Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Jack Sandrow

      Factory 7.0

    I'm not sure if/when it was definitively stated, but am I correct in assuming that the changes happening to the Factory layout are purely cosmetic? I just want to verify that each detail in a factory submission is still weighted the same, and there's not a 'new' system in place. Thanks!
  2. Ingrid L'lerim

      Factory 7.0 problems

    Since Tefka asked me to collect and post the bugs I found, here are a few. One that has been reported by several players, including Valiens, is that the Image Source field does not work and does not display the link in the post. In addition to this, the other problem that I indicated, now I...
  3. Okkeus Dainlei

    Approved Location  Site 17AWF30 - "Solipsis' Playground" | GA Codex Contest

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create a new location for the GA Paradigm Shift Codex Contest, as well as a place for Sith and Dark Siders to explore Image Credit: (x), edited by me Canon: N/A Permissions: N/A Creative Credit: Darth Solipsis for posting The Great Battle of Coruscant...
  4. Valin Zenth

    Discussion  Cool Factory UPDATES Discussion

    Hello hello. Last night, I attempted to edit one of my submissions in the Factory because I realized tagging is beneficial for finding things and wanted to add tags to my submission while it was still editable. Here is the submission I tried to edit: FFS RIP Cell. I encountered the new Factory...
  5. Tefka

    Staff  Factory Modifications No Longer Honored

    Just spitting this out in case you’re trying to do this this week. Bad timing. We’re doing away with it, because we have to, now. If you want to update subs, adopt a versioning scheme. 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, etc. and sub new subs. Official rules to come soon.
  6. Tefka

    New Feature  Factory 7.0

    Have you ever wanted to jump in the Factory and just... ...GO? Q: What in the world am I looking at? A: This is what we're calling Factory 7.0. It's been rather stale up until now, as the Factory has had a lot of beefy updates over the...
  7. Cubanwriter

    Concern and Question regarding Factory interaction

    Hello, I have a concern and a question. Per this thread...
  8. Tarre Priest

    Mandalorian Protectors Factory Contest

    Mandalorian Protectors Factory Contest! As many of our members have stated a desire to have items created specifically for the Mandalorian Protectors, The Staff have decided to present a Factory Contest. Secondly, for those members who are of the Witches, you are more than welcome to hop in...
  9. Tefka

    Question  So we notice changes are being made to the Factory, but what about the Codex?

    If you have suggestions for how to make the Codex better, leave them here please.
  10. Tarre Priest

    Mandalorian Protector Factory Resources

    This is an extensive list of all Factory related resources for the Mandalorian Protectors to use. Updates for applications of items to be presented can be given by posting in this thread with the following template. Name: (Name of the Submission) Link: (Please link it here) Production: (List...
  11. Betty Americus

    Freedom Machines [Factory]

  12. Ignacious Korvan

    Factory Manifest

    FACTORY MANIFEST Permissions: HAMWAGON NIO subs | HAMWAGON KAROVNOGAL submissions | Credit Worm & Fyremage subs | Fyremage Imperial subs | Sully/THELegend subs | Carlyle Subs | GehennaUponUs subs 1 | GehennaUponUs subs 2 | Nefadar Subs | iBorg/Ashin Varanin Subs ARMOR [ Mass ] Mark-II...
  13. Amani Serys


    The Vonnuvi, Ithorian Herdship The Vonnuvi Jedi Enclave
  14. Reggie

    Factory Manifest

    Tools of the trade, available to Code Zero agents in the field. Blasters Small Arms FAS “Clerical Error” Slugthrower Pistol (Open Market) Misc. Tech CryptNet 2.0 (Open Market) - A powerful network designed for anonymity.
  15. John Locke

    Question  Factory Question Time: Part Two

    Ok, so this is part two of John reaching out to the community. While my previous question asked what changes to the Factory would make it more interesting and user friendly, I also wanted to get some opinions about an element of the factory that's been niggling at me for a while. "A...
  16. John Locke

    Question  Question Time: Factory Edition Part One

    We've seen a lot of interesting and thought-provoking suggestions coming up in the SWRP Rules thread so far, keep it up guys! One thing that I've noticed is that a lot of the rules and suggestions seem to be focused on the factory. We do have some changes coming up that I think you all will...
  17. Tefka

    Suggestion  Require Big Factory Subs To Have Dev Threads

    via FJ discretion. For a sense of pride and accomplishment.
  18. Tefka

    Suggestion  Factory Development Threads

    Lots of people not aware of dev threads these days. They used to be required roleplay threads, used like “research”, for factory submission. the admins are discussing subjects that include dev threads rn so im gonna do a hit piece by involving the community in a conversation we never really had...
  19. Laphisto

    Approved Tech  Lilaste order Production Line

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: to have a spot to keep track of Lilaste order Production Image Source: Here Canon Link: N/a Permissions: N/a PRODUCTION INFORMATION PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Lilaste order Affiliation: Lilaste Order Market Status: closed Model: Standard...
  20. Laphisto

    Approved Tech  Lilaste War forge Factory

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: to have a spot to keep track of Lilaste order Production Image Source: Here Canon Link: N/a Permissions: N/a PRODUCTION INFORMATION PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Lilaste order [ Aurora Station] Affiliation: Lilaste Order Market Status: closed...
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