Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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great houses of alderaan

  1. Alicio Organa

    Approved Armor  The Masque of Alicio Organa

    SPECIAL FEATURES Force-imbued songsteel Internal rebreather/respirator (30 minutes of air). Easily adapted to vacuum. Encrypted internal commlink Slight Voice Modulator/Amplifier STRENGTHS Force Imbuement: When it was forged, Alicio Organa tuned this helmet to his signature in the Force...
  2. Alicio Organa

    Approved Location  Sanctuary City, Alderaan

    "True strength is being crushed underfoot, and finding the will to stand again." - Alicio Organa OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To finally codify an important refugee city on Alderaan. Image Credit: Cross Fate city concept by Adam Varga Shan Sui City 1 by MAD Architects Spaceport City...
  3. Alicio Organa

    Approved NPC  Abzu Honor Guard

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create a squad of elite warriors to accompany members of House Organa into dangerous situations, and to give positive consequence to a series of threads in Alicio's past. Image Credit "Blue and Gold Beautiful Art Deco Woman" by DakotaInspired "Cyborg...
  4. Alicio Organa

    Work In Progress  Abzu Honor Guard

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create a squad of elite warriors to accompany members of House Organa into dangerous situations, and to give positive consequence to a series of threads in Alicio's past. Image Credit "Blue and Gold Beautiful Art Deco Woman" by DakotaInspired "Cyborg...
  5. Alicio Organa

    Faction  The Beating Heart | Succession on Alderaan {GA, Alderaanians & Guests}

    Aldera, Alderaan Ballroom of the Royal Palace The royal family of Alderaan was gone. The Council could avoid that hard truth no longer. Queen Faith Organa had been a good leader, kind and just and passionate towards her people, all people. Her, and her King, Draco Vereen , had kept the Heart...
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