders who thought or cared little for the consequences of their actions. Their incursion upon the world of Panatha served as ample testament to Aximand’s views, wherein both nations had teetered on the edge of war between each other. Of course, the advancement of the Second Great Hyperspace War, along with the Enclave’s surprise attack against Panatha had done much to bridge the developing gap between both the Eternal Empire and Ashlan Crusade, to the point of a formal treaty being established between them.

Since then, both nations had seemingly been joined at the hip in their collective campaign against the Brotherhood of the Maw. Yet, interestingly enough, the Admiral had not heard much about the Crusade’s stance with the Enclave. The Imperial Broadcasting Service had inferred some level of hesitancy on the part of the Crusade from publicly condemning the Mandalorian terrorists over their actions, yet they stopped short of actual accusations given Empress L’lerim’s vice grip over the media outlets of the Empire. That did not stop rumors from circulating within the ranks of the military, however. Despite the recent joint missions, and the Crusade’s overt actions to demonstrate them as a valuable ally to the Empire; there were still many within the Eternal Armed Forces who mistrusted the Crusaders.

Yet, such mistrust would be put aside for now, if not entirely by the rank and file within the armed forces; with any further overt thought or suspicions remaining the prerogative of senior command staff such as Aximand himself. For now, he would extend a level of trust to their counterparts - if for no other reason than he was expected to do so by his superiors. Plus, he had to set an example for the men and women under his command, such as Commodore Joram Einar.

Commodore Einar had done much to commend himself thus far under Aximand’s command. His attention to detail, conscientiousness, and work ethic had done himself immense credit both during the aforementioned battle, as well as now during the tactical briefing currently commencing. Aximand turned to face the holo-projector Joram stood in front of, showing a three-dimensional layout of the agreed-upon engagement zone.
”Admiral, our ships have deployed in a blockade formation around Odessen as ordered. We have received confirmation from the Ashlan fleet that they are ready to commence the exercise imminently.”

Aximand nodded, observing the positional data streaming across his good eye. By the look of things, the Ragnarök was positioned in the center of the fleet, with the ENS Glaive & ENS Victus; a pair of brand new Apocalypse-class Artillery Battlecruisers courtesy of the 1st Siege Line - flanking the Ragnarök on either side. The massive super star destroyer was under the command of her own Commodore and senior command staff, but were provisionally under the command of Aximand himself.

As for his own flagship, the ENS Tiberius, she was positioned near the right side of the Eternal Fleet’s formation near Odessen’s moon, supported by (2) of the four total Eternal-class Star Destroyers, along with a screening formation of Demeton heavy cruisers and Coda-class Frigates. A higher concentration of cruisers and frigates formed the left flank, with the fleet’s picket frigates and corvettes scattered throughout the formation to protect against potential fighter screens. The Vikaander-class light cruisers formed a skirmishing detachment alongside the CR-90 mark VIII corvettes, and were deployed on the far side of the satellite - utilizing the intensive gravity well readings to mask their signature from the Ashlan fleet’s scanners. The carrier group detachment was deployed in low orbit of the planet of Odessen itself, safely screened by the remainder of the Eternal Fleet, and well out of visual range unless the Crusade managed to break through the blockade itself.

In short, the Eternal Fleet was arrayed in a textbook blockade formation, with their strong side skirting the edge of the moon’s gravity well, and a considerable left flank arrayed to either fold in if the need arose or to hold the line in the event of an intensive push.
”Begin acquiring targeting solutions on the Ashlan fleet as soon as the exercise commences. I want all ships of the line to synchronize their targeting computers to our own. And prepare the first fighter wave for immediate deployment upon my command.”

”Yes sir.” Joram replied, who in turn nodded to the tactical officer to see those waning orders executed. When word arose from the Ashlan fleet that they would begin their assault, the Eternal Fleet in turn near-instantly set about securing target locks and firing solutions, primarily focused on the Templar-class Star Destroyers. When the confirmations came in, Aximand glanced at the tactical readout before speaking again.

