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Pax Insul - Year: 844 ABY
It has been ten thousand,two hundred and ninety-four long years. The lives that have been born and lost from then to now seem like mere ants in the grand scheme of things, and even smaller to the woman that dwelt in slumber deep within the confines of this once-lost...
Image Source: Mass Effect
Intent: To create a quick-moving, lightly-armed repulsor vehicle for use by exploration teams and mining companies
Development Thread:If Required
Manufacturer: Techno Union (Eridium Industrial, Hegemonic Automaton)
Model: Stingray Repulsor Vehicle
Affiliation: Open...
Image Source: Mass Effect
Intent: To create a wheeled, armed land exploration vehicle for use by mining companies exploration guilds and frontier corps across the galaxy. It can also parkour
Development Thread: If Necessary
Manufacturer: Techno Union (Browncoat Arms and Industrial)
There was once a time where Coren’s mind was completely intact. He remembered hyperspace lanes and how to move along them without the aid of his navicomputer. That was… what, decades ago? Now he was working on rebuilding himself. He was working with [member="Lord Daemos"] for as long as it was...