Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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free traders

  1. Aeshi Tillian

    Private  What Was Lost (Lira Virel)

    Lira Virel ENARC MIDRIM Aeshi was not a bounty hunter. Nor a troubleshooter. Nor any of those things, but that still left Aeshi picking her way through a spaceport looking for a runaway kid. An old family friend had asked for a favor and Aeshi had agreed. Still, they hadn't mentioned that...
  2. Aeshi Tillian

    The Civilians: Outer Rim Development Corps, Merchant-Spacers, Free Traders

    OUTER RIM DEVELOPMENT CORPS Cooperatio est fortituda nostra (Cooperation is our strength) The Corps is a hybrid government/non-governmental humanitarian organization committed to building up worlds on the frontier left neglected by the great powers of the galaxy. They build infrastructure...
  3. Aeshi Tillian

    Faction  The Tarlaean Incident (RTL)

    Aeshi swiveled back and forth in her captain's chair, watching the blue clouds of hyperspace swirl past the viewport of the Requiem's bridge. It was a small bridge, for the most part- just two seats for the captain and first mate, and a bulky array of extra consoles whose flashing lights lit up...
  4. Aeshi Tillian

    Public  Low-Life Day (RTL/Spacers/Scoundrels Etc)

    COMET CHASER STATION Life Day. The one-day-a-Galactic-standard-year holiday that celebrates family, friends, gifts, and the meaning of home for most people in the galaxy. Which, she found weird, since it was a Wookiee holiday. That was the case, wasn’t it? So was that cultural appropriation? Or...
  5. Aeshi Tillian

    Approved Location  Defiance Nova

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To make a hidden base for the Underground and more rebelliously oriented Leaguers Image Credit: Defiant Core from FFG's Strongholds of Resistance Canon: Yes Permissions: N/A Links: Nova Defiant Defiant Core Base Sensor Disruptor BX-Series Commando Droid...
  6. Aeshi Tillian

    Faction  Where the Companiers and the Frees Meet (RTL)

    YUMFLA RIPPLING MYNOCK CANTINA DOCKSIDE DISTRICT Tessa Sedaire Mariah @Free Traders @Merchant-Mariners @Other Leaguers Ardon Arkyn Rane Kaia Starchaser Pretri Mapore Cambria Zadira Porro Tanau Sinn Shak Nan'eth'illa Varen Ardos Kaia Starchaser Bane Darkclaw Companiers. Aeshi's lips curled...
  7. Mya Jesel

    LFG  Interstellar Trade Safety Standardization Treaty

    What is that giant title, you ask? Its definitely a mouthful for what is more or less a simple idea- a Star Wars version of the International Maritime Organization. Now, I know Space UNs have been… challenging in the past and cross-factional projects not always successful. However, with this...
  8. Aeshi Tillian

    Work In Progress  Comet Chaser Station

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create a new cantina/trade port for League-based free traders and miners to congregate and socialize Image Credit: Wookieepedia (I think originally from Empire at War) Canon: No Permissions: N/A Links: Rimward Trade League, Suarbi System SETTING...
  9. Aeshi Tillian

    Campaign  Life is a Hyperlane...

    Bohatei Chorva Sasmay Cull Spek Zhio Kyra Perl Give me sure, strong sign. Give me clear, steady sight. With a heart that aims for home, give me wisdom not to stray. May my stars align as I sail through this dark night, And chart the course of my own Hydian Way. NEW CENTARES SPACEPORT Aeshi...
  10. Roth Tillian

    Faction  Dodge a Wrench, Dodge a TIE (Rimward Trade League)

    SUSEFVI ORBIT GOLAN III PILOT TRAINING CENTER ============================================================ Roth flicked a toothpick into a rubbish bin and stood as the chrono chimed that it was about time for the class to start. It was an open class, much to the chagrin of the station...
  11. Aeshi Tillian

    Public  The Andelm Accession (Free Traders, Spacer's Guild especially)

    ======================== Word spread like the blue shadow virus up and down the space lanes of the Outer Rim, from every shadowport to Merchant-Captain's Guildhall to dockside cantina. New Horizon Shipping Combine had gotten monopoly shipping rights to the entire Andelm system. Ad Valorem...
  12. Aeshi Tillian

    Minor Faction Chart Your Fortune

    Free Traders Directory & Hiring Hub Original image from The Essential Atlas Interstellar Merchant-Captain's Guild Also visit the Spacer's Guild!
  13. Aeshi Tillian

    Public  Tillian's the Name, Tramp Trade's the Game (Centares)

    ============================================================ CENTARES THE REQUIEM OLD CENTARES Tramp trading was a gamble, even the best of them acknowledged that, and why those who reached Aeshi's middle-aged years were few and far between, most ready to settle down into regular routes, or...
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