”Commence with a withering barrage of all Malmoural artillery cannons and Beta PCVB cannons upon the lead ships of their formation.”

Naturally, as the massive weapons commenced moving into position, their non-lethal settings would result in inert-tachyon energy being launched in lieu of live rounds. At most, the positive tachyon particles would coalesce amidst the negative charge of a ship’s usual shield system, causing the sensors to ping readouts similar to actual damage impacting against shield systems. It was a perfect means of non-lethal target practice, while simulating realistic energy traverse speeds and sensor readouts.

The opening ‘salvo’ on the part of the Eternal Fleet was scattered, but would have been an impressive display of firepower had they been using live rounds. The Ragnarök’s massive Malmoural artillery cannons unleashed alongside those of the Apocalypse-class cruisers. The Beta PCVB cannons of the battlecruisers and Coda frigates unleashed as well in a massive fusilade, meant primarily to force the Ashlan advance to bear upon them in a rush - hoping to force them into a hasty advance and cause gaps in their formation. One advantage the Eternal Fleet held in this scenario was the luxury of time. The longer they held their position, the harder it would be for the Ashlan’s to penetrate through and advance to their objective.


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Location: Batuu
Tags: Silhana Cadera Silhana Cadera

Location: Cantina doorway
Tags: Silhana Cadera Silhana Cadera Arturo Braga Arturo Braga Tovald Kahmen’’a Tovald Kahmen’’a
Wearing: This outfit

Cass had come to this meeting on Batuu, she hoped it would be a little more civilised than the previous meeting, but if she were honest, the fight that had broken out had given her a chance to pick a side and maybe that's the very reason the black sun didn't sack off the whole venture and invited her here instead. As she entered the bar she saw a pair of light pink lekku rising up from the booth and began to wander over. He colouration was pretty, Cass found lethans more exciting sometimes, but pink was cute. She rounded the corner and saw she had her helmet off "Oh, so apparently pink IS cute then!" she said aloud, almost in response to her own thoughts, "and there was me in the last meeting sat there thinking Arturo was the one I should be pursuing, now I'm just torn.... OK, I'll take both please." she raised her eyebrows, it was a genuine offer, but she was primarily just saying hello in her own friendly way.

"how are you both?" she said as she gestured for table service. She never even got to drink at the last meeting, she would correct that. "its my round right? And shall I assume we're past that 'pretend to drink because it might be drugged' stage because I do fancy a drunk tonight....

Barman, can I have 'blood of the night' please, its black coffee liquer layered over rum with red grenadine and a dash of lemon in it. And whatever these two gorgeous pair are having."

The barman would take their order and walk away. Cass was excited to get down to it with these two, but first they needed to take about their criminal ventures.

Still going, despite everything.

Tags: Silhana Cadera Silhana Cadera Cass Gemini Cass Gemini
Location: Batuu

"Maw. Definitely Maw." Arturo answered Sil, almost without hesitating. "Sure, you could look at the Frost Claw as some sort of unknown element, but their motives are pretty easy to work out once you sit down and take the time to think about it." Smiling at the twi'lek sat at his side, the former Underboss probed the datapad laid on the table before him. Yeah, the Claw weren't all that, really. Their unwillingness to compromise- listen, even, had told Arturo almost all he needed to know of the gang and those who led it. And after the shootout, which had cost him a few trusted enforcers and weeks worth of preparation, Arturo wasn't much in the mood to listen either.

"'Sides, the Maw can bring more to the field than the Claw could ever hope to. We've found that out the hard way, as you well know." Arturo meant the royal 'we' but he knew he didn't have to elaborate where Sil was concerned. Having known the pink-skinned twi'lek for a while now, he knew she could read between the lines just as well as he could, as if she had a preternatural sense when it came to sniffing out hidden meanings. Part of being the Unknown Region's best bounty hunter, he supposed.

