Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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giselle von ascania

  1. Miri Nimdok

    Private  Snapped and Plotted

    Secure apartment, Vonnuvi Seated at the kitchen table, Giselle worked on her embroidery with practiced hands. Even as her fingers pulled needle and thread through cloth, her gaze kept flicking toward the chrono, counting down the minutes until Corazona was due to arrive. The Duke of Alderaan...
  2. Miri Nimdok

    Private  An Ukatian and a (Dead) Hapan

    “Today is my birthday,” Giselle had announced that morning at breakfast, her hands neatly folded in her lap. “I would like to go shopping.” That was what led her to the Vonnuvi marketplace, and eventually to the street vendor selling trinkets. Nothing else had caught her eye—the fashions were...
  3. A

    The Fisher King, Part II

    Part I can be read here. Albrecht would have followed the fleeing figure, had the heart monitor not blared an alarm. The king had flatlined. “Get help!” he exclaimed. While Giselle ran off to do as he bid, he pulled back the blankets covering King Horace. There was no blood nor any visible...
  4. A

    The Fisher King, Part I

    Refugee Camp Thesh, Ukatis It was late when Albrecht finally sat down to dinner. The crowd had thinned by then, leaving a few empty chairs at the foldout tables in the mess. He grabbed a foil-wrapped ration and took a seat. The ration had a smell reminiscent of dog food and a freeze-dried...
  5. Sycorax Laveaux

    Private  Albatross

    From her starship in orbit around Ukatis, Sycorax viewed the trail of destruction the Mandalorians had left behind. The planetary capital, Axilla, had been all but annihilated by bombs, but the countryside had been left relatively untouched. The von Ascanias, one of the more prominent noble...
  6. Miri Nimdok

    Character  Giselle von Ascania

    SOCIETAL Name: Giselle von Ascania Titles: Lady of Rungholt Profession: Senator of Ukatis Homeworld: Ukatis Faction: Galactic Alliance Force Sensitivity: No APPEARANCE Race: Ukatian Human Age: Young Adult Sex: Female Height: 5"4' Build: Overweight Hair Color: Brown...
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