Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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first order

  1. Natasi Fortan

    Approved Location  First Order Imperial Palace | Avalonia, Dosuun

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create and codify a newly rebuilt Imperial Palace on Dosuun and to create a setting/location for roleplaying. Image Credit: Jie Ma Canon: N/A Permissions: N/A Links: Avalonia SETTING INFORMATION Structure Name: Imperial Palace Classification...
  2. R

    Crucible | First Imperial Knights

    DOSUUN Our tale takes place far from the hustle and bustle of Avalonia. This is not a tale of daring and bold fighter pilots, brave and selfless soldiers, the calculating bureaucrats, or even the intrepid and mysterious spies of the infamous FOSB. This is a story of the First Imperial...
  3. Grand Shepherd Burtch

    Question  First order species

    Hello, I’m slowly developing a crew for my ship and I’m wondering what species would be commonplace in the First Order Navy? So far I have Chiss and Humans, but is that all?
  4. Matma Bernu

    Approved Location  Castle Invictus

    Castle Invictus OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: Establish a base of operations and school for the First Imperial Knights. Image Credit: See Here Canon: N/A Permissions: N/A Links: N/A SETTING INFORMATION Structure Name: Castle Invictus Classification: School/Base of Operations...
  5. Irveric Tavlar

    Major Faction The Bastion Protocols | Anti-Sith Defensive Pact

    OVERVIEW The Bastion Protocol is to establish a defensive pact of all signature and observing parties which ensure co-operation in the actions to defend against, prevent and contain the spread of Sith influence across the Galaxy but in particular targeting major Galactic scale (multiple worlds...
  6. Natasi Fortan

    Faction  You're Gonna Love Tomorrow | First Order

    D O S U U N To say that Natasi Fortan was disappointed would be an understatement, and it showed. Here, as she climbed the front steps of the Imperial Palace, she didn’t need to force a smile for the cameras. Flanked as she was by a cadre of Royal Guards and an honor guard of army...
  7. R

    Faction  Information Is Key | Episode I: A Strike From The Dark - A First Order Story

    fa-play fa-pause INFORMATION IS KEY Our story begins on a VCX-100 light freighter, loaded with imported supplies, headed toward the planet Bakura, where the Rebellion have agreed to assist Agents of the First Order in discovering details about happenings on the planet... DRAMATIS...
  8. Resurgent Regiment

    Dominion  An Uncivil War: First Order Dominion of Keskin

    THE INTERVENTION ON KESKIN begins, as the former First Order world plunges into a bloody civil war between two groups. On one side are former Imperial loyalists while arrayed against them is a vicious rebel movement. Caught in the middle is the civilian population, most of whom seek peace and...
  9. K

    Character  K-0K0

    DESIGNATION: K-0K0 (Coco or Kay-Oh) FACTION: The First Order RANK: Security droid MODEL: KX-series ACTIVATION: Five years ago PROGRAMMING: Masculine HEIGHT: 2.16m (7'0") WEIGHT: 661lbs (300kg) OPTICS: Blue-tinted DATA PROFILE: v7.0008 FRAME: Durasteel plating, droid components FORCE...
  10. Roudac Gannan

    First Order Foreign Office [Diplomacy Info]

    The following diplomatic policies are shaped by the information available to the Foreign Office. They represent the First Order's views and stance on the different major factions within the galaxy. These policies are subject to change as more information is obtained and as the First Order...
  11. Roudac Gannan

    Major Faction A Star Wars Story, Part I: A Strike From The Dark | The First Order

    PRESENTS... INTRODUCING a faction-wide story trilogy, starting May 1st, 2021, featuring: ᐉ A four month overarching plot; with a number of faction threads weaved together ᐉ Multiple faction involvement; with opportunity for others to join the story ᐉ Plot development; which will propel the...
  12. Natasi Fortan

    Faction  Only a Footstep Away | First Order & Invitees

    [THEME] The invitation to meet with the noble leaders of the Nothoiin civilization on Council had come as a surprise to the First Order, but a welcome one. The Foreign Office had briefed the Supreme Leader that the Nothoiins likely saw the writing on the wall with the First Order's expansion...
  13. S

    Approved Location  Southern Imperial Trade Route

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: Create a hyperlane. Image Credit: SW Chaos Map with photoshop edits by me. Canon: N/A Permissions: N/A Links: You've Got a Lot of Guts Coming Here | First Order Dominion of Bespin The Sokolov Compromise | First Order Dominion of Karra Honey in Leone | First...
  14. Natasi Fortan

    Major Faction The First Order - Answer the Call

  15. Matt the Radar Tech

    Approved Starship  FIV Resurgent

    FIV RESURGENT SUPER STAR DESTROYER OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create a unique Star Dreadnought for the First Order Image Source: Fractalsponge - edit by me Canon Link: N/A Dominion Links: Link | Link | Link Permissions: Primo Victorian Primary Source: N/A PRODUCTION INFORMATION...
  16. Roudac Gannan

    First Order Armory [Factory Info]

    The First Order maintains an impressive armory, which ranges from civilian to military systems, components, weapons and vessels. Utilizing the latest technologies, in conjunction with advanced and improved manufacturing methods, the First Order maintains a level of prestige with adaptable and...
  17. Matt the Radar Tech

    Approved Starship  First Order Medical Cruiser

    FIRST IMPERIAL MEDICAL SERVICE CRUISER MEDICAL CRUISER FIMC-4b OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To submit a semi-unique medical cruiser for the First Order Image Source: Star Wars Wiki Canon Link: N/A Permissions: Primo Victorian Permission Primary Source: N/A PRODUCTION INFORMATION...
  18. B

    Faction  The Night Begins To Shine | The First Order

    A B S I T THE OUTER RIM TERRITORIES "I understand that the situation on Najarka is being managed by the Corps of Engineers. My point is, their hospitals need better and independent power sys..." A chime echoed inside the cabin. Halting in mid-sentence, the elderly matron held up a hand as she...
  19. J

    Character  Juliana Alderdice

  20. B

    Character  Brec Gannan

    NAME: Brec Gannan SPECIES: Korunnai AGE: Mid 20's GENDER: Male HEIGHT: 6'1" (1.85m) WEIGHT: 90kg (198lbs) HOMEWORLD: Haruun Kal RESIDENCE: Dosuun MARITAL STATUS: Single KNOWN RELATIVES: Roudac Gannan (father) LANGUAGES: Basic (Galactic), Koruunal (Native), Mandoa & Sy Bisti FORCE SENSITIVE...
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