"And you're right. We should go somewhere together soon, and before you say it, no, I don't mean back to the ship." Grinning, he kissed Sil on the cheek, wondering absentmindedly whether it was this public display of affection that drove the twi'lek to her feet, helmet in hand. Luckily it wasn't. "Miss Gemini," Arturo greeted the wayward pirate captain, laughter in his voice. "I'd say it's good to see you, but... ah, who am I kidding? It's good to see you!" Pushing to his feet -and turning off the screen of his 'pad- Arturo clasped hands with his new acquaintance. An acquaintance that had, somewhat recently, helped him get off of Balis-Baurgh in one piece.

"Hells, what kind of cantina do you think this is? We're not in Claw territory any more. Here we've got the good stuff." There was a reason he had picked this particular spot for their meeting after all, and it had nothing to do with the lovely terrace overlooking the city proper. Or the five-star service. Or the vibrant décor, comfy seats, barmaids... Okay, on second thoughts, maybe it did. "You wanna take this outside? Weather's nice this time of year, and Lynne here needs to work on her tan."

Winking at the bounty hunter/bodyguard, Arturo smiled at the pair. In a slightly lower voice he said; "less acoustics, too, if you get my drift." The cantina and booth he had had occupied had already been swept for bugs, but it wouldn't hurt to find a new spot. Plus he really wanted to get some fresh air. "Your call."


Objective: Infiltration
Location: Haven, Iol
Tags: Eina L'lerim-Vandiir Eina L'lerim-Vandiir Ivixa Nera'kas Ivixa Nera'kas Rhiza Dural Rhiza Dural

Falling beneath the shadow of the dome, the Hellhounds under Corin's command were quick to disperse into the darkness around her as she fell in amongst the rest of the infiltration team. "First squad's in position and awaiting orders," she told the three women quietly, unsure whether the third -a Zygerrian- even spoke High Nelvaanian. "We're ready to go when you are." Glancing at her companions, the former Ultranaut struggled and failed to keep her awe in check as her gaze settled on Eina.

"Before we proceed, I'd just like to say it's an honour and a privilege to see you again, My Lady, and to see you well." Corin's voice was little more than a hushed whisper, flush with something akin to embarrassment. Not too long ago, the 'Heir to the Empire' had helped her through something of a personal crisis. The gratitude Corin felt towards Eina had not diminished over the long months they had been apart, nor was it likely to.

'Do right by an Ultranaut and you'll have a friend for life. Do wrong, and you won't have much of a life left to live.' Or so the old saying went. Corin suspected truer words had never been spoken. "It's good to meet you, too, ma'am," she continued, her gaze turning to Ivixa, the other familiar face. "I was there on Kalidan the day the Empress Herself pinned a medal to your chest. It's a hard feeling to describe, is it not? The pride?" Feeling she had said too much, Cor bit down on her words.

Though they were alone and relatively safe, Corin knew now wasn't exactly the best time to sit and catch up with people who, if she was being earnest, were little more than acquaintances. The Maw had patrols out after all, and whilst the infiltration group had slipped the noose so far, she knew it wouldn't be long until it began to tighten.

"I believe so," Corin answered Rhiza's question, shifting to address the Ashlan Juror. "My point man reports light patrols in the abandoned administrative blocks deeper within the dome. Slave soldiers. The kind the Maw likes to throw at us to bog our troops down whilst their heavies manoeuvre into better positions." Corin had fought them before, dozens of times. The equipment and training of said slaves varied depending on which warlord you found yourself against, but for the most part, they were deployed as meat shields. Their strength was in their numbers.

The antithesis of the Empire's war machine.

"We should be able to slip through with few problems. The real work begins once we're inside the main hub."
In Umbris Potestas Est
Objective: Bulli
Enemies: Eina L'lerim-Vandiir Eina L'lerim-Vandiir

One of the avatars of Onrai stood within the great confines of the Mawite facility on this world. A small contingent of her personnel had contributed to the Maw’s collections of personnel here, and as she was more than just a mortal, Onrai had ensured her presence was here, a means of invigorating her followers and perhaps garnering new ones.

As she stood, her barely distinct nose wrinkled. “I sense something. Something I have waited quite some time to encounter.” She smiled.

