Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Sergeant Omen

    Question  Any special events for pride day?

    Anything special we are going to do for pride day? Like a pride date thread just like the Valentine's day threads? Just bouncing ideas off everyone. Either that or a pride day festival thread either on Denon or someplace else neutral.
  2. Faith Organa

    New Role and basis for story

    So Faith has been put on the Health Committee. This will enable to work with the GA and develop storylines within their story to build hospitals, work with refugees, travel to planets in need of health aide.... Let's look at the next dominion and see about getting a story going within that...
  3. Taeli Raaf

    LFG  Looking for Card Subjects III: Corporations, Underworld, and Politicians

    So, as the title says, the card expansion I plan to do is to showcase the corporations, prominent politicians and business beings, and underworld types such as rebels, criminals, smugglers, etc. etc. If you are interested in having your company, character, items, and so on included in the set...
  4. Ellie Omera

    Approved Tech  Bresheia military academy for girls formal uniform

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create a formal uniform for the Bresheia military academy for girls Image Source: X Canon Link: N/A Permissions: John Locke Primary Source: N/A PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Conglomerate of Owls Affiliation: Bresheia military academy for girls...
  5. Eliz Krayt

    LFG  Looking For Something To Do

    Eliz here is one of my three favorite characters to write, and I'm lookin to get him into something. Some information! He's a Mandalorian who spends most of his time as a bounty hunter. After the destruction of Csilla he's been looking to smack back against the Brotherhood. And that's really it...
  6. Ellie Omera

    Approved Location  Bresheia military academy for girls

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create an all girls military academy on Arsenae Image Credit: (Academy)(Cafeteria)(Training room)(Classroom)(Med bay)(Hangar) Canon: N/A Permissions: N/A Links: Arsenae Military Base Name: Bresheia military academy Classification: Military academy...
  7. Kahne Porte

    Private  Darkness shows....

    Post Funeral Ceremony En Route To Morellia Attachment leads to jealousy..... Not entirely.... But for those that could not handle it. Perhaps it was them that this rule was meant for. It had been long grueling few weeks past since the Jedi Master felt and learned of his Master's passing. The...
  8. Krin'nusissh

    Anyone up for a thread?

    Cook up a nice story too, hit me up.
  9. Brimstone

    Question  Which template for ammunition?

    I am planning to create a specialist round for a future rail gun submission. Where would I do that and which template is appropriate as all the damage output/rate of fire/range etc. Would be dependant on the gun, not the projectile. Thanks
  10. Barefu Shysa

    Request  Template Request for a profile

    Good Morning, Afternoon, or Evening; I was hoping someone could help me with a profile template for a new character. Preferably with a color scheme that is mostly green and black. At your leisure artists and coders!
  11. Laertia Io

    Looking for Nuetralizers

    Hi! I'm putting out this add to see if anyone would be interested in roleplaying as one of the droids I created! Currently The Nuetralizer Model 1, and Model 2 are available. I have to do some things with the advanced prototype before that is ready Just be sure to study them carefully if...
  12. Bao Quayan

    Looking For Crew

    Hey, people of Chaos. Kind of dropped off the site for awhile. Not exactly enough to be a LOA, as I'm just waiting on some things to push through. I was thinking about officially starting this character. I'd prefer joining up with a crew - criminal or privateer - but nothing official, military...
  13. Cedric Grayson

    Faction  Scramble For The Arm | Ashlan Crusade/NIO |

    The tavern they had elected to meet in was far beyond the outskirts of the Graywall, deep in the heart of the outlying towns beyond the walls of the fortress. This section of the urban sprawl was home almost exclusively to members of the local militia, and thus was the rowdiest place the Ashlans...
  14. Khan Morren

    Looking for RP!

    Howdy. My character is Khan Morren, a FS pilot of a pirate ship. I'm looking for some threads to put him into, he isn't aware of his FS so maybe a thread that can help him learn more about that and be pushed toward a respective faction of force users. Not really that interested in jedi, but...
  15. Thales Raynor

    LFG  Fleshing Out a Corellia Narrative

    Hello All, This is my first thread since coming back to forum RPing. I started a thread for a narrative on Corellia, dealing with Corellia's underworld. Mostly just looking to have some light fun and to connect with other writers/players. This is a great opportunity for anyone looking to do...
  16. Kahlil Noble

    LOA  Oh, Right. I'm Off For A Bit

    So yesterday was that day, to those who know what I'm talking about. It was.. Not as bad as it had been in the past. Honestly, the dreading of the day and what it might bring was worse than what I actually felt. I'm still away, but I'll slowly be trickling back into RP and such. Likely by the...
  17. "Artemis" SBD-571

    LFG  Droid Mercenary Looking for Gainful Employment

    As it says on the tin. I'm looking to get my new character a start and was wondering if anyone had an idea for an RP or needed extra muscle somewhere. Bio's linked under the character if you want to make sure it's what you need.
  18. Iella Sunscream

    Request  Bio Template for a Bounty Hunter / Mercenary / Cyborg Character?

    Any help would be appreciated, It doesn't have to be too advanced. A template I can use that displays the details necessary for roleplay, but also has space I can cascade pictures with. No doubt the artsy minds of Chaos can come up with something interesting.
  19. D

    LFG  Looking For the Morally Unscrupulous!

    "Avast, me maties, for I - Captain Denis Arkmen - am seeking a hardy crew of unscrupulous individuals who find themselves restricted by foolish notions like "laws" or "common decency". Yar-har, and if ye be a shrink, then I will string you up by your intestines, yar-har!" In all seriousness...
  20. Taeli Raaf

    LFG  Looking for Card Subjects: Head of the Snake

    Title kinda says it all, but I'm looking for participants, events, NPC forces and tech, etc. that have been used in the first Annihilation thread on the board to make a special card series for it, thanks to Loske Treicolt for putting the bug in my head. This would be a limited release, so not...
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