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The vital information about The Elysium Empire, in one place! Special thanks to Kainan Wolfe and Ingrid L'lerim, the original users of this template/layout, as seen in The Eternal Empire.
01. OOC Information
02. Government
03. Culture
04. Ground Warfare Doctrine
05. Space Warfare Doctrine
The Crusader's Handbook
A Traveler's Guide to Ashlan Space
Welcome to the Ashlan Crusade! This comprehensive guide will help you explore the lore of the Crusade, as well as act as a method of finding your own place within Ashlan Space. Here you will find information about our beliefs, ranks...
-Gospel of the Hidden Maw
Galaxy At War
The Brotherhood of the Maw wages war across the galaxy, crumbling nations and their peoples under the oppressive weight of the Dark Side of the Force and the Dark Three, Avatars of the Bogan that serve as the idols of unholy...
"Got anything to eat?" | Galactic Guide to Open Market Consumables
Are you dying for some good grub? Need a cheap meal? Got the munchies? Yeah, me too.
I often need food and such for my characters and posts, and sometimes I go to Wookieepedia to get my fix, but that stuff is centuries old...
If you're like me, you get paranoid about whether you got your due and proper ucks.
If you're like a nameless friend of mine, UCs are boring and you wish you didn't get notifications about the UCs you earn by posting.
Whichever you are, just go to Preferences and check or uncheck 'You trigger...
Greetings Confederates! Or should I say Ascendants!
With the transition to minor, there have been many questions about what we would look like moving forward. Staff has been busy streamlining our structure and nailing down exactly what the future will look like for the faction. Now that our...
Originally crafted by Ashin Cardé Varanin who gets most credit as they did the research and work. I just touched it up with the new entries that have come to the wookiee but as a means to help facilitate a few of the more outlandish capabilities of crystals or balance them for submission...
A Brief Guide to the Silver Jedi Concord
Introduction: The Silver Jedi Concord is the latest iteration of the governments that have worked alongside the Silver Jedi Order since its founding dozens of years ago. While the Silver Jedi Order has worked alongside local governments for years, this...
Arden stood in the briefing room on Silver Rest as he received information on the latest assignment. This was more so a volunteer basis than anything as there were many people whom had left the order on their own terms. Given the circumstances and what he had learned about this individual he...
Character Creation Guide
Just joined the Crusade, but unsure of where your character will fit? This guide should help get you started! Below is a list of potential angles for you to approach your character's story within the Crusade. Keep in mind, these are only guidelines and ideas. There's a...
Hello, Chaos! Welcome back to the advertising campaign for the Rimward Trade League! We just celebrated one year of existence and activity, so let’s reintroduce ourselves as we continue to grow and develop!
We are currently a minor faction operating in the Outer Rim Territories...
As part of a small project the crystal guide created by Ashin Cardé Varanin has been getting redone to help with the newest generations of the factory and in the spirit of chaos. We want to try and incorporate and highlight your works. If you have made a custom lightsaber crystals others could...
The Silver Jedi Concord is home to many different types of writers who are united under a single faction. The most notable being, of course, Jedi but they are by no means the only type of character welcome in the Concord and not all are Force sensitive.
The Concord is home to the Silver Jedi...
Orbit of Bothawui
GUIDE HQ: Beacon of Broadcast
Heart Line Hyperlane Project Flotilla
CIS Obsidian Knights | Isaiah Dashiell | Loske Treicolt | Hazel Scheler | Rann Thress
"My name is Magdalena Lethe and I am the Founder of GUIDE. I would like to personally thank you all...
Broken Ass Fantasy Style Castle with a Waterfall Down the Front (Per Darth Metus )
Obsidian Knights Outpost
This...was not what she was expecting. Not in Confederacy space. Not for a group of warriors as infamous as the Obsidian Knights.
Where she had expected a fortress rising to spear...
Approaching L'Enfer
Orbit of Illyria
Aboard the Magesteria
"Why do I feel like we're going backwards?"
Seated in the pilot's chair of the Magesteria, Magdalena watched with some deflation as the beautiful planet slowly grew to fill the windowscape.
["Is something wrong?"]
Atheema, her...
The Mandalorians:
A beginner's guide to Culture, Roleplay, And Chaos canon
I've seen a lot of new people interested in Mandalorians recently. Many of them ask questions but are turned off by the seemingly complex nature of Mandalorian lore, Both Canon and Legends, Or they just don't know where...
Aboard the Beacon of Broadcast
One week following the Silver Jedi Order Springtime Prom
The Heartline Project was at a standstill, which came as both a boon and a source of major concern for the Founder of GUIDE. Given the roadblock on the very first leg of their mission, Magda couldn't help...
We at the Galactic United Information Database Enclave [GUIDE] are in search of Pilots and Captains with an adventurous spirit, a willingness to...
Refuel Station E-Beta
Kamino System
Aboard the Nova 235
The Heartline Project: GUIDE's slow return into the spotlight. A great, rallying cry followed Magda's press conference announcing the commencement of The Heartline Hyperlane. Garnering not just local media, but galactic-spanning attention...