“Perhaps we’ll see if my gift for Ingrid works.”
Ultranaut of the Eternal Empire


Objective: Distract the Enemy by Destroying a Maw Weapons Factory
Location: Iol, Weapons Factory a distance from Haven - Outside the Domes
Equipment: LAR-1 Assault rifle configuration – Eternal Empire AWS, KC-77N Hybrid Pistol, Lucius-pattern Bayonet, Sk-RS MK. IV Armour, 4 Fragmentation Grenades, 2 Class-A Thermal Detonators, 2 Thorium Demolition Charges, 1 medkit
Tag: Xerra Altaris Xerra Altaris


They had their orders, not a one questioned them. They were told to attack a Maw weapons factory that specialized in small arms and munitions: And to destroy it with extreme prejudice. They didn't ask pointless questions, the only asked for command to point the way. Little by little, over a period of days the Ultranauts, their equipment, and ships were snuck onto Iol. On the planet they were joined by a division of the Sisters of Ashla, who would be providing extra support. Fully armored and armed, the Ultranauts were strapped into their drop ships crash harnesses prepared to live or die, whatever the Empire asked of them.

For Zalan this was his third official mission. The first had him in the first wave against a pirate base that he had to take down. Second was a mission of survival after a drop ship crash, then a fight against Mandalorians and Sandworms. He thought he would feel nervous as he leaned against the seat and checked his weapons once more. However, there was a quiet calm inside his heart. Whatever his fate, it was of his own making. His parents had no part to play in it any longer.

The dropships moved quickly and stayed quite low to avoid sensors. It was only the expert pilots of the Eternal Empire that made this dangerous maneuver even possible. One mistake would see them exploded against the landscape. In front of the dropships was a squadron of I-3A Lance fighters, and a couple of RX-4 Hornet bombers. Zalan felt a bit of motion sickness as the lifeless ground whizzed by. The sharp jukes, the constant bumps, the speed, all mixed with the fact they were so close to another gravity source, it caused his stomach to get all wonky as the ships ran their own version of a trench run.

Once more his eyes closed, and he meditated as he had the other times. It calmed his nerves and gave him a clarity that always helped. Suddenly, the Corporal shouted out. "Prepare for landing!" Zalan knew what was coming. It made his stomach sink. However, there was the beginnings of a small thrill about it all the same. He knew the domes were a good distance away, but this was one of the few targets not covered under them, which made it ideal for their mission. Once more he replayed their briefing, their orders, and the fact they had to destroy this place with extreme prejudice.

The fighters and bombers raced ahead of the drop ships. They raised up slightly and aimed at a specific wall of the factory. The AA guns would be upon them soon, but with luck not before it was too late. Fighters launched torpedoes, and the two bombers unleashed a barrage of torpedoes and missiles as well. They impacted the factory wall and exploded; a fireball unleashed. The fighters and bombers pulled back as the hole was made. The Factories formidable AA guns opened and traced the fleeing fighters and bombers, quickly reacting. However, one fighter was a little slower than the others and was caught in the deadly blasts. The fighter didn't even have the dignity to burn, it was simply vaporized.

The flames and rubble settled as dust flew from the newly opened hole. The dropships aimed straight for the hole and one by one they pushed through it. They slowed only enough to not crash and burn, however the landings were barely controlled as the metallic bottoms of the ships scrapped across the rubble strewn floor of the factory and the ships swung into place. As soon as they came to a violent stop, the doors opened and the Ultranauts exited. The pressure from the air inside the factory exiting into the outside caused a great wind, however, soon the Factory's emergency magnetic field generators came into play and the wind stopped. The ones in front opened fire, sending brutal laser fire into the ash strewn depths of the factory and dodging debris that fell, covering the ones still exiting. Some fire teams veered off to plant their explosive charges against still standing pillars of the ruined outer wall.

Zalan still felt a little queasy, but he pushed it down as his team moved quickly into the building to find targets to explode. In the chaos a feeble defense was made, and laser blasts splashed all around them. The ultranaut fired at the Maw soldiers who met them. Compared to a Mandalorian, this would be a piece of cake. But he knew it wouldn't be long before they regrouped. They had to move like lightening.

