Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Gray Raxis

    Auction  A GrayDust Auction Weekend #1

    Gray Raxis & Stardust Auction #1 Gray Raxis and [member="Stardust"] are proud to bring you our first personal profit auction! All materials have been gathered by the both of us and are up for sale in lots to be bid upon by any and all willing and able to make offers! Fine Naboo Red wine will...
  2. Gray Raxis

    Phrik This Deal! (PM to join)

    Gray had been a little busy lately and it had sadly skipped his mind to send his friend @Metreya the coordinates to the SocMin Fed phrik mine in the Roche Asteroid belt. He had been reminded about it recently though and so took care of getting everything set up before he sent the coordinates to...
  3. Gray Raxis

    Young Blood, Old Hand

    Gray had been approached by a member of House Mereel. He had been promoted to Rally Master by the United Clans, and it seems this allowed him to get his own set of iron skin made just for him. He had heard that term before from his father. It was one of the ways that Mandalorians referred to...
  4. Gray Raxis

    Hard Work is Cortosis

    Gray had recently obtained a mine on Bel'demnic from the local upper caste of the Kon'me people native to Bal'demnic. The planet was remaining neutral as ever, so it had been a bit rough getting it from them. They had thankfully agreed though, so everything was going smoothly now. Or at least it...
  5. Gray Raxis

    Pirates, Phrik them!

    Gray was tracking down a pirate ship that had made an attack in the Bastion system on a phrik shipment. He had heard about it from some local traders who had heard about it from one of the survivors. They also mentioned how small the pirate crew and ship involved in this attack was. They were a...
  6. Gray Raxis

    Water is Cortosis to Life

    Objective: Gain rights to the Cortosis mine Post: 1 Alliy: [member="Lady Kay"] Gray stood by his ship waiting on Lady Kay to show up while he was docked at the home headquarters for Justice Shipping. He was wearing his ranger armor with his blaster pistol strapped to his right leg as it always...
  7. Gray Raxis

    Beginning and Ending, A Circle is Made

    Gray landed his ship at [member="Stardust"] home on Naboo, although it had honestly also become his home as well. He had spent so much time there that he practically lived there with her. He even had stuff here at her place like clothes and credits and other items of value. It was a mystery why...
  8. Gray Raxis

    Everything's Kay

    Gray was waiting around the hanger of the Justice Shipping headquarters on Socorro. He had sent a message to [member="Lady Kay"] to meet him there. He was wanting to meet the delightful woman for several reasons. She was the new Minister of Diplomacy for the Free Colonies. She was the sister of...
  9. Gray Raxis

    Phrik You, It's Mine! (Justice Shipping, PM to join)

    Location: Roche asteroid belt Objective: Investigate the mystery mine There was a rumor spreading around the markets of Roche about phrik being available on the black market. The asteroid belt in the system was well known as a source for the highly useful material, so it was no surprise to...
  10. Gray Raxis

    About That Bounty Captain

    Gray had come across an interesting bounty while idly looking through the bounty board one day. There was a bounty for [member="Captain Larraq"] being posted by someone he didn't know. They mentioned something about him being fated to father her children for her clan. This definitely got his...
  11. Gray Raxis

    The Gray Master

    Gray had heard about a temple on Alderaan, a force temple. He had been doing some digging about force related things ever since he had found out he was force sensitive. He knew his father's family had come from the planet before heading into Mandalorian space and the fact the force sensitivity...
  12. Gray Raxis

    Gray and Dark Blue

    Gray had gone out hunting down parts for a light saber ever since he got his crystal off of Lothal. He had wanted to make the best one he could even if it was his first time making a light saber. The crystal he had found was around his neck in a small leather pouch hung there from a string. He...
  13. Gray Raxis

    And Suddenlly Cortosis

    Gray was enjoying himself as he sat in the co-pilot seat of [member="Stardust"] ship. She was flying it as usual, because he had a very consistent pattern of crashing every ship he put his hands on the controls of. The best he could do was put in nav coordinates, which was something he was...
  14. Gray Raxis

    A Furry Gray Time

    Gray needed to learn more about the force from someone other than Star. She was a wonderful teacher, an amazing woman, and the love of his life, but there was only so much you could learn from a single person. He didn't know but two force masters. One was Star and the other was the healer who...
  15. Gray Raxis

    A Family Thing

    Gray had gone around and collected himself some crystals usable in lightsabers. He needed to get one put together but didn't know a thing about how to put them together. He didn't know what all parts were needed, where they went in side of it, or even what the different parts would do. He was a...
  16. Gray Raxis

    A Gray Return

    Gray was waiting at the counter of a local bar on Coruscant. He was wearing his armor with his duster over it to help keep people from freaking out so much at seeing an armored man. His blaster pistol was strapped to his right leg and his infantry rifle was leaning against the counter next to...
  17. Gray Raxis

    How to Train with a Dragon

    Gray was back on Naboo for the....he couldn't even remember what number he was on. He had lost count a long time ago. He had come here so many times for so many different ever since he had met Star. Her cottage was a nice place to be though. It was well built, well cared for, decorated...
  18. Gray Raxis

    A Star Shines upon the Kat

    Gray sat in his cargo hold cross legged. His eyes were shut and his head tilted down while his arms rested on his legs. He looked like a man who had fallen asleep, but he wasn't. He was feeling the force like he had been taught by his master and lover [member="Stardust"] . He needed to train to...
  19. Gray Raxis

    The Dragon Lady and Gray

    Gray was prepping himself for what lay ahead. He had hunted down a krayt dragon on Tatooine once before, and after telling [member="Stardust"] about it she wanted to go as well. He knew he couldn't tell her no, she knew he couldn't tell her no. She wanted to go get some leather to make herself...
  20. Gray Raxis

    #Team GrayDust

    Gray was dressed up in his gray collared, button-up shirt with a dark blue vest over it and gray slacks the same color as his shirt. He was wearing his leather boots and leather duster as he walked up to [member="stardust"] house on Naboo. He had shown up to her house uninvited, well not...
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