Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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evelynn dorn

  1. Beatrice Govan

    Private  Spillingardans

    FADE, New Vertica, Nar Shaddaa Oh, now this was too far to fall. Even for her standards. It wasn't enough to simply continue bearing the standard of abject familiar failure, no, nor did misfortune find it satisfactory that the barbarians of the New Imperial Order had reduced her to a...
  2. Beatrice Govan

    Private  Alors On Danse

    T H C G, W H S K S T T N This was disgusting. A pop-up space station, already an offensive idea in its own right. The concept was carnival in nature, cheap and cheerful but in reality, it was anything but. No, this floating entertainment district was apparently exclusive, with guest lists...
  3. Beatrice Govan

    Private  Maybe This Time

    Memorial Plaza, Avalonia, Dosuun It was a new beginning. Evelynn could only see the mirth in the scenario as a new memory was formed while she stood staring into the face of death. The stone statue towered far overhead, a depiction of a lone Stormtrooper standing tall in the face of...
  4. Beatrice Govan

    Private  Border Security: Dosuun's Front Line

    Evelynn stared at the wall. Her sharp features gave way to no greater expression, remaining just as pointed as her gaze upon the stark surface. If one were to pop their head into the room and inspect the woman they might have thought her to be in a realm of completely neutral meditation. Of...
  5. Beatrice Govan

    Private  I Don't Wanna Be Me

    The Golden Credit Luxury Spa and Resort, De-Purteen, Ord Cantrell Who did this for fun? The air of the swimming pool was stifling, it clouded the nostrils with the overwhelming scent of chlorine and the general public. Every shout bounced across the walls several times over in what was an...
  6. Beatrice Govan

    Private  Hlauptu

    Learning how to walk again was a rather labour-intensive endeavour. It was not just the physical aspect that was entirely draining (which, naturally was unfortunate when you were a cadaverous woman entirely constructed out of craft paper and glue) but there was a certain mental element required...
  7. Beatrice Govan

    Private  Wheelin' and Dealin'

    De-Purteen Spaceport, Ord Cantrell She longed to scream. Evelynn Dorn had always considered herself a connoisseur of suffering; from the mental to the physical and all that lay between. It was her friend, her lover and her power. Why there was nothing that the woman couldn't withstand...
  8. Kiber Dorn


  9. Beatrice Govan

    Private  Hot Wheels

    Oodles of Noodles, The Streets of Chinesti, Phaeda If one had asked Evelynn Zambrano Dorn what she thought she would be doing on her path of reborn Sith ambition one of the answers that would not have been considered was physical therapy. Ah, the joys of a fractured spine. Now under the usual...
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