Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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first order

  1. Ariel Yvarro

    Approved Location  New Laveau

    NEW LAVEAU OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create the planetary capital of Mephout Image Credit: Vectors from Adobe Stock, Google, Vecteezy. Assembled and completed in Photoshop, final touches in Photoshop, by me. Music: Mafia 3, New Bordeaux [Composed by; Jim Bonney and Jesse...
  2. R

    Dominion  Highland Cathedral | First Order Dominion of Skye

    Skye like many in the region once had been part of the First Order. In being part of the First Order; they were not spared the wrath of the Ssi-Ruuvi Imperium. As the First Order works to reunite the region under its banner once more. Intelligence reports an ongoing crisis on Skye. Food has...
  3. Cyrus Tregessar

    Approved Starship  ISE/A-9B 'Prowler' Electronic Warfare Aerospace Fighter

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: Neat pics deserve neat subs. Image Source: [Jay Evans - Artstation] Canon Link: N/A Permissions: N/A Primary Source: N/A PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: First Order Naval Engineering Affiliation: The First Order Model: ISE/A-9B 'Prowler' Electronic...
  4. R

    Faction  Imperial Dreams [FO/NIO]

    Avalonia, Dosuun Ambassador Hall Avalonia was as busy as ever on that beautiful autumn morning, the ball wasn't too far away. A four seasons city, the leaves had turned away from green into a beautiful array of oranges, yellows and reds. A cool crisp breeze rustled through the branches, and the...
  5. R

    Dominion  Inter/Stellar | First Order Dominion of Tholon

    Beneath the veneer of gentility and hospitality, Deephaven felt to Renata Westaway like a city on the edge. The coup that had installed Quinlan Reade to the provisional governorship of Tholon had been more or less bloodless, and well-received by the rank-and-file of the city and the rest of the...
  6. R

    Faction  OOC: First Order's Coronation Ball

    The following houses have been invited to dance and dine at the Rosewood Castle in honor of Her Majesty's coronation. Houses and/or Corporations seeking invites to the Coronation Ball are asked to speak with the Coronation Committee. The Coronation Committee reserves the right to decline any...
  7. R

    Evening Broadcast: 06.184.862 ABY

    [Danke Romi Jade and Natasi Fortan]
  8. R

    First Order Starfighter Corps

  9. Cyrus Tregessar

    Approved Starship  Project 48625, Gladiator-class (Block III) Assault Cruiser

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: FractalSponge, Gladiator. Image Source: [LINK] Canon Link: [LINK] Permissions: N/A Primary Source: N/A PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: First Order Naval Engineering Affiliation: The First Order Model: Project 48625, Gladiator-class (Block III) Assault...
  10. P

    Approved Lore  Church of the Enlightened Balance

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To document a schism in the faith of the Cosmic Balance due to RP events. Image Credit: I made it myself. Canon: Cosmic Balance Permissions: N/A Links: Petyr Thorpe Natasi Fortan GENERAL INFORMATION Religion Name: Church of Enlightened Balance Religion...
  11. P

    Character  Petyr Callador Thorpe

  12. R

    For Queen and Country

  13. A

    Major Faction Application  The First Order

    Name: The First Order - Link Here OOC Hierarchy: Faction Owner: Ariel Yvarro Faction Administrators: Renata Westaway | Kassandra Distorith Creative Staff: Masayu Kimura | Kurayami Bloodborn IC Hierarchy: Government: Supreme Leader: The Head of State of the First Order, the Supreme...
  14. H

    Avalonia Daily Standard // Issue No. 22 // Fortan Lives!

  15. R

    First Order Stormtrooper Corps

  16. Entrasia Ontalis

    Character  Entrasia Ontalis

    //FIRST ORDER PERSONNEL DATABASE// Login: ********* PASS: ******** //INSERT CODE CYLINDER// READING... VALID //COMMAND?// PERSONNEL FILE READ //FILENAME?// OT-321-1 Valid Loading: Critical Biometrics NAME: Entrasia Ontalis FACTION: First Order RANK: Lieutenant SPECIES: Human (Essionian)...
  17. R

    Join the First Order

    Ariel Yvarro came to Dosuun with the goal of reviving the First Order, and as that became a reality, it was time to bring back the one woman who could lead the First Order to its former greatness: the late Grand Moff Natasi Fortan. Consequences be damned, Ariel Yvarro achieved the unthinkable...
  18. R

    Faction  Her Will Be Done

    Governance Row. Avalonia, Dosuun. A characteristically cold and dreary evening in Avalonia. Rain accompanied a rather dour mood, but within the Avalonian Citadel, it was anything but dour. The Citadel was as busy as it had ever been since it had been built. A meeting between the Moff Council...
  19. R

    Faction  A Knight's Promise

    After reclaiming Fortress Excelsior, the Knights receive a call to head to Needan after Ursidaan Elder Makkituq places a call for aid. Upon their arrival, the Knights soon learn that after the snowstorm, Orcinos raided one of the Ursidaan’s sacred burial grounds. The Ursidaan Shamans, and their...
  20. Ariel Yvarro

    Approved Location  Cape Velikaya

    CAPE VELIKAYA OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create the capital of Needan Image Credit: Vectors from Adobe Stock, Google, Vecteezy. Assembled and completed in Photoshop, final touches in Photoshop, by me. Canon: N/A Permissions: N/A Links: Frozen Heart SETTING INFORMATION City...
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