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Objective: Distract the enemy by destroying a weapons factory
Location: Iol - Weapons Factory - Outside the Domes
LPD-43 Reckoning Assault Cannon,

Armor of Sanctity
2 x V-6 Haywire grenades
2 x Thermal Detonators
2 x Fragmentation grenades
1 x Cryoban grenade
1 x Incendiary grenade
FAE-M-01 Scherezade energized vibroblade
Portable medipack with bacta-injectors
Ashlan Rosery
Tag: Zalan Luca Zalan Luca

Onboard the dropship with the Sister's of Ashla, despite the danger there was peace. It was calm, with the lead sister leading the rest of them in a prayer. This factory spread darkness upon the galaxy. It created weapons used by the Mawites to create fear and do evil.

Clad in her heavy power armor Xerra felt invincible. It was simply another mission where they would spread the love of Ashla through superior firepower. Death wasn't something to fear, as it simply connected them that much closer to Ashla.

The drop ships rocked as they flew into the same gaping maw that had been created by the Eternal Empire forces moments before. With the same tactics, the drop ships skidded across the floor and came to a stop. Her sisters disembarked, and ready for anything that was thrown at them.

"For Ashla!" She cried out loudly as she raised her weapon at factory guard who rushed at her. Her reckoning fired a flechette that pierced through the guard's face and out the other side. Two more came up and just as quickly they were dispatched. Her team formed up with Zalan's Eternal Empire fire team and headed deeper into the building.

One of the Ultranauts they were escorting stopped and rigged an explosive against a central pillar. Another wave of guards rushed in an attempt to stop them. However, the metal wall of power armor stopped them short, the light blaster fire simply bouncing off their armor almost harmlessly. The cannons fired and the beings disappeared into chunks of flesh and sprayed blood. Ashla willed it.
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Magister Militum Dei


Scipio Kaarz: Magister Militum Dei of the Crusade

Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim


Things had been relatively quiet since the Maw's attack on Odessan, giving the allied forces time to regroup and prepare for the next step in the campaign against the Maw. With the building of the base came both opportunity and uncertainty, leaving many to retain different opinions on where the campaign stood. As for Scipio, he leaned more toward the former, as the emplacement of the new allied fortress would allow them to open another front against the galaxy's own public enemy number one. Whatever it took, he would tell himself; anything was worth bringing an end to the darkness brought on by Solipsis and his ilk. But in order for that to happen, steps would need to be taken, and the Magister hoped to end the day one step closer to victory.

He entered the room with a pair of Veilbearers in tow, a protective measure that he deeply protested against. It wasn't that he held any ill will toward their order; on the contrary, Scipio found them to be incredibly effective. He simply didn't believe that he required a personal guard. Nevertheless, the attack on Odessan prompted the Crusade's high command to call for greater protection for their leadership, and Scipio would be forever the faithful servant of Ashla.

As he entered the room, the Magister could already see the Eternal Empress hard at work, looking over the holoprojection as she made her calculations for the future. As he approached, Scipio offered her a quick bow before joining her at the holoprojector.

"Empress, I am here on the Cardinal's behalf. He regrets not being able to attend, but has given me full authority to speak for him in this meeting."

Scipio took a moment to review the projection, stepping next to the Empress as he began making his own calculations.

"Our little excursion to Iol seems to be progressing well. Hopefully the intel we grabbed from those Mawites was solid, though I suppose that we'll know soon enough."

Silhana Lolaes'ra
Lynne Tal’kira aka Lady Orchid; The Angel-faced killer
Bounty Hunter, Verd'ika, member of the Clan Cadera; Headmistress of the House Orchid and The Hounty Hunters' Guild
Objective: Protect Arturo
Location: Cantina, Batuu
Equipment: 2x PV-16 "Sunfury" Pulse Pistol | 2x Simple short sword | Light armour | Mandalorian vambrace || Stealth field generator || OPBC-01m
Tags: Arturo Braga Arturo Braga | Tovald Kahmen’’a Tovald Kahmen’’a | Cass Gemini Cass Gemini | Open
[ Mando music ]
"Galactic Basic" | <"Mandalorian"> | ~"Telepathic" communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

"We also know the intentions of the Maw to wipe out everything and everyone…" I said I wanted to smile, but I was unable to do so this time. "Right, compared to that, the Claw is an amateur company."

