Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Darth Carnifex

    Private  Coming Home (Farah)

    The rain crashed down all around New Kaas City, so hard that it was almost impossible to see a few feet in front of you. Most of the inhabitants had fled inside for shelter, those few that remained outside protected by heavy ponchos and umbrellas; but even they hurried in their business. Only...
  2. Farah

    Toe to Toe with My Sins

    Coruscant Picking up the broken pieces of Coruscant had been a tiresome job. A conflicting one, too—Farah was as much a part of the Sith Empire as she was attached to the planet she called home. Here, she’d managed to carve out her own little slice of life. An apartment, a job, even a lover. At...
  3. Jairus Starvald


    Coruscant General --- [member="Farah"] The senate district of Coruscant was unlike the majority of its levels. It was clean, there was little if any crime with regular police patrols, the people could walk to their homes at night without much fear. Well, for now anyway, little did they...
  4. Coratanni Cartel

    The Unpleasant Side

    Coruscant - Nikolas' Apartment Nikolas Thawne [member="Farah"] Crime paid, there was no arguing that. The opulence of the apartment Nikolas lived in was more than a testament to that. The gold inlays, the indoor pool, the foyer stuffed to the brim with rare and stolen art was more than enough...
  5. Farah

    Second Wave

    Canto Bight Farah didn’t know what to think of worlds like this. In that way she was fortunate. The clone hadn’t experienced any sort of hardship, really. She’d been synthesized into existence, given a family name that carried weight (though she tended not to use it while outside the reaches...
  6. Farah

    Approved Tech  Force Nullification Ring

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create a basic Force nullification ring for Farah Image Source: Canon Link: N/A Restricted Missions: N/A Primary Source: N/A PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Farah Zambrano Model: N/A Affiliation: Farah Modularity: None Production: Unique...
  7. Joza Perl

    How is My Role-Playing?

    A little while ago someone outlined the difference between good writing and good role-playing to me. A beautiful writing style and writing collaboratively with other people are two different things, but they go hand in hand on a role-play site. Lately, I’ve been trying to focus on the latter...
  8. L

    Doctor, Doctor, Please

    Bastion Laira wasn't exactly pleased with her current outfit, but RESINT had insisted it was an acceptable fashion among Sith Acolytes in the Empire. Thigh High leather boots with a two inch-heel weren't exactly what she considered fashionable, maybe for the bedroom, but they weren't too...
  9. Farah

    Unforeseen Circumstances

    Bastion Sith Temple On day four of her life, after the scientists had gone for the night, Farah discover a book. A text titled The Biology of Life had been left out in the laboratory either by mistake or by design. When you had a fully developed adult mind with only four days of memories to...
  10. Coratanni Cartel

    The People You Meet

    Coruscant [member="Farah"] Blooed stained the side of his white shirt, his hand half covering the wound on his abdomen, a small smile still touching his face. Nikolas wandered into the hospital on the 125th Level of Coruscant in the Senate District. From the look of him most would have called...
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