Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. L

    The Resistance

    The Galaxy is Broken. The Jedi are Scattered. Everything is flooded in D͖͎̪̘̤ạr̠͉̦̮̮͇̠k̖͙n̢͉̫̻e̖͔͖ś̱̻͚̞̥̪̪s̸̻̖̬͙̻͓. The First Order has pillaged and subjugated large swaths of the southern quadrant of the Galaxy, the Sith Empire continues to conquer its way across the Outer Rim...
  2. RangerVisoN7

    Freedom Fighters

    People of the Galaxy! We have stood by for to long! There are factions conquering worlds! We seek to liberate those world's! If you want to help make this Galaxy free again, then sign up! We need everyone to help. We stand together or fall as one. Join the Freedom Fighters today!
  3. Evoros

    The Collective

    Chat with us! WHO WE ARE We are the Collective; the rogues, the hunters, the lone wolves, working together to achieve a greater goal by achieving our own, one at a time. We're slicers. We're mercs. We're killers. We're spies. And we're watching. WHAT WE DO We want to make the world a...
  4. N

    The Lintics are recruiting!

    "The Lintics are a group of force sensitive individuals. The Lintics use a special way of the force that has to be taught from one person to another. The Lintics have been around for a long time but are for the moment, inactive. The Lintics are spread all over the galaxy. They are not hostile...
  5. Coren Starchaser

    The Pathfinders

    The war to protect freedom and peace in the galaxy is not only won by the New Jedi Order, nor the Galactic Alliance Defense Fleet’s compliment of starships. This war is won by the men and women of the Galactic Alliance armed forces, and taking the charge on this front? The Pathfinders Men...
  6. Varik Ice

    The Sovereignty

    The Sovereignty As the Great Galactic War began to rage across the galaxy, people naturally fled the conflict. Thousands of displaced and fleeing refugees from all corners of the galaxy hid away into the most unassuming corner of the galaxy: Wild Space. There, they found some of the strangest...
  7. Pel Orion

    The Admiralty of Cartao [The Admiralty]

    The Admiralty A military dictatorship on the periphery of the Inner Rim, between the titans of the Mandalorian Empire, Silver Jedi Order, and Free Worlds Coalition. A military dictatorship, built on naval dominance and trade supremacy, created to protect from these foreigners encroaching on the...
  8. Progflaw99

    Trade Council Order | Mara-Perlemian Trade Council

    Jedi are the guardians of peace in the galaxy. Jedi use their powers to defend and to protect. Jedi respect all life, in any form. Jedi serve others rather than ruling over them, for the good of the galaxy. Jedi seek to improve themselves through knowledge and training. ~ Luke Skywalker's...
  9. Yoru Shakou

    Sorenn-Syrush Dynasty

    ..:: Sorenn-Syrush Dynasty ::.. Organization Type: Feudal Monarchy Head of State: Queen Mother Head of Government: Seneschal Commander-in-Chief: Lord Marshal De Facto Leader: Queen Mother Executive Branch: Elder Council Legislative Branch: Landsmeet Judicial Branch: The Right of...
  10. T

    The Galactic Empire [Major Faction Advertisement]

    [Invasion] This is Getting Out of Hand, Now There are Three of Them! | Imperial Invasion of Dagobah [Dominion] No Further; Imperial Dominion of Dressel [Flagship] Gravity
  11. Faith Organa

    Free Worlds Coalition

    FREE WORLDS COALITION The Free World’s Coalition is a group formed of planets within the Core. It was formed when the Galactic Republic fell leaving the core and many other planets of the galaxy without friends, protection and a means to continue to support their economies. The Galactic...
  12. Progflaw99

    Mara-Perlemian Trade Council | Faction Advertisement

    Faction Link: Discord: “The beginning is the most important part of the work.” ~ Plato, The Republic The story of the Mara-Perlemian Trade Council began nearly a year before the formal Instrument...
  13. Arekk

    The Bounty Hunters’ Guild — Join Us!

    THE BOUNTY HUNTERS' GUILD "Republics may fall, empires may rise. But the Bounty Hunters' Guild stands strong." Thanks to countless holo-thrillers, the popular opinion of bounty hunters is that we're cold, calculating individuals who measure a person's worth by the price on his head. Most...
  14. Vaudin Miir

    The Galactic Systems Senate

    Due to expanding territories and systems regularly changing hands, a few concerned systems decided to create a venue for any and all planetary leaders to meet in a Senate format to discuss or debate galactic politics. The leader of said debates is an elected mediator for discussions and will...
  15. Darren Onyx

    From Ashes, We Rise

    Years ago, Serana Onyx was just another bounty hunter. But she wasn't like any other bounty hunter before her, for she had a vision. A vision of a galaxy that was truly free: a galaxy without any restrictions, a galaxy where anyone could be who they wanted, believe what they wanted, and do...
  16. M

    Enforce. Embolden. Empower. EMPIRE.

  17. Ra Vizsla

    We Are The Cure.

    Click To Join Death Watch
  18. Jorus Merrill

    Outer Rim Coalition - Welcome to Wild Space

  19. Gorba the Hutt

    Join the Cabal!

    THE CABAL OOC: A group of writers committed to bringing back good old fashioned crime to the galaxy. While mainly based in Hutt Space, our member base is far flung - from Bastion to Coruscant to Rishi. We encourage friction between the various criminal gangs as they cling to what they've...
  20. Progflaw99

    The Lords of Chaos - Minor Faction

    Follow me, my Children, and the glory of victory shall be yours. We shall cleanse ourselves in the crimson waters of our enemy. We shall bring the ecstasy of quick release to those who stand before us. We shall give bloody praise to the Lord of Pleasure and sing his name as we dance across the...
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