I looked at my empty glass; it would have been nice to have a day some year when we didn’t have to worry about who was trying to kill us or exterminate the entire galaxy. Yes, I knew what he was thinking, so I nodded grimly at him; and yet, when he used "we" instead of just him, a very faint smile appeared on my lips. I don’t know if it was intentional or not, but such tiny compliments were pleasant. Even if the event itself is not when it happened.

"It would be hard to forget." I told him.

However, I was already smiling at the kiss and the words and laughing softly, and finally turning my head to the side so I could speak to him.

"That sounds great, I'll take you at your word.!" I replied kindly.

But unfortunately, the flirting was over because Miss Gemini had arrived. I nodded to him when I was already wearing my helmet.

"Miss Gemini!" I welcomed her.

Do I need sunshine? I sighed under my helmet. Of course, I understood why he wanted to go out, even though I checked the place too. The place was clean, at least as much as it could be. But I couldn’t argue that safety is paramount. It’s true it’s harder to take care of him or ourselves outside if someone wants to attack with a sniper rifle. But unfortunately, there was no perfect and completely certain solution or method. Those never existed.

"The outdoor location suits me. But only the shadow, I have to watch out for my pretty pale pink colour." I also referred to the fact that I would be happier with a place that is covered, where they can see us from as few places as possible.



Location: Cantina, Batuu
Objective: Talk and drink
Equipment: Rifle, Sword, Magnetic Thermal Detonators, Thermite Explosives, Heavy Blaster Pistol, Carbine
Tags: Silhana Cadera Silhana Cadera | Arturo Braga Arturo Braga | Cass Gemini Cass Gemini


<"60 Credits?! Deary me.">

Tovald had been fortunate to get a space to dock The Cyclone in, the prices were still as extortionate as ever, the inflation is certainly starting to bite, everything, food, fuel and docking prices are all rocketing upwards. The Ubese cannot complain, people need credits, but 60 for a small-ish ship is crazy. But true to form the Ubese said nothing about it, people get shot for breathing wrong these days, he knows better than to push his luck.

This was the spot it has an outdoors area, less likely to get shot at without knowing about it. At least that was the plan. He hoped at least it was. Cantinas are nice but they can get stifling and no matter where he went Spiders seem to gather, so far nothing else has come from the fateful Spider-Bite. No new strange happenings, no climbing on walls or any other crazy poodoo that comes from that kind of thing.

Besides no one believes him anyway, even he found the whole thing far fetched and he's the one actually talking to spiders. But that's not the point of him being here, the main point is to meet up with Arturo, Pink and Miss Gemini. Not to worry about Spiders.

Tovald hoped it will just be the talking and controlling of the Arachnids. Sighing, he made it into the garden area, the patio heaters are making walking spaces rather narrow, but he was good at manoeuvring in tight spaces. He hoped to see Arturo and the pink lady again, he wanted to get more involved in business again, rather than doing little.

He recognised Arturo and Pink anywhere, he started to pick his way towards them, avoiding bumping into people as he went, a bar fight is the last thing he wants, it means blowing why he was here wide open and puts everyone else in trouble. Eventually, he managed to avoid crowds and carefully approached the others, careful not to give too much away as it is.
Lady Eina L'lerim-Vandiir
The First and the Light of Ashla

