Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Mya Windu

    LFG  Podrace [3...2....1........*BEEEP*]

    Hey guys, looking to hit the tracks and have a blast. My podracer is done, just getting it fine tuned. Anyone with a need for speed will be welcome to join me once it's approved I'll post here when the thread is up. No red shells allowed.
  2. Mya Windu

    LFG  Exercise in The Force

    Hey guys, doing a training thread as my opener. Just getting to know some folks. Anyone who'd like to join up, I'm open to training both Younglings and Padawan's alike. Even up for a friendly sparring match with fellow knights or masters (SABERS SET TO STUN OF COURSE >_>) just let me know. Or...
  3. Arla Rodarch

    Faction  [UGF] Fight to be prepared, be prepared to fight.

    Aboard the UGF Defender, Qena Orbit Preparations for the wargame between the UGF Navy and the Lilaste Order were well underway. Today the final adjustments could be made, objections noted, and probably, bets laid upon the outcome, pride being what it was. The NSLR's Defender orbited above Qena...
  4. Master Jake Judah

    Faction  [NJO] Have yourself a merry little Sithmas!

    Coruscant, Jedi Temple Underground Training Facilities The training room was spacious and well appointed, making it an easy task for Jake to set up for his lesson. He'd ensured there were a ready number of training sabers for those who didn't own their own lightsaber yet. He'd arrived earlier...
  5. Romi Jade

    Approved Lore  The Centering Exercise

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To codify and document a Jedi centering technique rediscovered by Romi Jade, that she has revamped and re-integrated back into Jedi training. Image Credit: Comic Vine, quote directly from Dark Nest I: The Joiner King Canon: Dark Nest I: The Joiner King, New...
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