Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. The Grunt

    Private  The Freedom of the Damned

    Location: In the Shadow of the Sith Citadel, Exegol Time: Days after the Aftermath Tags: Lord Maestus Darkness and fear. Runt stumbled through another set of broken ruins, one of countless that littered the world. Without a proper day and the weak starlight, navigation would have been...
  2. Darth Solipsis

    Dominion  A Crusade Reborn | BotM Dominion of Nothmir

    The smoke clears in the aftermath of Tython.. Within the crackling valleys of Exegol, before the Sepulcher of the Sith’ari, a great burial was underway of Darth Solipsis and all those whom had perished in the BATTLE OF TYTHON when chaos unfurled. A War of Succession nearly came to fruition, yet...
  3. Darth Solipsis

    Public  Shatterpoint | Aftermath OOC

    The Dark Voice is dead. At the height of the cataclysmic Battle of Tython, wielding the scalpel of creation at the peak of Akar Kesh, the Sith'ari was felled. Whilst the galaxy had not been undone, by the end of the battle, the Brotherhood of the Maw had effectively ravaged the heart of the...
  4. Darth Solipsis

    Private  Lord Sro Can You Hear Me?

    DARK LORD OF THE SITH | VOICE OF THE MAW Romund Sro | Darth Kalyptos Exegol The Sith Sovereign Protectors marched through the hallowed halls loomed over by the imposing forms of Sith long passed. Within their escort, guarding the four corners, was a medical capsule gliding over the cold...
  5. Ivory Stroud

    The Temple of the Spheres (WRotP Submission)

    fa-play fa-pause OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: A submission for the Wondrous Ruins of the Past contest, Prompt 6: “Near a mysterious relic of a lost culture, reality itself breaks down.” Image Credit: Deviantart, Artist: Ourlak - “Relic” Canon: N/A Permissions: N/A Links: Song...
  6. Jin X

    Approved Tech  Black Heart of Exegol (Lightsaber Crystal)

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To Create A New Lightsaber Crystal Image Source: N / A Canon Link: Consume Essence Permissions: N / A Primary Source: Consume Essence PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Exegol Affiliation: Jin X Market Status: Closed Market Model: N / A Modularity: No...
  7. Darth Solipsis

    Approved Location  Sith Citadel | Exegol

    “At last the GREAT ERROR has been corrected. The time of victory is at hand, the time of the Sith." Intent: To update the Sith Citadel. Image Credit: Headers by Ingrid L'lerim-Vandiir DIV coding by Darth Mori Throne of the Sith submission picture: Destiny Hive Throne by Mark Van Haitsma on...
  8. Darth Solipsis

    Diplomacy  Heart of Darkness | BotM Capital Crowning of Exegol

    The rebuilding process after the pyrrhic victory over Csilla has been slow and grueling. The Head of the Snake has been severed and the Chiss Ascendancy shattered, it’s colonies open to plunder as the raider fleets pick apart the carrion fields. After two decisive strikes at Felucia and Thule...
  9. Darth Solipsis

    Private  Reclamation

    "At last." DARK LORD OF THE SITH | VOICE OF THE MAW Darth Vinaze Electrical discharges pulsed in sporadic intervals as light flashed before his eyes in rapid fire moments of brilliant illumination before abruptly returning to the darkness he now would call home. Yes, he was home. Long left...
  10. Darth Interitus

    Public  Revelation among the Ruins

    The air was howling, yet no one spoke. How could the dead even speak? The winds kept persisting among the barren lifeless land. The black deserts surrounded by monuments, and citadels. Statues of idols, and beings long worshipped as gods, now long dead. Among the sands, among ruins were the...
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