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With Ket suggesting new NFU Rank Titles, I'd like to put forward the suggestion to improve existing and/or add on new FU Rank titles. While I can appreciate the intent put forward by the admins, it seems restrictive to classify all Lightsiders as Jedi, all Darksiders as Dark Jedi and Sith, and...
So as the title says................
Serco needs a home. He is a partially trained light side leaning neutral force user with a relatively high moral compass focused on defending those he cares about.
I'm going to start this again, since my original copy of the bio was deleted... so without further a due..
Jasper Sarilli
NAME: Jasper Sarili
FACTION: Persuade me
SPECIES: 3/4 Nagai, 1/4 Echani
AGE: 23
HEIGHT: 5' 12"
WEIGHT: 138 lbs.
EYES: Maroon Brown