Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Edward Vyperion

    Rate the concept(s) above you

    Rate the character concept above you and then say your concept behind the character you are posting as, or in my case, concepts. I'll start: Eddie was created with many things in mind: Warforged from Dungeons and Dragons, the Vyperion Assassin Droid model I made when I first joined, Sinbad from...
  2. A

    Oh Santa! I just can't wait for you to come and I've got...

    What would you give to Santa when he comes? (Basically finish the song) Ex: And I've got cookies, three yummy cookies My turn And I've got rocks, ten ugly rocks, just for you for when you come! Because it's Christmas! :D
  3. Ariella Garon

    Naughty or Nice

    As getting into the holiday spirit. Do you think the the person above you been naughty or nice?
  4. Audrey Thénardier

    Star Wars Theater

    Thanks to a lot of funny talks with some of the other members in reference to my character's name, I had a neat idea for this game. It's something you've likey seen before, where people often say if these characters were put in the roles of others from different movies or videogames, etc. I'll...
  5. P

    You wake up next to an angel

    (What would you say if you woke up next to an angel?) Am I dead?
  6. Darth Vulcanus

    Awkward E-Cards

    So, I had an idea for a game while I was lost in the vast jungle of memes from the war. During that mad wave of endless meme surfing I came across this site This game works by finding or creating an E-card that you think describes the character/writer above you in some capacity. Make sure to...
  7. Tathra Khaeus


    So, its back and better than ever. This is Mrk II kiddies. We've got a whole host of new options as you can see in the above title. Do enjoy, peasants.
  8. Cira

    If your character was an 80's song -- what would it be?!

    I am in a massive 80's fix... So... what 80's song makes you think of your char? xD
  9. Puta'Nium Theynyn

    Corellia, kriff yeah!

    This is a basic posting game where you post pictures of the biggest weapons and guns you can find.
  10. I

    Minecraft Server

    Hi guys, Really trying to get back into RP here at some point, but in the mean time I wanted to offer anyone a chance to play on my Minecraft Realms server that I have going. Why Realms? Because I have run my own server before and it was far too much work and I did not get as much enjoyment...
  11. Onrai

    500,000 post Portal Extravaganza

  12. Puta'Nium Theynyn

    Continue the story.

    This is a game where you write a sentence that continues on from the previous sentence. It is a story based around the main character, 'Bob'. You may type whatever you like but Bob may not die. Bob woke up.
  13. Puta'Nium Theynyn

    Creep out the person above.

    This is a posting game where you try to creep out or disturb the person above you. Pictures and GIF's are accepted. Have fun!
  14. Hadraas

    Different Strokes...

    For different characters, this is basically a personality evaluation. Give a short situation each post and the person below you has to describe how their character would try to handle it, be as outrageous and unrated as you want. In short: Post 1: Question1: Their answer Post 2: Post1's...
  15. Alexander Priest

    Star Wars RP's "Who would win in a fight?" thread

    Pretty self explanatory... you can however, pit anyone against anyone, no matter the fandom or character faction. I'll start with: Who would win in a fight between Darth Vulcanus and Sarge Pottegier at their prime?
  16. S

    The Models of SWRP

    This is the thread where you post your beauty shots. It goes for both girls and boys, and if you like what you see, be sure to say so! :D Here we go!
  17. S

    The Saddest And/Or The Most Beautiful Song You've Ever Heard

    So, all you do is post the saddest song you've ever heard. Or the most beautiful song. Or both. Anyway, here's mine:
  18. Coci Heavenshield

    What is your favourite word/s?

    We all have them! What are the word/s you love to say, the words that sound nice or aggressive or powerful .. whatever. Two rules: Keep it clean No swearing I shall start. Vagabound!
  19. Allyson Locke

    Caption The Pic

    Okay because I can't make sigs I want someone to give me a funny caption for this image for a sig have fun :D Tag me with your responses!
  20. Tefka

    What is my avatar saying?

    "I'm chiding you."
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