Heiress and Princess of the Eternal Empire and Terraris; Angelic Mascot and Representative of the Ashlan Crusade
Eternal Empire's Ambassador to the Ashlan Crusade; Matriarch of the Valkyrja; Leader of Sanctuary and the Fjölkyngi Smiđr Guild
Objective: Steal information about the Maw's plans
Location: Haven, Iol
Equipment: Sverð Fyrstr (swords) | Ljósspjót (spear) | Skrúð Engill Fyrstr (armour) || Empyrean gland | OPBC-01m || Current appearance
Allies: Ivixa Nera'kas Ivixa Nera'kas | Corin Autem Corin Autem | Rhiza Dural Rhiza Dural | Open
Enemies: Onrai Onrai | open
[ The Valley of Deaeth ]
<"High Nelvaanian"> | ~ telepathic communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

Luckily, she got the files on who her companions will be, and what their occupation is. So, although she hadn’t worked with many of them before, she knew who Ivixa was, for example, through MANIAC. It was in the files that Eina's mother had personally awarded the woman and considered she had great talents. It was always strange for the Valkyrja to work with the Eternal Empire when the soldiers could not see her face, they sometimes instinctively believed that the Empress was speaking to them because Eina's voice was the same as her mother's.

"It served your interests as well as your peers'. I'm not happy I had to." she said honestly.

She pondered the question, after all, that is why the diversion was brought; though she hoped they would not be needed. The Valkyrja wasn’t happy if the lives of others had to be risked, even if they had voluntarily undertaken it all, because they were soldiers.

"Honestly? I don't know, I hope so." she told her.

And there was even Corin here; the woman and one of her companions (Lil) had been to the Sanctuary before, and the major was able to speak to the dead who had died during the siege of Omni's Castle, and she could see what had become of them in the afterlife. That their deaths were not in vain and they still have lives in the Netherworld.

"Major! I am also glad to see you; and I have already asked you, the "Eina" will be plenty enough." yes, she was less attached to titles and ranks, and it was a little easier for her to be direct than her mother. It was thanks to her father.

She thought for a moment.

"It would be good to avoid slaves. They are the victims of the Maw, they broke and brainwashed them. Most never wanted that. I saw their souls… but there are also a lot of Final Dawn soldiers here. They are not slaves, but trained soldiers, mercenaries. It’s not going to be easy, so we should go unnoticed." she told them.

She nodded at Corin's words, and she agreed. After that, they could leave. Agents have previously designated a route. This was the fastest way, with few detours, as it led through the canal to the building. This avoided all patrols and sensors. Eina led them to the given point. Progress in the canal was smooth for about half the way. That was about five to six minutes. However, they arrived at a fork in the direction, and from the direction they had to go, the light of the lights was visible.

A patrol headed straight to where the ladies were.


Location: Administrative Dome, Haven - Iol
Call Sign: Rominaria Seven
Dialogue Legend: <"High Nelvaanian"> │ “Galactic Basic”
Tags: EE ( Eina L'lerim-Vandiir Eina L'lerim-Vandiir Rhiza Dural Rhiza Dural Corin Autem Corin Autem )

Ivixa was among the first, but it didn’t take long for the rest of the team to reach the rendezvous, to which the diminutive sniper acknowledged each as they arrived, starting with the Zygerrian Juror. The Asa’nyx’s eyes lingered on the Juror for a split-second, dwelling on the Zygerrian’s striking, yet deadly beauty before glancing at the electro-whip and lightsaber hilt on her person, among an assortment of accompanying weapons. Without a doubt, Rhiza cut a statuesque figure, but her aspect went counter to what Ivixa had expected out of the Ashlans, her mental image of bedecked golden Knights shattered by this crimson temptress.

“Special Agent Ivixa Nera’kas.” The Asa’nyx introduced herself in turn, her manner disciplined and giving little hint to her feelings on Rhiza. Reminding herself that getting attached to an Ashlan Juror would undercut her mission in ensuring that the Eternal Empire did not get too close to their allies, Ivixa nevertheless found the Zygerrian to be a salient figure, even compared to the radiance of the Living Saint. “And, yes. That would be correct.” Ivixa spared the woman a cordial smile, which was only just visible beneath the visor of her helmet.

