Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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More threads dealing with the Galactic Alliance, for those who were too lazy to type out the full name.
  1. Spirit of Faith

    Diplomacy  Eye of the Storm | BOTM Annex of GA Held Xa Fel

    Dark tides rise, sweeping through the Core with a vengeance. Though the Alliance’s operation to seize Copero has been wildly successful, the navy’s division along the Maw-Alliance front gave their enemy the window it needed to launch its counter-operation. In the dead of night, the Brotherhood’s...
  2. Amun

    Boost  War on the Senate | ATTN Galactic Alliance | Hutt Space Consortium[/URL]); background-position: center; margin:auto; padding:15px; text-shadow: 2px 1px #151515; text-align: justify; border: 1px solid; padding: 10px; filter: drop-shadow(3px 3px 7px #000000); border: 2px solid #151515; border: 2px solid; border-image...
  3. Spirit of Prosperity

    Populate  Daffamation of Character | GA Population of Affa

    Affa The Inner Rim A Second Great Hyperspace War Story The SILK Trade Route continues to expand to the south of the Galactic Alliance, restoring commerce and security in the shadow of the collapsed Confederacy. Megacorporations have grown their profit margins beyond their wildest imaginations...
  4. S

    Junction  An Eye for an Eye | GA + MAW Junction of Selvaris and Copero

    An Eye for An Eye A Second Great Hyperspace War Story "The flame of war is an insatiable beast." Water sleeps, but enemies never rest. The friction on the Maw-Alliance border saw a slow as both sides licked their wounds following the battles on Jedha and Andrathorpe. But it didn’t take long...
  5. Hyper-Communications Cartel

    HCC News | Chancellor confused by Chrono coverage

  6. Aiko Hayata

    CHRONO - ISSUE 6 - The Atrisian Tiger -

  7. S

    Junction  IXION'S WAKE | GA + NIO Junction of Trevura and Ingo

    LIES ARE RUST ON IRON, A BLEMISH ON POWER A SECOND GREAT HYPERSPACE WAR STORY FOLLOWING THE EVENTS OF WATCH YOUR BACK CENTARES | MURACIE The original course of action, as proposed by the defected ISB Agent Ruswal, had a much more generous timeline. The bombing of the Imperial Embassy was...
  8. Auteme

    CHRONO 874 ABY - ISSUE 3

    Chrono | Free Alliance Coalition big thanks to Loske Treicolt for having a phone good enough to run prequel
  9. Hyper-Communications Cartel

    HCC News | Chancellor for life? Calls to extend Tithe's reign

  10. Julius Loghain

    Major Faction Crisis on Kuat | Aftermath | SGHW

    CRISIS ON KUAT: PART ONE AGE OF REBELLION #1 CRISIS ON KUAT: PART TWO AGE OF REBELLION #2 CRISIS ON KUAT AGE OF REBELLION vol. I Issue #1-2 After a coup d'etat years ago, Julius Loghain seized the throne of Kuat becoming a Lord Regent to lead the world until it stabilizes. However, this...
  11. Rika Hiro

    Character  Rika Hiro

  12. Bernard

    Faction  All Roads Lead to Tython | (NJO / All Jedi)

    TYTHONThe Settling of New Kaleth The war against the Brotherhood continues. Though it’s come to a tenuous lull in the tides of battle, the homes of countless were destroyed, and the lives of many more were lost and continue to be lost every day in the defence of the good, of life itself. It...
  13. Spirit of Prosperity

    Dominion  Revolving Fondor | GA Dominion of Fondor

    Fondor The Colonies Region A Second Great Hyperspace War Story The passage of the SILK Trade Route Act has opened up a new era of prosperity for the Southern Systems. Left defenceless and isolated with the sudden collapse of the Confederacy, planets now flock to the Galactic Alliance seeking...
  14. Akash Guul

    Major Faction Guide to Coruscant

  15. Hyper-Communications Cartel

    HCC News | Alliance: NIO forces 'insufficient' to invade Core

    inspo dont @ me NIO
  16. Spirit of Faith

    Dominion  Ophideraan The Schedule | GA Dominion of Ophideraan

    As the traces of the purple veil all but disappear, the Starbird's migration southward begins, bringing the rays of dawn to planets long ignored. A review of the archives has led to the rediscovery of the accounts of Master Skywalker’s time of Ophideraan, once controlled by slave masters. These...
  17. Yularen Nova

    Minor Faction There's a Halcyon in All of Us...

    Al Kurag Bey al Sel To Dare is to Do The Corellian Confederation is a Sub-Faction of the Galactic Alliance
  18. S

    Junction  CRISIS ON KUAT II | GA & NIO Junction of Korbin & Anzat

    CRISIS ON KUAT A Second Great Hyperspace War Story Julius Loghain, senator and despot of Kuat, has declared his government's independence from the Galactic Alliance and announced Kuat's secession from the Alliance. This act, motivated by a secret agreement between Loghain and Rurik Fel's...
  19. Spirit of Patience

    Major Faction SIA Handbook ft. The Marshals and Sector Rangers Compendium with Footnotes from The Rebel Alliance

    Index Overview Agents Task Force Xesh Contractors The Marshals and Sector Rangers Rebels [What's Next Mission File: MUND3T (Internal) Operation: INTO THE MAW (BOTM) Operation: IXION WAKES (Rebellion) OVERVIEW THE STRATEGIC INTELLIGENCE AGENCY The SIA is the military intelligence agency...
  20. Hyper-Communications Cartel

    HCC News | Elane, Champion of Kuat

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