Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Faith Organa

    Bitter Persimmons of Atrisia (FO, FWC, RHOA only)

    It had been months since she had heard from anyone on Atrisia, Shoma’s visit months back had been comforting to a point. He had brought [member="Muad Dib"] and her sister Arabella to Alderaan. But now it was turnabout for fair play she was going to Atrisia to see Shoma. She wanted to see for...
  2. Faith Organa

    The Broken Path

    Distracted she drummed her fingers on the table thinking about what she was preparing to do. The Republic reborn in Wild Space on a planet she had to look up Ciomia. Temperate with lush green forests. It seemed a suitable place for whatever remained of the republic. It still gave her...
  3. Claire Organa

    Approved Tech  Contessa - Duster

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION · Intent: To create an item for the FWC members who participated in the Hapes and Onderon Rebellions · Image Source: Universal Pictures · Canon Link: N/A · Restricted Missions: N/A · Primary Source: N/A PRODUCTION INFORMATION...
  4. Riamah

    Live To Tell

    To say things had been rough for the Coalition would have been understatement. The government had recently been through the wringer. Two rebellions and a three prong attack on worlds by the Sith. Everything combined has left the Coalition shattered and in pieces. Sadly this was not the first...
  5. Claire Organa

    Approved Tech  Contessa - Jacket

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create an item for the FWC members who participated in the Hapes and Onderon Rebellions Image Source: Walt Disney Productions Canon Link: N/A Restricted Missions: N/A Primary Source: N/A PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Contessa Model: Contessa – FWC...
  6. Darth Carnifex

    Approved Location  The Via Imperius

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: Create the hyperlane used by the Sith Empire to attack the Free Worlds Coalition Image Credit: N/A - Chaos Map with edits by myself Canon: N/A Permissions: N/A Links: The Alderaan Offensive The Kuat Offensive The Balmorra Offensive HYPERLANE INFORMATION...
  7. Gray Raxis

    For Onderon! For Clan Raxis! (Clan Raxis Rebellion of the FWC Onderon hex)

    Onderon The people of Onderon were done with the Free World Coalition and their lackeys. They had just come in, taken over, and then done nothing for the people. The Second Mandalorian Empire had the planet as its capital and with that had brought prosperity even if it meant Mandalorian rule...
  8. Gray Raxis

    For Onderon! For Clan Raxis! OOC (Clan Raxis Rebellion of the FWC Onderon hex)

    Onderon, Former Capital of the Late 2nd Mandalorian Empire With the Free Worlds Coalition in turmoil, Onderon has found itself broken out into war. The Natives of Onderon have begun to riot against their chosen Coalition leaders and the Mandalorians who stayed after the collapse of the 2nd...
  9. Darth Athora

    The Kuati Offensive [TSE vs. FWC]

    Alderaan, the bright beacon of hope for Republics throughout history, and now the capital of a Coalition of Free Worlds. For too long Alderaan had served as an affront to the Sith Empire, harboring enemies of the state and serving as an untouchable redoubt for pro-Republican corsairs to harry...
  10. Vilaz Munin

    The Balmorran Offensive [TSE vs. FWC]

    Alderaan, the bright beacon of hope for Republics throughout history, and now the capital of a Coalition of Free Worlds. For too long Alderaan had served as an affront to the Sith Empire, harboring enemies of the state and serving as an untouchable redoubt for pro-Republican corsairs to harry...
  11. Darth Carnifex

    The Alderaan Offensive [TSE vs. FWC]

    Alderaan, the bright beacon of hope for Republics throughout history, and now the capital of a Coalition of Free Worlds. For too long Alderaan had served as an affront to the Sith Empire, harboring enemies of the state and serving as an untouchable redoubt for pro-Republican corsairs to harry...
  12. Darth Carnifex

    TSE's Coreward Campaign Against The FWC

    The Coreward Campaign The drums of war are beating. From the mouth of the Hydian Way the endless legions of the Sith Empire are on the march, thousands of war galleys brimming with soldiers and engines of death hurtling towards the Core of the galaxy. For many moons the eyes of the Emperor...
  13. Riamah

    Damsel In Distress - FWC/ME

    FWC/ME Wargame and Training Capture the Flag Two teams are required for a training exercise under the capture the flag format. Stun blasters OR low powered lightsabers ONLY. No shields or other weapons of any kind. This exercise is to teach teamwork, combat, mission efficiency, and most...
  14. Riamah

    Return of the Metal Lords (FWC Dominion of Denon - Hex U-33

    It was time. The Coalition had taken in all the remaining Metal Lords that wished to join with them. But now it was time to go back. The world they that had lived upon. Denon. Civil War had broken out a rogue droid had taken control of Denon and it’s resources. It had dominion of the...
  15. The Story Narrator

    Carnival of Lights (FWC, Open to All)

    In free space the planet Tynna here the people celebrated Freedom. Today and for the next 10 days they opened their borders and invited anyone in the galaxy to come. The Carnival of Lights began. An awesome spectacular that offered something for everyone that found their way to Tynna. Death...
  16. Faith Organa

    Where to Begin

    She had spent a lot of time looking out windows and thinking about the past. She had already seen a lot of change in the galaxy but none had so affected her at finding out the Metal Lords, their allies were no more. The Coalition took them all in that wanted to come and she fretted over the...
  17. Riamah

    The Nimbus

    Certain aspects of her life, Ra kept secret from her people. There were only a few that knew she could use the Force and even less knew of her alignment. However when news reached her of some questionable activities on Manaan, she felt there was a need to investigate them. Having the feeling...
  18. Melanctha Dallamoor

    Travel to the Maze: A Business Summit

    Hapes had under gone reconstruction after their planet had had suffered invasion and defeat. The Free Worlds Coalition offered them assistance. They took it because it was felt by the Queen to be needed for the time being. The Hapan people gritted their teeth and agreed with their Queen. Their...
  19. Errreembuhr

    Approved Tech  EO-3 Marksman Rifle

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To provide a marksman rifle that is powerful and accurate at range Image Source: Canon Link: N/A Restricted Missions: N/A Primary Source: N/A PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: EODD Model: EO-3 Marksman Rifle...
  20. Errreembuhr

    Approved Tech  Tach-series Crew Droid

    Voice OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create an engineering droid for the purposes of crewing EODD-produced ships Image Source: Fallout 4 Canon Link: N/A Restricted Missions: N/A Primary Source: N/A PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: EODD Model: Tach-series (TS-C) Crewman Droid...
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