Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Serina Calis

    Private  Squatter's Rights

    Equipment: Traditional Jedi Robes (Beige and Brown), Lightsaber (Aqua), Location: Korriban, Undiscovered Tomb. Tag: Braze Sevrin The rust-hued dust of Korriban swirled in the twilight as Serina Calis descended into the shadowed crevices of the ancient world, her steps measured and deliberate...
  2. BB-4001X

    Mission  Through The Looking Glass

    DCS INTELLEC in port Lunar Station, orbit of Danton VI [ post theme ] "Supply-01, please report to Cargo Bay Twelve for receiving. Supply-01, please re..." In theory, this was going to be a short trip. Confirm that they'd arrived in a different galaxy. Make contact with one of the Ba'Land...
  3. BB-4001X

    LFG  Voyage Beyond The Stars

    The Droid Cooperative is recruiting for an exploratory mission to a parallel universe, made possible by Sasori technology. Jedi, Mandalorians, soldiers, navigators, scientists, and explorers are all needed to fill positions on the DCS Intellec, a first-in-class heavy cruiser that will be making...
  4. Valek Zuraxin

    Public  Vine & Stone

    Valek Zuraxin gently walked along the steps that lead up to the top of the Temple. The Shadowy Sith appeared no more than a crippled wanderer, his breathing echoed from the help of the apparatus around his face. A cane was wrapped firmly around his fingers, the black design resembled that of the...
  5. Phy

    Approved Lore  Ouroboros Exploration Society | Hydraworks' Expeditionary Program

    OUROBOROS EXPLORATION SOCIETY HYDRAWORKS' EXPEDITIONARY PROGRAM OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create an exploration based subsidiary of my company, Krinemonen Hydraworks Image Credit: Created in Photosphop, assistance from Bing AI generator Canon: N/A Permissions: N/A Links...

    Approved Droid  CA-82 Hunter-Killer Probe Droid

    The Corporate Alliance, CA-82 Hunter-Killer Probe Droid Hunter-Killer SPECIAL FEATURES Advanced sensor array ( Passive, Scan, Search, Focus ) Ion Surge Shielding - It gave the droid a degree of resistance to incurring damage caused by ion fields and DEMP guns. Droid Unity Grid Mark I - was a...
  7. Corhaa Iredunn

    Private  A Jedi's Exploration

    Location: Aredhel, Throne City of House Iredunn Planet: Sarula Iliene, (Located in Unknown Regions) Tags: Valery Noble Before entering atmosphere, the planet which was named Sarula Iliene appeared nothing more than a green ball hurling through the cosmos. Orbiting around a purple gas giant...
  8. Amani Serys

    LFG  Interest Check: Expedition Firefist

    Firefist, also known as Companion Besh, is a satellite galaxy in orbit with our own. For too long, it was remained largely unexplored, chronicled only via probes and what few extragalactic visitors we receive. Now, we plan to finally change that. Calling all Historians, Scientists, Pioneers...
  9. Ailmar Dawnstone

    LFG  Privateers of the stars!

    The Antares Exploration has been recruiting new deck hands and security for a few standard months now after finally getting their hands on a proper star ship to use for their exploratory missions into deep space. However, there is far more to the company than meets the eye, this is by design...
  10. Ailmar Dawnstone

    Antares Exploration

    Antares Exploration OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Primary Source: Current sources come from the Aureus Universe from Project Stardust CORPORATION INFORMATION Corporation Name: Antares Exploration Headquarters: Sentinel, Lastwall Locations: N/A Operations: Mercantile exploration /...
  11. Derron Daks

    Approved Vehicle  TREV-1 Tracked Rover Exploration Vehicle

    Intent: To create an all-terrain research rover for the open market Image Source: Canon Link: NA Permissions: NA Primary Source: NA PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Tampson Consolidated of the House Mecetti...
  12. Coren Starchaser

    Approved Starship  Seeker-class Exploration Shuttle

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create a specialty long-range exploration shuttle as a companion to the Pathfinder-class frigate Image Source: Eve Online Canon Link: N/A Permissions: N/A Primary Source: N/A PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Starchaser Enterprises Affiliation...
  13. C

    Public  Falling Into Shadow

    Mapping new hyperspace routes was a dangerous business. The galaxy was filled with objects, even in the spaces between observable spaces. Rogue planets drifted between systems, unilluminated and invisible. Dead iron stars floated in the endless black, spheres that were aggregating interstellar...
  14. C

    Private  Origins Of The Jedi: Journey to Had Abbadon.

    OOC Thread: Click here. Jedi/Explorers: Syd Celsius | Matsu Ike | Akhoi Zur | Draven Eterena | Rayia Asai. Potential Opposition: Turranis vulcun. Jedi Knight, Caedyn Arenais had been travelling the Galaxy for some time now, meeting with various philosophers and masters of the Ashla, the Bogan...
  15. Laphisto

    Public  exploration of the Thakwaa system

    Location: outer Thakwaa System Goal: find the Tracyn a Vigorator class Mandalorian warship. Or any traces of the ship in the system. It had been a little over two days since Jason had left the Grishto, and they had finally arrived in the Thakwaa system. Looking down at the sensors on the...
  16. Jared Starchaser

    LFG  Exploration Threads/Group

    Hey all, Curious to see if anyone would be interested in a set of threads (related or unrelated) with a bit of daring adventure, going after treasure, visiting places long or recently abandoned. With the map being widely opened, and the history that Chaos has created, there are so many...
  17. Millia Korraay

    Approved Tech  DT-Series Exploration Droid

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: Create a basic recon/probe droid Image Source: [X] Canon Link: Exploration Droid Permissions: N/A Primary Source: Exploration Droid PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Arakyd Industries Affiliation: Galactic Alliance Market Status: Open-Market Model...
  18. Cotan Sar'andor

    Private  By Night And By Dayark

    Dayark, Uninhabited Forest Dayark was certainly lovely this time of year. Lovely if you liked rice paddys, rolling plains, or better yet, empty swamp-forests filled to bursting with all sorts of plants and animals and gigantic mud pits. Sure, the plants were great and interesting, many of...
  19. Tessa Sedaire

    Approved Starship  The Heartfire - Kor'fairo

    The Heartfire - Kor'fairo OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create a personal vessel for Tessa Sedaire Image Source: HERE Canon Link: N/A Permissions: HERE/HERE, HERE, HERE Primary Source: N/A PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Old Man Merrill , Tessa Sedaire , Wretched Hive...
  20. M

    Private  The Heart of Exploration

    Giaca. Until a few weeks before, she had never even heard of the forest world. It was uncolonized, with only a few explorers and pirates setting up outposts across the planet's surface. So, why had a planet with no natural points or resources of interest, no significant population centers or...
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