When the Hellhound Major arrived, Ivixa was immediately taken back to the award ceremony on the parade grounds of Wulfngard. It had only taken a few seconds for the Empress to pin the Distinguished Service Medal to her bosom, but Ivixa remembered it with perfect clarity. That promotion had eventually propelled her to the aristocracy of the Empire, the Baroness of Anthan Prime, a title she had earned on merit alone.

“Major Autem.” Ivixa acknowledged the Hellhound with a nod. “I think that day changed both of our lives.” She agreed.

From there, Ivixa listened to the others, before cutting in with her own intelligence.

“This world is under the Final Dawn’s sphere of influence, so…Eina is correct.” She affirmed, pausing to refrain from using the Saint’s title. “Their stormtroopers benefit from superior arms, armor, and training compared to the typical marauder or slave soldier. They are a modern force, with up-to-date technology and tactics. When engaging them, make sure your weapons are set to high power. It won't be long before we have to kick some teeth in.” The sniper finished, with an eerily calm bloodthirst.

From there, Ivixa followed at the rear of the group as they moved through the canal. However, the sniper hated the idea of bypassing patrols, who might have the opportunity to flank later. It went without saying Ivixa’s reputation was that of an assassin, eliminating everything that moved from the outside perimeter and working her way inside, one kill at a time. For the time being, she made sure to mark the location of the patrols they passed, letting her probe droid do the work of keeping tabs on their positions.

Later on, the sniper resolved that she would line up their heads inside her crosshairs.

And so, upon seeing the patrol approaching their position, Ivixa was primed to kill.

“Armor-piercing rounds, loaded.” She hissed. “I’ll take the two on the left. Marking targets.” The sniper added. Upon her command, a pair of cyan arrows would appear in each team member’s HUD, designating those stormtroopers as Ivixa’s targets.

From there, the Asa’nyx’s cloak shimmered to life, concealing her tiny form in a protective sheath of invisibility and hiding the sniper from both eye and sensor. Then, raising her rifle, Ivixa lined up her shot, her breath suspended in her chest as she waited for the clear to shoot.

“Ready on target.”



Location: Haven, Iol
Objective: Steal information
Tags: Eina L'lerim-Vandiir Eina L'lerim-Vandiir Ivixa Nera'kas Ivixa Nera'kas Corin Autem Corin Autem
Personal Equipment

Eina made no apology, nor should she, but Rhiza felt no malice or ill Intent towards herself from the Valkyrja so it should be left to lie. She continued on to discuss the position of the slaves.

"Eina is right, there is no honor in slaughtering slaves, however if we manage to subdue any, there are techniques that.." she nodded at Eina with a smile "..with your approval, I may be able to employ to reverse their conditioning, or replace it with something else." some customers didn't want a completely broken slave, particularly when it came to romantic servitude... she felt something in her stomach when she thought about that term, something she didn't recognise, but she knew she didn't like. She quickly changed the subject to get beyond this.

"But that must certainly be secondary to out main objective." she grinned, slightly forced as she pushed down that little twinge she felt.

She welcomed the introduction to the other women in the group, a veritable assortmant of violent individuals, the professional Imperial soldiers, formal and direct as usual, she was sure she caught the Asa'nyxes view lingering a little longer on her? Not the classical cut of a Jedi maybe? Who knows.

She nodded towards the Ultranaut in front of her, "they have storm troopers, we have you, if I was still a betting woman my money would be on the Ultranauts"

Their route continued down the corridor, they moved quickly but quietly, Rhiza's force stealth as easily the match for the elite training of her compatriots. The Sniper girl called a couple of targets and then vanished into nothing, only her thrill for the hunt pervading her force presence gave the Juror any indication she was still there.

Rhiza concentrated and went into a crouch as she edged closer, seeing the patrol approach, it was clear these were final dawn. She held her hand out to Ivixa, it was too early to open fire and give their position away. Rhiza had another plan. She shut her eyes and held her hand out, one of the soldier flinched and looked down and unseeded corridor. "Did you hear something? I head someone speaking down there, we should check it out." her mind trick had convinced one of the storm troopers, she hoped his concern would convince the rest.
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